Scotland here.
I'm looking to share motivation and accountability. All adds welcome.
My back piece.
Hi, I'm back after regaining all my losses from a couple of years ago, looking for healthy fun friends to keep me motivated.
Been together for 20 years, and married for 8. Being honest and open and mature and blah de blah blah blah will lead to a successful marriage I guess but it sounds like a recipe for boredom to me. The most important thing is to never stop having fun together, if you and your SO have fun and want to be around each other…
*Devils advocate* If you had a hard day of working out, perhaps your feet were a little too funky to deserve a foot massage?
Have you used the family locker room and do you know if it is adequate?. The local swimming pools where i live have family 'cubicles', its basically a 3 ft square cell with barely enough room for 1 person to get changed nevermind a whole family. That being said, unless the child was there to change because she was using…
I would love to see some of the foot flushers enjoy the splendor that is festival portaloos.
I have a terrifying gut wrenching fear of submarines, if i see one on TV i will have recurring nightmares for weeks afterwards. I've never been on one or even seen one up close but they scare the bejeeezuz out of me. I also have a fear of turning into my mother.
Muse - Hysteria It just does stuff to me
The Galaxy S3 is pretty awesome, unless you go outside in the rain. Apparently having this phone on you while its raining is enough to allow 'water ingress' and invalidate the warranty. Personally i'd recommend any of the motorola droid razr family, they do all the tech stuff but are hard wearing and waterproof too :-D
Pronunciation was not a strong point of my little girls, but it sure was funny Hectorcoktor - Helicopter LaterLater - Radiator Fukayno - Volcano and when we asked her to say hippopotamus she would simply reply - 'No, imma too wee''
Any eating related noise Obnoxious loud exhausts (especially when fitted to crap little gutless cars) Kids screaming in shops, if i can take my kids back to the car til they shut the hell up why can't other people? Drake
The Galaxy S3 is ridiculously sensitive to moisture exposure, having it on you while its raining is enough to kill it. If you live somewhere dry then its an amazing phone, if like me you live in Scotland its only suitable as an indoor phone. Go for the new Motorola Razr i it rocks.
Stick to eating healthy and exercising in moderation for 27 days, then on the morning of your weigh in go for a sauna wrap or some other 'treatment' it'll make you lose a few lbs of water weight. Yes its cheating and you'll put the water weight back on, but it just might help make your hubby cough up for charity ;-)
<3 this
Having mobile phone insurance doesn't change the fact this phone is ridiculously sensitive to moisture, even in the air. I guess it depends on your lifestyle but i'm outdoors a lot, so i need a phone that won't just drop dead and need sent off for repair just because i live in a damp climate.
I had the samsung and loved it, but the screen failed. I returned it to Samsung and they claimed it was water damaged, none of water indicators had been triggered though. They then went on to send me a list of possible causes of water ingress that would invalidate your warranty without it being possible to tell from a…
It sucks, they somehow manage to get smaller.... and longer at the same time
No, not at all. I caught my sister in law having a party drinking and taking drugs with a house full of guys while she was being paid to watch my kids. A few weeks later she stole my hubbies car, best thing we ever did was cut her out of our lives. Life is too short to surround yourself with people who make you miserable.
There is nothing to be ashamed of, lots of other factors can affect your progress. If you're tight in the calves from wearing heels it will make the 30ds feel a million times worse. You could also try taking magnesium supplements to help with sore muscles.
ANYTHING by Terry Pratchett, he's probably the most under rated author to come out of Britain.
This! Real home cooked food from fresh and cheap ingredients is so much cheaper tastier and healthier than any processed food.
Kilts are awesome, and nothing is hotter than a sexy guy in a kilt.
None of the above. I'm weird and i wouldn't want to be anything else :happy:
For me, Ralph Lauren - Romance For men, Jean Paul Gaultier - Le male rawwwwr. ( I also wear this if i feel like getting female attention)