biddy81 Member


  • I noticed that doing Insanity, while it made me sore, also gave me WAY more energy. So definitely check your food, and drink LOTS of water. At least, I needed to...
  • Friday kittehs!!
    in Kitties! Comment by biddy81 May 2013
  • Definitely not as intense as Insanity, but I find it very fun - it's nice to have a workout that makes you laugh AND sweat. When I was doing it regularly, I noticed that my whole core got much stronger.
  • ACK! I rarely crave pizza until somebody MENTIONS pizza, and then it's all I can think about! eta: That looks and sounds like a delicious idea...
  • I still remember the 50 States song I learned in 5th grade. The problem now is that, if I want to remember all of them, I have to sing it to myself and I feel like a dork. :laugh:
  • That's GREAT!!
    in Kitties! Comment by biddy81 April 2013
  • I have full conversations with my dogs (where they answer me) when nobody else is around.
  • Bump for more kitties!
    in Kitties! Comment by biddy81 April 2013
  • Perhaps we should start a thread just for the word "smock."
  • Or clammy? How about that one? Dank? Humid? Steaming? I've never been able to stand the word "pus." Just grosses me out...
  • A sexy evil genius, perhaps? :huh: :bigsmile:
  • I believe I am reasonably intelligent, and I'm usually asking people to turn the heat down. Does that count?
  • What are you eating to be so far over on your protein? I saw a comment about egg whites, but anything else? I need to bump my protein up and welcome any ideas.
  • It's like you read my mind! I saw the title and thought, "Eat them." But I wasn't going to post it because I figured it would be unhelpful.
  • Ah *sheepish grin* it's gorgeous.
  • Mmmm what is that? I've never perfected my "recognize motorcycle makes from just a picture" skills. My first thought is R-1 or R-6?
  • Ok, thanks.
  • I like the bike in your ticker.
  • Again - Alaska. Tracks are 3000 miles and an expensive plane ticket away. Hence, it's a hobby. Sure WISH I could practice that much... :sad:
  • Yeah, I look a lot more active than I am. In the summer, hardly a spare moment. In the winter (7 months of the year), not so much. I dance all winter, but much less horse riding, NO motorcycles... and I sit at a desk all day. I try to walk a bit, but it's just back and forth through a small office. It's maddening trying to…
  • It does make sense, and I want to do it as you wrote it (I did just take a break and did a few sets in the work bathroom and holy CRAP). I just want to INCLUDE it in what I'm doing. Like, still do the cardio, because I enjoy it and am seeing positive results, but ALSO do this routine, exactly as you lined it out. Does that…
  • My ONLY beef with what you're saying here is that I'm developing excellent cardiovascular stamina from doing the high intensity workouts, and I really need that to do well at the road racing I do in the summer. I will definitely work much more of the exercises you listed into my daily routine, but I must keep some cardio…
  • Yeah, you can't trust these quacks that try to combine logic with weight loss. I have to say, though, that I much prefer taking my coffee in the OTHER end of my body, rather than an enema. That sounds... uncomfortable...
  • Ok, I'll shoot for that. I'm 5'8" with a pretty heavy build, so my current goal is 180. We'll see how I feel *IF* I ever get there, but this can't hurt. My current regular workout is Insanity, and I've already noticed a pretty major increase in my stamina and strength. I'll start pushing it harder for the squat/pushup…
  • Holy crap - hold up... other than protein shakes/supplements, how the hell am I supposed to eat 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight? I weight 210 right now, and 210 grams, or even 158 grams of protein is 2-3 times as much protein as I eat in a regular day, and I thought that was a LOT of protein! eta: I already drink…
  • Thank you very much! I do a fair amount of cardio, but a LOT of what I do would count as one form of lifting or another. And I'm already pretty focused on my water and fiber intake. Thanks again!
  • :laugh: Soooo true...
  • Forgive me if I sound ignorant, but I have a couple of method questions: I don't have a gym membership, nor any weight machines at home. Do things like push-ups or squats counts as a form of "lifting", because me doing a push-up is kinda like benching quite a bit of weight... And how do you find out your LBM so you know…
  • :laugh: Touché...
  • A majority of coffee shops burn the coffee, I've found. Now I just make it myself. Granted, I drink the "froofy" espresso drinks, not drip coffee, but everybody screws it up.