BUTTER Subs....

I looked through a lot of the other threads and really didn't find any answers to my question. I am looking for a butter substitute that is at least halfway decent. I am a butter addict, being a southern girl so I use butter in everything! It can eat up alot of my calories throughout the day. I looked when I went to the grocery, but honestly didn't know what to get!! If you have something you like, let me know and why! I would REALLY appreciate it!!!!


  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Butter Buds is pretty good. Parkay spray is what we use the most though.
  • LDunzweiler
    I got the Parkay Spray per your suggestion and it isn't half bad! Thank you SO much! This will really help my count each day! I sure do miss my butter tho! LOL