I feel like giving up.



  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Sorry but everybody saying its not enough is right.walking is not really any workout.need to step up your game,watch your diet..for toning you will have to do lot of sweating.good luck

    I call "BS" on this.

    Me too
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    are you taking the piss? i look at your images expecting to see someone overweight. why are you even on this site? you've got a hot body with a pretty face. taxi for Idilone!

    Lol thank you! :) I have a hit body with flappy thighs. Not cute. That's what I'm working on. :)
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    what you call flappy thighs, i call womanly curves. basically, you cant isolate an area of your body to lose weight on. it doesnt work like that. i personally dont think you need to lose weight at all. but if you do, i would advise as has been mentioned already, stay away from the white bread/rice and other such carbs etc etc, i would also stay away from cereals, have eggs instead. protein bars are very expensive, i would go with whey/casein powder instead. replace some of your less healthier meals with fish or skinless chicken. walking is good for you but you simply wont burn off as many calories than if you did more strenuous exercise. i would just focus more on your diet than exercise and i'm sure you'll get those pins you desire
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I have a question. How many times can I have a cheat meal? Can I once a week or once a month? :)

    Everyday, if it fits your calories and macros. With the amount of weight you want to lose/pretty much only remaining "fat" issue for you being your bum/thighs, you probably don't need to be at a very high deficit period.
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    what you call flappy thighs, i call womanly curves. basically, you cant isolate an area of your body to lose weight on. it doesnt work like that. i personally dont think you need to lose weight at all. but if you do, i would advise as has been mentioned already, stay away from the white bread/rice and other such carbs etc etc, i would also stay away from cereals, have eggs instead. protein bars are very expensive, i would go with whey/casein powder instead. replace some of your less healthier meals with fish or skinless chicken. walking is good for you but you simply wont burn off as many calories than if you did more strenuous exercise. i would just focus more on your diet than exercise and i'm sure you'll get those pins you desire

    Thank you for your advice haha. :)
  • GoddessCarlisa
    Don't give up! The end results are going to be so worth it. Anyone can add me for motivation and support!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Yes of course. I'm going to the grocery store this Friday and I'm buying everything you mentioned. I love fish so much. Is it bad to fry an egg? I don't really like boiled ones. Eh
    Yes, fried eggs are fine. So is bread, pasta, white rice, and anything else you like. Don't get caught up in the orthorexia that is pushed around here by a bunch of whackjobs who went from one form of unhealthy relationship with food to another unhealthy relationship with food.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Honey don't give up. A very brisk walk will help. My trainer says we cant spot lose that our bodies decide where we will lose first. Diet and exercise at least 4-5 x a week for at least 30 minutes is a good start. The trick is that you have to keep your heart rate at least 10 minutes at a time. So try 10 minute fast walk and then slow down catch your breath for 1 minutes then back to fast. Its called intervals and I had to do them on treadmill today but you can do them outside on your own.....Friend me and I will help encourage you all the way...

    Another good one is what I call 'pole to pole' runs. You walk for a given distance (in my case two miles) at a brisk pace to really get warmed up, then run/job between telephone poles (where I do this they are 100 yards apart) alternating between poles (run 100 yards, walk 100 yards). I do this for 2 miles.

    The idea is that you get your heart rate up to the desired level and it never fully drops back down when you take a break and walk. It's a good way to increase the calorie burn when mostly walking and for those of us who HATE running! lol

    Thing is... I noticed that when I run after a while my whole body starts itching so bad and the itch is like so bad like a burning sensation.it starts at my thighs and the. Goes to my stomach, neck and arms. Scratching doesn't help, makes it wrose.

    OMG! I experienced the same thing. I wanted to rip my skin off my thighs!! My sister told me it was all the cellulite cells moving against each other, causing friction which causes the heat and itching. Don't know if I believe her or not. Doesn't matter anyways, because after the first couple of day of walking, that sensation went away. Just remember "Pain is weakness leaving the body, making room for strength."
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Yes of course. I'm going to the grocery store this Friday and I'm buying everything you mentioned. I love fish so much. Is it bad to fry an egg? I don't really like boiled ones. Eh
    Yes, fried eggs are fine. So is bread, pasta, white rice, and anything else you like. Don't get caught up in the orthorexia that is pushed around here by a bunch of whackjobs who went from one form of unhealthy relationship with food to another unhealthy relationship with food.

    Lol thank you. :) very true.
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    Honey don't give up. A very brisk walk will help. My trainer says we cant spot lose that our bodies decide where we will lose first. Diet and exercise at least 4-5 x a week for at least 30 minutes is a good start. The trick is that you have to keep your heart rate at least 10 minutes at a time. So try 10 minute fast walk and then slow down catch your breath for 1 minutes then back to fast. Its called intervals and I had to do them on treadmill today but you can do them outside on your own.....Friend me and I will help encourage you all the way...

    Omg really? I thought i was just weird or something haha. I'm going for a run in a couple of minutes and I'm sure i'm going to experience that.
    Another good one is what I call 'pole to pole' runs. You walk for a given distance (in my case two miles) at a brisk pace to really get warmed up, then run/job between telephone poles (where I do this they are 100 yards apart) alternating between poles (run 100 yards, walk 100 yards). I do this for 2 miles.

