


  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    I had this over a year ago. I started a diet in January last year, after the xmas binge, wasn't being too serious about it though. Palpitations suddenly started out of the blue. It's what shocked me in to getting really serious about losing weight. I had the full battery of tests done. EKG, Ultrasound, wore a heart monitor for a week, Blood tests, MRI and Transoesophageal Cardiogram (NOT pleasant!!).

    End result....nothing wrong with the heart apparently.

    It was only at the last consultaion with the Senior Cardiologist that we discussed other possible causes (other than caffeine and stress). Quite a few everyday things can trigger palpitations apparently. The thing that the doctor thought was happening in my case, was fatty liver disease. He basically told me to lose weight! :laugh:

    He also mentioned Dark Chocolate, Vitamin D supplements, not enough Magnesium, too much magnesium and lack of vitamin B's :laugh: as being possible causes

    The one which surprised me most, was a ragweed allergy. Apparently exposure to ragweed can cause palpitations in people who are sensitive. Nobody told me that Stevia was a member of the ragweed family. Of course I had started using a sugar substutute as soon as I started trying to lose weight :ohwell:

    The doctor basically told me to cut out the Vitamin D drops that I had been taking over the winter, start taking Magnesium and Vitamin B complex and drop the Stevia.

    I also got some rescue remedy spray just to calm my nerves a bit, because I was stressing out, being hyper aware of every little twitch of my heart and worrying myself into an early grave.

    Touch wood, I'm OK now. I've lost nearly 80lbs. Currently training for my 1st Triathlon. I still worry every time I get a weird feeling in my chest. Even if it's just gas :laugh: , but so far, palpitation free for over 6 months now :drinker:
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    So I have a general question because I just recently began experiencing some chest pressure. It started on Friday. I felt my heart flutter and then it began to beat pretty fast. I'm not sure why, I have no health issues or stress but the pressure stayed with me until I went to sleep. I didn't work out that day as usual because of the pressure. The next morning (Saturday) I was fine, so I did an 80 minute circuit workout and walked 5.35 miles later on in the day. Sunday, started out okay I did an early morning walk (5 miles) however the pressure feeling came back and stayed with me and is still here. I work at a hospital so I decided to go to the ER to be checked out. Everything came back fine, EKG, Chest X-ray, Blood, etc. The physician let me know she's waiting to see what my thyroid says but that everything else looked fine and released me.

    I am trying not to think about it, however I still feel the pressure. When I asked my physician about it, she said it could be stress. I don't know what is wrong. I'm thinking it might be a good idea to take a break from exercise for awhile. Perhaps I am over doing it.

    Anyone go through anything similar or have any advice?

    I'd really appreciate it... thanks.

    Hi, I get something like this. It feels like my heart is skipping a beat, literally like my heart stops beating for a second, then followed by a fluttering or racing heart beat for a minute or so. I've had it for years and was always told not to worry. then one day, it started and lasted for 2 solid days, so My GP sent me to a consultant who got me to wear a portable ECG for 24 hours. I was diagnosed with an ectopic ventricular heartbeat. Basically, this means that one chamber tries to pump before the next chamber is ready to receive the blood. It's harmless, just really frigging annoying.

    If it is an evh, it won't necessarily show up on an regular ECG because it is intermittent.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Nothing on this forum is going to replace medical care or a doctor's advice, but I'm with the other poster that mentioned anxiety.

    I had an anxiety attack before that lasted for like an hour and a half. My chest was tight and heart was beating so hard I could see it move my bra under my shirt. It was horrible and there was nothing I could do about it but wait to calm down and let it pass. I felt like it would never end, but it did. :P I have anxiety attacks very rarely, but they do run in my family. My mother had them and sister has them sometimes.

    Usually it only happens when I'm sleep deprived and stressed out or worried about stuff I have no control over. Regular sleep, hydration, daily magnesium, multi-vitamin, and regular medical care with my GP (so I know it's not an actual blood pressure or heart problem), keeps it from happening. But, I'm still a worrier and think too much. ;)

    You might not be worried about losing your job or paying your bills, but over-exercising (if that's the case) is a form of stress, too.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member

    Hi, I get something like this. It feels like my heart is skipping a beat, literally like my heart stops beating for a second, then followed by a fluttering or racing heart beat for a minute or so. I've had it for years and was always told not to worry. then one day, it started and lasted for 2 solid days, so My GP sent me to a consultant who got me to wear a portable ECG for 24 hours. I was diagnosed with an ectopic ventricular heartbeat. Basically, this means that one chamber tries to pump before the next chamber is ready to receive the blood. It's harmless, just really frigging annoying.

