wingsandgills Member


  • Thus far I've lost 89 lb on keto, in just over a year. That included cheat days like my life was ending from Thanksgiving through Christmas. What you need to be doing with keto is staying under your carb limit, meeting your protein minimum, and eating enough fat to not be hungry. You do NOT need to eat all the fat the…
  • I think people misunderstood the intent of your message. Of course both men and women are like that--we don't usually have a checklist of concrete attributes we want. This is definitely another good reason not to just ask a general group of people what they look for. Vague categories like "attractive" or "we need something…
  • Thank you for this. There are a lot of things that bother me working in retail but having someone flirt is in the top 3 along with people saying things just to hurt my feelings (rather than complaining/constructive criticism, just being malicious.) I hope they just don't realize I'm being nice to them because it's my job,…
  • Look, women don't ALL want X-feature in a potential partner. So asking what women want is silly not because we don't know, but because WE ARE MANY AND VARIED and what I want is not what the next lady will want. Don't ask a sample of women what women want in a partner, but do everything else the legendary dude and at least…
  • Not everyone starts dropping weight immediately on keto. Then, some who do will stall for weeks and weeks after that initial drop. My tips are thus: start tracking your food on MFP. Measure and weigh that food before you eat it. You don't have to do this forever, but do it long enough that you know what you're really…
  • The explanation that made most sense to me about gaining weight after starting a cardio regimen was that new exercise causes some inflammation, since you're not accustomed to that exercise. Inflammation = water retention = weight "gain." IMO most of the people who come to the forums panicked about gaining are secretly…
  • Caffeine gives me heart palpitations. Anything over, like, 16 oz of coffee in the day. The palpitations occur after I lay down for bed. Also prior to a major surgery I had heart palpitations all day long for weeks before the surgery. I attributed it to overdoing it on energy drinks, subsequently going cold turkey on…
  • Def get a second opinion. A doctor might recommend a very low calorie diet with supervision if you have a lot to lose or special medical needs, but the big red flag for me is him not allowing for day-to-day variations. If you have any doubts, see a different doctor in a different practice.
  • It is very sad that there are so many misconceptions about overweight folks. No one is in a position to negatively judge another person. We don't know what's going on in others' lives. How to deal with it, though? Since most of these people are strangers, my best advice is to focus on approving of and liking yourself…
  • Ditch the boyfriend now and stop forgiving him for his outbursts--he NEVER changes, only gets worse, and you find someone amazing later. Everything your dad has told you about how you're genetically predisposed to be fat and bad at the things he's bad at is bull****. Seek therapy for your depression, because you deserve to…
  • There is no way to remove fat from a specific area of the body. You can work muscle groups but you can't just get fat off of one spot. It's an all-over sort of thing. Save your money and do ab crunches every other day. ;P
  • There are many folks who lose weight successfully without counting calories. It's all about what works for you. I need the structure and tracking calories throughout the day really helps! But to others it'll feel tedious and taxing. There is no one single right way, and you simply have to do what feels right! Weight…
  • Yeah, I'm sorry. I did what I just criticised others for doing and went off at the mouth without researching. I've heard mixed reviews about Dukan and don't know a whole lot about it. =s (kind of embarrassed.) BUT I hate hearing people slam ketogenic diets because they can be seriously great for some people! So I got all…
  • The way eating a low carb diet (people generally do under 50, sometimes under 20, but even under 100 can work depending on your body) helps with weight loss is it puts your body into ketosis. In ketosis, your body will aggressively burn bodyfat (and dietary fat) for energy. The process creates "ketones" that your body can…
  • Carbs themselves aren't bad. In fact, we can't really live healthfully without some level of carbs in our diet. But when HFCS, corn syrup, dextrose, and other sugars are mixed into every food you eat (for preservative, flavor or taste masking purposes - sugar is versatile) then you end up eating way too many…
  • Phew! I love reading everyone's feel-good responses. Kind of inspiring! I do my best to focus most of the day, every day, on positive thoughts, because I haven't always been able to access them in my life. Even reading this thread, weird as it is, puts me in a good mood. I guess this thread is to me as a food blog is to a…
  • Glad I saw this! Gonna be honest, I blame the food industry. When legislators push to have a tablespoon of tomato paste count as a serving of vegetables, and the corn farmers' association advertising that HFCS is just like any other sugar, I know who's convincing America to just shut up and eat. >[
  • I think my heart seized a little reading this thread... ;P
  • When you "looked like crap" the company you kept might have been happy with you in your state. You probably seemed totally harmless. No threat posed. And people who looked better than you probably liked you around, because it made them feel better about themselves. Now you're stepping way outside the lines. You're not just…
  • OP, I think you need to have a serious conversation with some of your family/friends about respect. Just because you're thin does not mean you're healthy or fit, and everyone likes to make a point of that. My dad, who is overweight, used to tell that to chubby little kid me all the time. ;P So your family/friends should be…
  • I hear you, OP. When I focused on weight loss for the purpose of being thin, I often did not hold strong when the pressure was on. I would be starving and want to go to the Chinese buffet or something, and I'd say, "F*** it, I can be fat. I have a good life anyway." Obviously I didn't feel like that in the end, 'cause as…
  • You're welcome! This was kind of my goal! We can let our happiness slip out of grasp without even realizing it until we're totally overwhelmed. Definitely journal it. Hey, even try to do something, no matter how small, to make yourself feel good today! The point is that your happiness is most important! =D
  • I have been in your shoes, OP. When I lived with my family, it was always tense, because I was so depressed and so easily provoked. Right now, your thoughts are stuck in the negative. You see things as having already gone bad and having already failed. You DON'T have to think this way. If you are able, I recommend getting…
  • My major piece of advice to you is to NEVER AGAIN say, "I just can not do it." Negative thought patterns WILL start to change how you see the world and yourself! Try to figure out what's holding you back. Are you very tired in the morning, and it's hard to get up? Maybe your mornings are incredibly hectic? Try to figure…
  • I sent you a friend request/message, but here's a reply to your post... If you've already lost 8 pounds of your goal of 20 so far (40% of your goal already!!), then I think you might have to accept a slower rate of weight loss. That's because the more you have to lose, the faster you lose, and the less you have to lose,…
  • Wonderful and motivating statement OP! Everyone on these forums should read this... like, 3 times a day! =D
  • Because I've been pretty sedentary for months (only exercise is walking to campus a few times a week) my knees make weird crackling noises and sometimes hurt when I bend them. I've found that gently exercising them in the form of squats and other knee-bending exercises actually makes the pain and crackling go away! Like,…