    The idea is that you get your heart rate up to the desired level and it never fully drops back down when you take a break and walk. It's a good way to increase the calorie burn when mostly walking and for those of us who HATE running! lol

    Thing is... I noticed that when I run after a while my whole body starts itching so bad and the itch is like so bad like a burning sensation.it starts at my thighs and the. Goes to my stomach, neck and arms. Scratching doesn't help, makes it wrose.

    OMG! I experienced the same thing. I wanted to rip my skin off my thighs!! My sister told me it was all the cellulite cells moving against each other, causing friction which causes the heat and itching. Don't know if I believe her or not. Doesn't matter anyways, because after the first couple of day of walking, that sensation went away. Just remember "Pain is weakness leaving the body, making room for strength."
  • ldilone13354
    ldilone13354 Posts: 125
    I thought I was the only with the skin itching hahaha
  • cindyroberto
    cindyroberto Posts: 5 Member
    Everyone feels like that sometimes...dont stress and dont give up. :smile:
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    Sorry now but to anyone who says walking is not a workout not true,ok a slow stroll in the park certainly is not but a brisk 10k walk taking hills will burn up to 800cals for me takes me 2 hours I wear my hrm so Im not guessing,I also cannot afford the gym right now!I would suggest getting on your bike great for legs and bum and tum!!!!!
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    Today MFP is reminding me how horrible it was to be a teenager.

    You are BEAUTIFUL. Exactly the way you are. And I mean that...not in some cheesy cliche way. I'd kill for your thighs. :)

    But to answer your question, walking won't really build muscle but it will get rid of fat on top of the muscle you already have. If you want to strengthen your thighs there are a bazillion ideas on the Internet that don't require a gym. Squats and lunges are great things.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    First off you look great! I hope you know that. I have tried the walking thing and its awesome because your still doing more then you use to. However, it wasnt until I started to do the weight training that my clothes started to look better on me and it wasn't until I added some serious cardio that I started to look more toned. I have a long way to go, however i FEEL better and that is was matters the most. Good luck! Try the Jillian Michaels 10 minute leg workout, free on youtube. I think you might like it for what your looking for! By the way, I showed my 19 year old daughter your pic (shes a student cosmetologist and an avid soccer player) and she says your stunning just the way you are!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    You may not have read it the way they mean't or they may not have said it in a manner that was effective for understanding.

    You will not spot lose, you lose body fat from all over and to heavily target areas it will help build the muscle you want underneath the body fat. Once you have worked down the body fat to 18% or less (swimsuit model % is about 16-18) then you will have the legs and butt you will probably have been looking for. It will take time, hard work and determination.

    I would highly suggest doing routines that have a higher focus on the rear and legs if those are the areas you are more concerned about but you will still need to hit all other areas of your body to be more effective. Zumba is a great option and it can be done in a studio/class, in front of your tv as a dvd or game or if you have a computer you can stream the routines from there. Another couple good places to look for routines is pinterest, bodybuilding.com and bodyrock.tv as they have great long and short routines that use little to no equipment.

    Hope you find a good solution!
  • LauraNicole18
    dont give up! i feel the exact same way...but keep trying!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Well you are young in HS and so make sure you are at the right age to be on here.

    Also, if you do decide to "give up" just change your wording to "got to the finish line" because you look like an after picture to me. You look like the results so many people would want. I don't think you should consider it a fail or giving up if tomorrow you go back to the carefree life of eating cheeseburgers and shakes and being active in the sunshine of youth. Enjoy your youth and beauty, you only get it for a short time. And for short time I mean like 30 years! hahahaha. Just take it easy and you have plenty of time to learn before you start tinkering with your body. Stay how you are, do lot's of research on here THEN start on whatever plan will perfect what is already an awesome start.

  • FindingTimeForMe
    FindingTimeForMe Posts: 29 Member
    The best thing I did was get a heart monitor to check how high I got my heart rate. I soon realized that I wasn't pushing it hard enough. You can push it hard enough with walking but you need to be hoofing it, long strides, swinging the arms, going up hills like someone said. Keep looking at the monitor. I am not a fitness person (certified) but from what I hear you need to be over 60% for fat burning and 70 - 80 for real cardio (which should always be the goal regardless what your outside body looks like). I was told that interval training is the best (run walk run walk -- bursts of energy).

    Take care of your heart by getting that heart rate going (with docs approval of course) and the other will start to work itself out. Sometimes no weight loss; just redistributing.

    Non - gym - find a set a stairs (your own personal stair stepper); borrow someones bike; fill up milk cartons with sand; pushups on the stairs (incline until you can move down a couple stairs); back dips on your coffee table or ottomon; sit ups with a partner; get your computer and turn on an exercise youtube video. There are plenty even for strength training -- I love strength training!!!!!! Options are endless and FREE!!!

    Good Luck!!!
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    Yes of course. I'm going to the grocery store this Friday and I'm buying everything you mentioned. I love fish so much. Is it bad to fry an egg? I don't really like boiled ones. Eh
    Yes, fried eggs are fine. So is bread, pasta, white rice, and anything else you like. Don't get caught up in the orthorexia that is pushed around here by a bunch of whackjobs who went from one form of unhealthy relationship with food to another unhealthy relationship with food.

    Wow really? Going from White Rice to Whole Grain Brown Rice is not moving from one unhealthy relationship with food to another -- I am always amazed at how presumptuous people are on the net.

    You assume that because I'm here I had an unhealthy relationship with food all the white YOU are here giving advice to stick with unhealthy foods?? Sheesh.

    I'm out.