    If it is an evh, it won't necessarily show up on an regular ECG because it is intermittent.

    i also recently was diagnosed with ectopic ventricular heartbeat. After all the tests, my consultant told me mine was caused by a virus slightly scarring my heart that caused part of it to beat when it shouldn't - and although scary and annoying, I am fine. I suffer a lot from costochondritus (inflammation of the rib cage) and this is the prime suspect. The best thing though that my consultant said was that if I had turned up at A&E with this BEFORE i had lost 4 stone, I would have probably been told to lose weight - seeing I had already done so before this started, they looked into it a bit more!!

    Worrying about it just makes it worse - I have 2% scarring - apparently you can have up to 40% scarring and still be absolutely fine. I just have to remember that when the darned thing starts skipping and pounding.

    I am sure if you have also had the tests, you are also OK. I know its weird and scary when our hearts start playing up, its our HEARTS for gods sake - but take a few deep breaths and remember what the docs said and carry on :)
  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    I have noticed that this week i have been having palpations, i have been taking cod liver oil tablets for a few weeks and noticed that another poster has wrote that this can be the cause of fish oil, i am wondering if mine is due to that, i have had a bit of stress recently, so not sure of the cause ,
  • TheLoneMarmot
    TheLoneMarmot Posts: 43 Member
    If it helps, I've had the problem when taking fish oil and having stress, and just when taking fish oil.

    In both situations stopping the fish oil stopped the palpitations.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member

    Hi, I get something like this. It feels like my heart is skipping a beat, literally like my heart stops beating for a second, then followed by a fluttering or racing heart beat for a minute or so. I've had it for years and was always told not to worry. then one day, it started and lasted for 2 solid days, so My GP sent me to a consultant who got me to wear a portable ECG for 24 hours. I was diagnosed with an ectopic ventricular heartbeat. Basically, this means that one chamber tries to pump before the next chamber is ready to receive the blood. It's harmless, just really frigging annoying.

    If it is an evh, it won't necessarily show up on an regular ECG because it is intermittent.

    i also recently was diagnosed with ectopic ventricular heartbeat. After all the tests, my consultant told me mine was caused by a virus slightly scarring my heart that caused part of it to beat when it shouldn't - and although scary and annoying, I am fine. I suffer a lot from costochondritus (inflammation of the rib cage) and this is the prime suspect. The best thing though that my consultant said was that if I had turned up at A&E with this BEFORE i had lost 4 stone, I would have probably been told to lose weight - seeing I had already done so before this started, they looked into it a bit more!!

    Worrying about it just makes it worse - I have 2% scarring - apparently you can have up to 40% scarring and still be absolutely fine. I just have to remember that when the darned thing starts skipping and pounding.

    I am sure if you have also had the tests, you are also OK. I know its weird and scary when our hearts start playing up, its our HEARTS for gods sake - but take a few deep breaths and remember what the docs said and carry on :)

    The consultant never mentioned anything to me about causes like that! Yikes lol It happens rarely enough that I don't really worry, and somehow having a name for it makes it less scary. Interesting to know it may have been caused by a virus, though. I've always assumed it was the massive toxic abuse my body has taken over the years.
  • RangiRose
    I had this over a year ago. I started a diet in January last year, after the xmas binge, wasn't being too serious about it though. Palpitations suddenly started out of the blue. It's what shocked me in to getting really serious about losing weight. I had the full battery of tests done. EKG, Ultrasound, wore a heart monitor for a week, Blood tests, MRI and Transoesophageal Cardiogram (NOT pleasant!!).

    End result....nothing wrong with the heart apparently.

    It was only at the last consultaion with the Senior Cardiologist that we discussed other possible causes (other than caffeine and stress). Quite a few everyday things can trigger palpitations apparently. The thing that the doctor thought was happening in my case, was fatty liver disease. He basically told me to lose weight! :laugh:

    He also mentioned Dark Chocolate, Vitamin D supplements, not enough Magnesium, too much magnesium and lack of vitamin B's :laugh: as being possible causes

    The one which surprised me most, was a ragweed allergy. Apparently exposure to ragweed can cause palpitations in people who are sensitive. Nobody told me that Stevia was a member of the ragweed family. Of course I had started using a sugar substutute as soon as I started trying to lose weight :ohwell:

    The doctor basically told me to cut out the Vitamin D drops that I had been taking over the winter, start taking Magnesium and Vitamin B complex and drop the Stevia.

