Wii Fit Challange



  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    I'd love to join this group & will check back later with my results! I'm posting now so that I can find this again later! Also, I was wondering if anyone puts shoes on to do the long run?? I've not yet done it that way, but am considering it & was wondering what you all thought! :smile:

    I personally like to run with shoes on. I have the Fit Mat and I wore my shoes on it the other day and it tore my mat up when I was doing the step but not the run. I may have been dragging my feet but who know's. I plan on doing the run with my shoe on still just not on my mat. My feet don't hurt when I use my shoes for the run. They don't hurt either way when I do the step but the hulla hoop... if I wear shoes my feet burn like they are on fire!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I'd love to join this group & will check back later with my results! I'm posting now so that I can find this again later! Also, I was wondering if anyone puts shoes on to do the long run?? I've not yet done it that way, but am considering it & was wondering what you all thought! :smile:

    I personally like to run with shoes on. I have the Fit Mat and I wore my shoes on it the other day and it tore my mat up when I was doing the step but not the run. I may have been dragging my feet but who know's. I plan on doing the run with my shoe on still just not on my mat. My feet don't hurt when I use my shoes for the run. They don't hurt either way when I do the step but the hulla hoop... if I wear shoes my feet burn like they are on fire!

    Thanks, good to know!! I've just been thinking that I can improve my running "form" if I run with my shoes on. I tend to bounce on my toes a little too much when I'm barefoot! I'm anxious to try it out!! I'm gonna wait to after I put the girls to bed tonight! :drinker:
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    is it too late to get in on this challenge? :blushing:

  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    So can you tell me a little bit about this Shred, you're talking about?

  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    is it too late to get in on this challenge? :blushing:


    It's never too late
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87

    long run
    free step 20 minutes
    advanced step
    hula hoop 10 minutes ----2946

    Time: 41 minutes


    long run
    free step 20 minutes
    2204 I did this with 4lbs on each leg.... oh I was happy at the end of the 20 minutes
    advanced step
    hula hoop 10 minutes ----3295

    Time: 41 minutes
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    I'd love to join this group & will check back later with my results! I'm posting now so that I can find this again later! Also, I was wondering if anyone puts shoes on to do the long run?? I've not yet done it that way, but am considering it & was wondering what you all thought! :smile:

    I personally like to run with shoes on. I have the Fit Mat and I wore my shoes on it the other day and it tore my mat up when I was doing the step but not the run. I may have been dragging my feet but who know's. I plan on doing the run with my shoe on still just not on my mat. My feet don't hurt when I use my shoes for the run. They don't hurt either way when I do the step but the hulla hoop... if I wear shoes my feet burn like they are on fire!

    Thanks, good to know!! I've just been thinking that I can improve my running "form" if I run with my shoes on. I tend to bounce on my toes a little too much when I'm barefoot! I'm anxious to try it out!! I'm gonna wait to after I put the girls to bed tonight! :drinker:

    Well when you run in place it's mostly on the balls of your feets. It's not like running down the road. Heal to toe. It's more like a sprint. If you want to up your %try putting the controller on your body somehow. Keep in mind your arm movement while running is very different than the movement of your body. Your pace is figured by the up and down movement of your body not the smoother swinging of the arms. Personally I put it in the strap of my sports bra below the shoulder and above the ta ta... somewhere in between. I wear oversized sweats or something the same. but always have a sports bra on. it may be kinda gross to come people but I am the only one in my family that uses the Wii. so it's nothing huge for me. I hope this helps you some.
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    dmmarie- that 30 day shed is KILLER!!! I have trouble keeping up with it. I want to do it again now that I have been working out lately. I love Jillian! So motivating!!

    I don't have the actual dvd, but, I just started it on excercise channel on demand :blushing:
    Not sure if anyone has this channel, but there are 30 day shred, 1-3, and I don't know when to change. Anyone know? I don't know if they are the full wrok out, it's only like 20 min.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    dmmarie- that 30 day shed is KILLER!!! I have trouble keeping up with it. I want to do it again now that I have been working out lately. I love Jillian! So motivating!!

