

  • You can do it!!!! My goal isn't for my wedding, but for my 1 year anniversary coming up Nov 18th. I want to be able to get back in the dress I wore on our first date 10 years ago!!!! Let me tell you....if I can do it....ANYONE CAN!!!!
  • When I started this, I completely stopped drinking sodas/other beverages and just drank water. I wanted to flush my system & have continued to do so. In the beginning, just cutting the sodas (even diet drinks) allowed me to loose my first 10 lbs extremely fast. I have kept up my water consumption ever since and find that I…
  • I'm veggie just because ground beef made me sick one day so I stopped eating it. I tried to eat it again about 5 yrs later and EVERYTHING I ate came back up, therefore...no red meat for me. I have times that I give in to chicken or fish but for the most part no and there are ways that I get in all the nutrients I need. My…
  • I got the Parkay Spray per your suggestion and it isn't half bad! Thank you SO much! This will really help my count each day! I sure do miss my butter tho! LOL
  • I normally don't eat a lot during the day & keep it light so that I can have a nice dinner with my family. I have have been having a protein bar, a banana or some strawberries, & my probiotic yogurt. It has been really hot here, so sticking with light, summery foods has been my goal! What have you been eating that you are…
  • I generally log only half the actual time I spent cleaning. You are burning a good bit of calories if you really get with it though, like cleaning the hell out of the bathroom, car, kids room! LOL!!! Light cleaning, mark under light cleaning only 1/2 the actual time and it generally looks a little more 'normal' on burned…
  • It could be the ones complaining that haven't come close to a goal where they are comfortable to show off what they have achieved! If I don't want to look at a pic...I just keep on scrolling! LOL!
  • You look fabulous!! I have wanted to try one of those workouts, but keep thinking that I wouldn't survive! LOL! Let me ask you this about P90....how is the food program in relation to you goals here on MFP? I know it has a food plan to help you fuel the type of work out you are in in that moment. What were your experiences…
  • I have been vegetarian for about 15 years now. My husband was raised that way and we raised our daughter that way, making all her baby food from scratch. We never wanted to go vegan because there are a MILLION different rules to follow on items that cannot be in the diet including no dairy, and certain types of veggies…
  • It can be more expensive as my husband and daughter are obviously not dieting...lol! I get different butter, mayo, ect and get the stuff they like as well. It has only changed in the form of fast food, eating out, and quick stop marts. I don't go in for a Starbucks 3 days a week and take my lunch to work daily, including…
  • Oh sweetie....THIS IS AWESOME!!!! You just look great!!! Keep up the awesome work and you will get where you want to go in no time! However, I think you just look fabulous where you are!!! :)
  • I believe in the right portions, they are okay. I tend to eat my entire allowance daily because I love bread, crackers, ect! I will never give them up, diet or not. I just watch them like a hawk and dont take in anything that is overprocessed. I would prefer to eat a bowl of rice as opposed to a bowl of salad (however, I…
  • I agree!!! I have tried eating just 3x a day and cannot do it! I prefer to eat smaller "meals" multiple times a day. I have always been a heavy snacker and never one to eat 3 big meals...I just get TOO sleepy, especially at work! My only issue with the snacking is overdoing the carbs. I have been working on the best snacks…
  • I agree with the at home video & walking options for sure. I don't have a little baby anymore, but my daughter is 8 & I work full time. When I get home after my 45 min commute at 6pm, I have to cook dinner, do laundry, help with homework, and about a million other things. The only time I have been able to find to squeeze…
  • First of all.....DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! It WILL happen for you! When this has happened to me in the past while dieting, I have seen changes when I shake things up a bit in my exercise routine. If all you do is walk, add some aerobics. If all you do is aerobic dance, try some Yoga.....stuff like that. I went from Yoga to Zumba…
  • I have read / heard many different opinions on this topic. Personally, I feel GUILTY when I cheat at all. Hell, I feel guilty when I have a Skinny Cow for dessert when I have done well! LOL! I don't think you should ever have an entire day where you cheat. This shouldn't be just a diet part of your life....it should be a…
  • FANTASTIC! These are the motivational pics I think we all need to see! Yours are just AMAZING! Your wedding pic is gorgeous! I KNOW you are so happy with sticking with it!! Keep up the wicked awesome good work!!!
  • I gave up sodas myself just last week & put down my constant coffee drinking as well. I do allow myself a cup or 2 of coffee in the morning, but no sodas. Instead, I drink A LOT of water. I drink anywhere between 5 & 7 16 ounce bottles everyday. I can tell the days that I don't drink as much water, because I end up with a…
  • This is FANTASTIC & extremely motivating! Thank you for sharing! You look so happy. I cannot WAIT until I have that smile on my face and the energy to back it! :)
  • My dream was to be on broadway & be a dancer, but an injury when I was 17 ended that dream. To be a part of one of those shows, be a Rockette, or in the NYC ballet....THAT would've been awesome! My new dream job is the one I am currently waiting for. One that pays well and is a place that I can go and stay! After 2…
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