    I also got some rescue remedy spray just to calm my nerves a bit, because I was stressing out, being hyper aware of every little twitch of my heart and worrying myself into an early grave.

    Touch wood, I'm OK now. I've lost nearly 80lbs. Currently training for my 1st Triathlon. I still worry every time I get a weird feeling in my chest. Even if it's just gas :laugh: , but so far, palpitation free for over 6 months now :drinker:

    I've started using stevia and find i get a bit dizzy- i had no idea.-thanks for the info :smile:
    .Im taking a drug (small dose) to control palp's lucky for me i never faint and feel normal during episodes except for hearing my heart race. Im booked to see a specailist as I want better answers than my doc hands out.

    Im also feeling hyper-sensitive as my heart still isn't fully settled,may try the rescue remedy,and drop stevia (pity,I liked it!)
  • RangiRose
    I remember having palpitations of the heart and also a racing heart when I suffered with severe depression. The damn thing used to jump around like a monkey in a sack. Which just made me more frightened and anxious....

    My (untested) explanation is that it was due to the excess adrenaline hanging around. When I got better - it stopped. Not my heart - the palpitations. Just wanted to clear that up.

    :laugh: -:heart::laugh: -glad your ticker is still ticking ...
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    Such useful information here... Thanks everyone!

    So just a quick update.

    The chest pressure is gone, however I still feel weird little jumps... no pain or pressure, which is a great relief.

    I'm taking a coffee break and miss it terribly. I've also upped my water intake. Pure water this time, with no crystal light packets:smile:

    Someone mentioned that I may need a stress test. I never get these feelings when working out or afterward, so I'm curious to see what this test will show. It's the only one I haven't had done.

    I have an appointment with my physician on Thursday of next week.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Did they check your electrolytes? My friend had this happen to her and learned she was dehydrated and low on potassium. Might be something to look into.

    I was reading all the posts and glad to see I'm not the only one with SVT. I take a low dose medication for it now. Didn't want to do the medication at all but decided I didn't want to risk another episode if I happened to be riding my bike alone on one of our wonderful bike trails. :ohwell:
  • wingsandgills
    wingsandgills Posts: 48 Member
    Caffeine gives me heart palpitations. Anything over, like, 16 oz of coffee in the day. The palpitations occur after I lay down for bed. Also prior to a major surgery I had heart palpitations all day long for weeks before the surgery. I attributed it to overdoing it on energy drinks, subsequently going cold turkey on caffeine (can also cause palpitations), and/or pre-op anxiety. Anxiety can cause heart palpitations.

    The reason your doctor doesn't seem concerned is because they're harmless, and if your blood pressure and cholesterol look fine she probably ruled out the only possible conditions that might cause it. Still, monitor when they happen, what you're doing when they happen, and how frequently they happen. You might be able to find a clear correlation with some other behavior and can bring that up with your doctor.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I have them and take medicine for them, kind of. It's the same medicine I already take to prevent migraines; the doc just upped it a bit. I still have them during my period (but not all month like I did), so apparently there's a hormonal part to it for me? Same with my migraines.

    If your blood pressure is low you can get them. I was at the ER for that a while ago (because the drop in blood pressure totally freaked me out and made me feel so strange!). I had low BP due to a virus I had, and I had palpitations the whole time there, all hooked up to the monitors. Mine are harmless.

    If your BP is low and you have them, I know Gatorade helped me (but I also had a virus). You might try it -- won't hurt :)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    So I have a general question because I just recently began experiencing some chest pressure. It started on Friday. I felt my heart flutter and then it began to beat pretty fast. I'm not sure why, I have no health issues or stress but the pressure stayed with me until I went to sleep. I didn't work out that day as usual because of the pressure. The next morning (Saturday) I was fine, so I did an 80 minute circuit workout and walked 5.35 miles later on in the day. Sunday, started out okay I did an early morning walk (5 miles) however the pressure feeling came back and stayed with me and is still here. I work at a hospital so I decided to go to the ER to be checked out. Everything came back fine, EKG, Chest X-ray, Blood, etc. The physician let me know she's waiting to see what my thyroid says but that everything else looked fine and released me.

