

  • you do realize coffee has very little calories if any
  • Ok Yall I am back... BOY AM I GLAD TO BE WORKING OUT AGAIN. bronchitis is not all the way gone but I can do more than i could before. I see we have a bunch of new people for the next month. What do you all want to do next month? this is what I was thinking10 minute free runAdvanced step twicestrength training (our goal…
  • CONGRATS!!!! Does it say something else other than OH?!?!? I am still obese and have 80 lbs to get to overweight so all i hear is Oh
  • :happy: It's hard to eat another 1000 calories. I have tried to consume all my calories and by the end of the day I feel like pukin I ate so much. :ohwell: i will have to try eating more often. Thanks for your input!
  • I have bene wondering this because when I work out and eat, what I think, quite alot I have over 1000 deficit. does anyone know how much is too much and makes the body go into starvation mode? That's my biggest worry becuase I was anorexic many years ago and I could still go without eating, but choose not to. I like the…
  • Ok so I haven't done it in 2 days. Yesterday I Steam cleaned the bedroom carpet. and it's that short loop crap that you have to do by hand so I was on my hands and knees, or bent over cleaning and sweating horribly. I think I put more sweat on the carpet than cleaning solution. I apparently really worked my arms and tosh…
  • Ron specifically asked not to be put to the finaly. but when we tried to call and vote his was just as busy as his sons. I never could get through. I would have voted as much as I could get through for mike. He still has a good amount to loose and would take the cake (metiphorically speaking) Before Tara. She's almost at…
  • I really like Tara to Win but if Mike does to It's great! ANYONE BUT HELEN... what kind of mother asks for their child to be sent home before them?? I just think she is a self centered parent. Mike is a great guy and I think would do good with the money. Tara... she is a machine. geeze who works out 6 hours a day then is…
  • When I am doing the running portion of it My son likes to stand on the board. and I always leave it out for about 30 minutes after and he stands on it and dances around like he's doing the hulla hoop. My Dogs like to lay their head on it too. I don't know what it is about that board but they seem to love it!
  • I think Fluffer nutters is a northern thing! And it is HEAVEN on bread. When I was preggers I had fluff and PB on a spoon forget the bread!! I LOVE FLUFFER NUTTERS!!!! and max.... if you know where the peanut butter and jelly is in the local grocery store and you don't know what Fluff is you are very unobservant! It's only…
  • Buy a bunch of Ground turkey. Use it like you would ground beef. It has less flavor so i really spice it up with corriander, cumin, diced carrots, peppers, and onions. stay away from rice, pasta, iceberg lettuce, juices and other things high in carbs. Try a dressing that has less calories and fat. If you wan tbread go with…
  • Look at you go!! Wish my helper wasn't trying to help. I have to stop and start sometimes... or just yell at daddy to get him.
  • I did it with my 30 pound son on my back too. Seems the only way I can exercise anymore is with him in his carrier. Doesn't he realize how heavy he is...... I think it slowed me down just enough to get perfect on most of it. Hope you feel better. Being sick sucks!! With this piggy flu thing I am worried to take my 13 month…
  • 5-4 long run110% free step 20 minutes2338 advanced step638 my best yet!! hula hoop 10 minutes ----3027 1 hr 31 min
  • the fat girl is doing the same thing every one else don't really think they never had anything to loose do you???
  • Dogs usually eat their poo when they are eating too much protien and their body is not digesting it. There fore their poo has alot of protien in it and doggies love protien. I had my 11mo pittie on puppy chow and she did't eat the poo. now my 3 month old loved her poo. I changed her to beniful and I don't have to worry…
  • I love your advice. So many people think chokers are inhumane. We have 2 pits and I did the same you have and they walk like proper young ladies! now when they get excited a quick tug on the harness on the and a command and they are back in line. I can walk them both with my one year old strapped to my back !
  • We'll change the Exercises Monthly. Next change is May 22nd. So it's not far away. Way to go on making the right choice!!! That's GREAT!! I understand how hard it is to make the right choices. I LOVE Ice Cream! Always have ALWAYS WILL!! If you just HAVE to have it, as I do sometimes, try skinny cow, or something like that,…
  • Grab some fruit. prepare servings of gruit and vegetables in ziplock bags and put them in the fridge. when you feel like munching there they are. They also have 100 cal bags of kettle corn if you like it. It's just enough for a snack when studying.
  • Don't be embarrased about your scores. We all started at some point and had low scores. Just do it at your own pace. do it twith us... that's what makes it fun. if you start doing it you can look back and see the changes. you'll do great!!
  • If you have the time to do it and are vigilant about doing so it's well worth the money. This is the only exercise I get and I have lost 14 lbs and get quite a work out. This is over 3 weeks. I also monitor my caloric intake and am trying to loose slowly so I don't gain it back like i have done many times over the last 18…
  • 5-5 long run86% I got to chase a dog the whole time.... that's pretty cool This is where this work out got hard as a rock! My 13 month old was crying wanting to be picked up so I put him in the pack we use when we walk and did the rest of my work out with him and all his 30+ Lbs on my back.... I am going to be sore…
  • Welcome!! The number of steps you have taken is your score. if you are watching TV while doing it don't hit any buttons on the controller before you switch over to the Wii. Does this help? I just re read your post..... the steps counted are on the free step .
  • 5-3 Couldn't do it .. no power..... got to lvoe these storms :explode: 5-4 long run121% free step 20 minutes2380 advanced step582 hula hoop 10 minutes ----3184 1 hr 30 min
  • just start with walking. I live in the same kind of area.... LOTS of hills. It's very rewarding just making it up those hills. We started walking to the enterance of our condos. It most certainly is not the easiest thing. It's a VERY steep hill and feels like it's straight up. The first week I lost 5 lbs. and started to…
  • 5-2 long run111% free step 20 minutes2280 advanced step591 hula hoop 10 minutes ----3155 Time: 1 Hour 25 Minutes I did the 30 minute free run w/o weights and at then end of my work out i did the 10 mintue free run with 4lb weights on each leg. Ugh!! I am already hurting a little!
  • uuuhgmmmmm :frown: that sounds sooooo good. I LOVE LAUGHING COW CHEESE
    in Breakfast Comment by joeysmuse May 2009
  • I am in...... Have done over an hour each day! We did this President's Challange in Elementary School. Ihated it then.... guess that's why I was the fat kid.
  • I use Wii Fit and Love it. I haven't tried anyother games yet but I use it Monday - Saturday and I do about an hour every day. I sweat alot. I do the long run, hula hoop, free step for 20 minutes, and advanced step. It got easier after 3 weeks so I added 4lb weights to my feet and it upped the anty. I feel the burn again.…
    in wii fit Comment by joeysmuse May 2009
  • For those who love cereal, like myself, we have started eating Kellogg's Fruit Harvest. It's 110 calories per 3/4 cup with skim milk. I LOVE it. The flake are crunchy with the right amount of sweetness and it has freeze dried strawberries and blue berries. It's a great cereal with a good amount of flavor. On the weekend we…
    in Breakfast Comment by joeysmuse May 2009