Anyone else dieting for their wedding?

Hey Yall! I am a bride to be. Oct. 6th is my wedding date. Hoping to lose some weight before our big day. Looking for encouragment and support from other brides. =)


  • den1sea
    den1sea Posts: 1
    Hi wishing you good luck in your weight loss, i just joined today ( but not a bride to be )
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    Congrats.. Bride to be, wedding date set Oct 5th! Its coming up fast!
  • sweetwendylou
    sweetwendylou Posts: 1 Member
    I'm getting ready for my wedding.. It's on Sept 8! :happy:
  • gabbyscare
    gabbyscare Posts: 2
    Its not my wedding but I getting ready to attend one not the same I know but anyway Im a big tea person
    so I had to give up the regular sweet Iced tea so I found a tea call Total Tea it is a detox tea its gentle
    it taste good hot or cold I loss 4 pounds the first week drinking it every other night cold with honey
    go online and find it near you or order it online good luck and congrats let me know how it works
  • gabbyscare
    gabbyscare Posts: 2
    great!!!! tried the total tea I love it and Dr. Oz recommend it as well its a gentle Detox, taste great and helps to lose weight
    a great deal of weight congrats my God bless and remember Love is Patience after of twenty Years with my husband
    Im still learning you can find it online let me know how it works out
  • ksanterre12
    ksanterre12 Posts: 13
    I'm also losing weight for my wedding, although I have a bit less time to prepare than the two October brides and the September bride. Initially my wedding was October 20 but we decided we didn't want to wait that long to get married so now we're getting married on August 11 - less than 90 days away!

    How much weight are all the brides trying to/planning on losing??
  • amylynna1
    amylynna1 Posts: 152 Member
    I am a bride to be. Looking to tone up and drop inches most importantly. only 111 days until wedding day
  • ksanterre12
    ksanterre12 Posts: 13
    Oh yeah, I plan on keeping the weight off and continuing to lose/tone post-wedding I am just using my wedding as a short term motivator to keep myself going.

    I am a big fan of green tea of any sort, particularly Lipton's Superfruit green teas. Mhmm so good!

    And coffee. I love coffee.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    Congratulations to all the brides! Know that you don't diet alone. MOBs and MOGs diet too. My son's wedding is the Saturday after next and I'm 6 pounds from where I want to be on that day. Don't think I'm gonna make it, but I should be close. Best of luck to all who are losing to look fabulous as they make that big walk down the isle!
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Another b2b here!
    I'm not setting a date until I reach goal though and I really really really want to get organising so hope to set it soon :)
  • janstacey
    janstacey Posts: 24 Member
    Hi...I am trying to lose and tone as the mother-of-the-bride. My daughter , her fiance and myself are all focusing on losing and daughter is not needing to lose but wants to keep where she is as they altered her dress quite tight at the waist. My future son-in-law has lost around 40 pounds and I am down about is such a great goal and has inspired us all to be healthier and the great thing is that because we started a few months ago and the wedding isn't until Sept 2 , we are actually changing our lives in the long run, something we can keep at after the wedding as well..I wish all you beautiful brides success and much happiness!
  • lancelot12
    lancelot12 Posts: 50 Member
    Not the bride but the brides mother.I am at least 4 stone over weight and my daughter is a tiny size 6-do not want to look like a big blob on the photos.
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    I'm getting ready for my wedding.. It's on Sept 8! :happy:

    september 8th for me as well!

    feel free to add me anyone! :)
  • LDunzweiler
    LDunzweiler Posts: 21
    You can do it!!!! My goal isn't for my wedding, but for my 1 year anniversary coming up Nov 18th. I want to be able to get back in the dress I wore on our first date 10 years ago!!!! Let me tell you....if I can do it....ANYONE CAN!!!!
  • KKrdcs
    KKrdcs Posts: 30
    Hi! I'm getting married on Sept. 29th this year, and am using MFP to lose a few lbs before the wedding!! Would love some encouragement/competition to keep me going!!
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    April 6, 2013 :)
    i won't even go dress shopping yet. not yet...
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    I'm getting married Nov 16, only 186 days away!!
  • DivaDiane
    DivaDiane Posts: 73
    MOG here. Wedding is Friday evening, 05/18. Joined mid-December 2011 and have lost 20 lbs. Bride, groom, sister, niece, MOB, etc. have all joined as well and were the reason I first became aware of this fabulous site.

    Shopping for a dress was much more enjoyable than I expected, since most of the dresses I tried on actually fit! (Except for the cleavage factor--but that's another story, as I've had a problem in that area since high school.)

    I'm definitely not done yet, because my goal of losing 25 lbs. was just my first goal. I want to become more fit and strong through exercise and if a few more pounds fall off in the process, that will be a good thing.
  • Audrey403
    Audrey403 Posts: 50 Member
    Yup, got engaged October as an obese person. Now, I'm a normal bmi. Wedding is in April 2013. I want to tone up and be a fit as possible so we can both start the next chapter in our lives fit, happy, and healthy!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Not to be the big downer in this thread... but what are you all going to do after you get married?

    You shouldn't be dieting, you should be changing your habits... it shouldn't be short term thing, but rather a lifestyle change.