    I am trying not to think about it, however I still feel the pressure. When I asked my physician about it, she said it could be stress. I don't know what is wrong. I'm thinking it might be a good idea to take a break from exercise for awhile. Perhaps I am over doing it.

    Anyone go through anything similar or have any advice?

    I'd really appreciate it... thanks.

    Hi, I get something like this. It feels like my heart is skipping a beat, literally like my heart stops beating for a second, then followed by a fluttering or racing heart beat for a minute or so. I've had it for years and was always told not to worry. then one day, it started and lasted for 2 solid days, so My GP sent me to a consultant who got me to wear a portable ECG for 24 hours. I was diagnosed with an ectopic ventricular heartbeat. Basically, this means that one chamber tries to pump before the next chamber is ready to receive the blood. It's harmless, just really frigging annoying.

    If it is an evh, it won't necessarily show up on an regular ECG because it is intermittent.

    When I get into a spell of this, I cough. Try it. It compresses the heart and seems to settle things down. :smile:
  • TaraLe33
    TaraLe33 Posts: 3 Member
    I am very glad you went to the doctor, because at the end of the day, no matter what we say, this is nothing to mess around with. I have a Premature Ventricular Contraction. Sounds like a lot of people here have something similar. My heart gets off rythmn and delays its beat for a second to get back on track. It can be dangerous unless your heart is nice and strong and moves a good amount of blood with each beat. But it is VERY uncomfortable when it happens.

    Here is my point...Mine gets much worse when I am stressed. Practically non-existent when I am not. Another thing, I am a therapist, and what you might be experiencing is stress attacks. This is also a description of a panic attack. And contrary to popular belief you don't have to be in a stressful or upsetting situation to have one. If your doctor doesn't find anything wrong with your heart, I would suggest talking to him about the possibility that it might be panic.

    last thing... honey, maybe you should ease up on the work out. Sounds like you do an extreme amount of work...might be having a negative effect on your body. Remember moderation... God Bless.
  • SkaterGirl704
    SkaterGirl704 Posts: 37 Member
    How can walking cause heart palpitations or pressure?
    Maybe you are taking in too much caffene. Maybe you drink lots of green tea, coffee, or caffene drinks.
    I don't know what your diet is like. Walking is not much of exercise, and does not get your heart rate up, intense cardio does.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Did they check your electrolytes? My friend had this happen to her and learned she was dehydrated and low on potassium. Might be something to look into.

    that happened to me twice. once about 15 years ago, my blood pressure dropped dangerously low & all my muscles involuntarily cramped up on me. It was a very distinct & scary feeling. (i've had little flutters & panic attacks before. this feels different)

    never had a problem again til yesterday, i immediately guzzled some gatorade & assumed the "oh sh/t i'm about to pass out any second" position on the couch with my head cradled between my knees. no muscle cramping this time & i recovered much faster, but the rapid heartbeat with palpitations was present.
  • Maureen214
    Maureen214 Posts: 40 Member
    I've had lots of heAlth issues in only 45 years and most f them odd or not related. I had a ten pound tumor in my abdomen that was cancer 10 years ago and surgically removed. I didn't need chemo if radiation and if was only found because I had a pulmonary embollism after a broken ankle surgery!! I was on blood thinners fir a while then went off because the cancer was gone and all the tests came back negative fir clotting disorders. Anyway, / years ago I suddenly had two blood vessels burst and my body filled with blood flits so I'm on blood thinners for Life now. The doctors thought my cancer was back but found a benign tumor on the outside if my esophagus. I have also had reflux for years and difficulty swallowing that feels like a chest tightening. Sometimes working out, bending over, drinking something cold, and or anxiety can add to this. Three times I've gone to the ER cause the tightening was so severe. All of those things could be the reason, but this benign tumor could have been here addi g to it for years also. I take an anti anxiety medicine like clonazapam when I feel it coming on and try to relax.
    I hope you find the route of your chest tightening soon.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Low potassium, and or magnesium can also cause palpitations. Make sure you're getting enough.
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    Low potassium, and or magnesium can also cause palpitations. Make sure you're getting enough.

    How much potassium & magnesium per day?