FindingTimeForMe Member


  • Our BC is non stop cardio and mixed strength training. I wore a heart rate belt/watch. I load in a manual exercise as "boot camp" as cardio and the minutes and the calories from my monitor. One hour today was 450 calories; sometimes it is 650 calories. About kills me. I wouldn't over think it. Hard to be 100% accurate.
  • So great - awesome job!!!
  • Posting to follow this.......great recommendations. I tried Kale, strawberries, protein powder, flax seed and almond/coconut milk, water and ice; tasted great however I need to invest in a new blender. I have one of those bullets and with all those ingredients it doesn't mix good enough. I have to do half and half. If…
  • The best thing I did was get a heart monitor to check how high I got my heart rate. I soon realized that I wasn't pushing it hard enough. You can push it hard enough with walking but you need to be hoofing it, long strides, swinging the arms, going up hills like someone said. Keep looking at the monitor. I am not a fitness…
  • Hey, good luck on your journey. I have done the same thing - many diets - up and down on the weight. I had to figure out mentally what was not working and not what diet was not working. While I had the most luck with WW; when I was actually doing it because of the spread out meals which I think helped my metabolism. But…
  • "Onederland" AWESOME!!! You carry your weight very well. You look great!!! Keep it up. I too have about 4 pounds to get to "Onederland" Yah!!!!!!!
  • Hi Kate - feel free to add me. I don't know if your log-in name has meaning of some sort so I don't want to pry......maybe happykate would be better than miserablekate (again none of my business if it is special to you). You have started a great journey. It will take a while but worth it. Best of luck to you.
  • Thanks for all the recommendations -- I love this website. You ask a question and many people are willing to provide recommendations. Congrats to the many who responded who have put some serious numbers on the board and wonderful profile pictures. You all look great. If you are just starting -- you are on your way to some…
  • I know exactly how you feel. I retired from the military in 05 and have put on 25 pounds. I feel like I was about 20 pounds overweight when I retired so there you go 45 pounds to lose. Stress is my nemisis right now (married, husband battling illness, special needs son and a teenager). Overall I am blessed but stress…
  • It does sound like you are busy. Planning is the real key. Just like your school projects. When is it due; say a month from now. What do you need to do each week? What do you need to do this week? What do you need to do today? At my job we promote a day planner. You have heard of "big rocks." Well if you look at your…
  • First step already there -- posting your current situation is always the hardest. Get lots of friends on MFP to track with you. Everytime you want to eat outside of scheduled/planned meals jump on MFP and get in a conversation on community or post how you are feeling to your friends so they can jump on and give you…
  • Hello, starting somewhere is great. After a while you will have the portion sizes in your head and you will be able to gauge the amounts and it won't be such a pain. I recommend that you start the exercise right away -- this does not mean a 60 minute intense workout (all or nothing). This is thinking about lifestyle…
  • Awesome Job!!!!
  • Hello, I love strength training. I am not a trainer so all I can do is pass on what I do (and what my trainer shares with me). I strength train 3 times per week. I do every muscle group in about 60 minutes. I pick two exercises (opposite body parts) and do 3 sets of 6-8 reps with a weight that I can handle for each…
  • April -- I was touched by your entry (felt some pain coming through your words). I am not sure where you are spiritually but I instantly thought of American Idols, Candace Glover's new song "I am Beautiful." Listen to the words and know that the Lord made you special just as you are. He wants you to work on what you can…
  • Congrats to both of you!!!!
  • Count me in.....I think I have the exercise gig down pat....just got to work on the portion and choices. Support and sharing would be great. I would like to lose 50 pounds or so. First goal is "Onederland". I too have to get serious about this journaling thing. Really takes some mental concentration -- I "allow" other…
  • Hey, lots of good advise from everyone. Last night my trainer said "INTERVAL" training. Two minutes of normal speed than one minute of as hard as you can go - back and forth until you get your 30 minutes done. Someone posted -- keep giving your body something else to think about -- when you get up to thirty minutes and you…
  • Thanks everyone -- I am going to try them all (well not all at once). Have a great evening!!