    I don't have the actual dvd, but, I just started it on excercise channel on demand :blushing:
    Not sure if anyone has this channel, but there are 30 day shred, 1-3, and I don't know when to change. Anyone know? I don't know if they are the full wrok out, it's only like 20 min.

    Yes, each level is only like 20 minutes & she keeps telling you that if you're going to work out for only 20 minutes then they need to deliver a routine that will get results. She suggests changing your levels when you want more of a challenge. It's really a great workout! ENJOY!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Okay, so here goes my first report!!

    long run = 158% (with shoes - so much better than barefoot!)
    hula hoop = 2790 (I hadn't opened the 10 minute yet so this was a combo of the 6 & 3)
    free step = 1585 (next time I'll adjust the speed up)
    advanced step = 377 pts (I need a bit of practice on that one..... :blushing: )

    Thanks for letting me join in & for the suggestions!! :flowerforyou:
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    I'm a little late posting tonight... but here's my numbers for the day:

    5-01 Challenge:
    Adv Step: 568
    Adv Hula: 3268
    Free Step: 2130 <-- New Personal Best!
    Long Run: 58%

    Total Time: 39 mins
  • megan145
    megan145 Posts: 67
    Good Morning!

    I got into a nasty fight with BF last night and went to bed at 8:30 ..so...I didn't my wii fit done after work...nor did I eat dinner and I really hope it doesn't mess up my weight loss. I only had around 500 calories yesterday...which is not good at all.

    Anyway...good start today

    Advanced Step: 592
    10 Minute Hula: 3392
    Long Run: 217%
    20 Minute Step: 2302
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87

    long run
    free step 20 minutes
    advanced step
    hula hoop 10 minutes ----3155

    Time: 1 Hour 25 Minutes

    I did the 30 minute free run w/o weights and at then end of my work out i did the 10 mintue free run with 4lb weights on each leg. Ugh!! I am already hurting a little!
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    Long Run: 49%
    Adv step- 387
    Hula- 3324 spins
    Free Step- 2402

    Plus, day 2 of shred. UGH. Killing me. lol. I better lose by next week :glasses: Although, my scores weren't too great today!
    Good work everyone :drinker:
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    good afternoon i was bad this weekend did get the new batterys so the board is working again only step on to do my check in but i can say i did lots of walking the past two days debbie:blushing:
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Getting bad at logging daily... so here is yesterday's and today's...

    5-02 Challenge:
    Adv Step: 550
    Adv Hula: 3300
    Long Run: 53%
    Free Step: 2014
    Total Challenge Time: 39 min

    5-03 Challenge:
    Adv Step 616
    Adv Hula: 3214
    Long Run: 39%
    Free Step: 2174
    Total Challenge Time: 40 min
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    5-3 Couldn't do it .. no power..... got to lvoe these storms :explode:

    long run
    free step 20 minutes
    advanced step
    hula hoop 10 minutes ----3184
    1 hr 30 min
  • CCEE
    CCEE Posts: 2
    Hi there, just started my fitness plan with Wii Fit, and I notice from reading that steps are counted, Im just wondering where do you actually see how many steps in total you have completed at the end of your session? Thanks for any help. :happy:
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    Welcome!! The number of steps you have taken is your score. if you are watching TV while doing it don't hit any buttons on the controller before you switch over to the Wii. Does this help?

    I just re read your post..... the steps counted are on the free step .
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    long run
    86% I got to chase a dog the whole time.... that's pretty cool

    This is where this work out got hard as a rock! My 13 month old was crying wanting to be picked up so I put him in the pack we use when we walk and did the rest of my work out with him and all his 30+ Lbs on my back.... I am going to be sore tomorrow!!
    free step 20 minutes
    advanced step
    hula hoop 10 minutes ----2708
    1 hr 41 min