KatrineJensen Member


  • And there we go, this is basically my philosophy as well. :flowerforyou:
  • How on earth did you manage to finish 6 big plates of food + extra ice cream? I'm baffled, man. :noway: I mean, it looks delicious, but it's literally twice the amount of food I eat throughout an entire DAY. You can't possibly be genuinely hungry for all of that, why keep eating if you know it's way too much food? :huh:
  • I can definitely relate! That and my knees, they keep acting up on me :grumble:
  • I climb two or three times a week for a couple of hours at my local rock climbing gym, mostly bouldering and top roping. I'd love to go climbing outside when I get the chance, but I'd have to take a long trip to do so, because I live in the flattest country ever basically.
  • Yeah, the first mile or two can sometimes be a hurdle you have get over, before your muscles really warm up and you get into it and feel great
  • Yes, I completely agree with this! It's almost like a high, especially when you finish strong and beat a goal you set, you're just on top of the world. I can never stop grinning, I probably look like an idiot all sweating and gasping but half-laughing at the same time. I'll admit, I HAVE gotten some strange looks :laugh:
  • Greek yogurt Veggies Apples Berries Nuts (pistachios, almonds and hazelnuts) Seeds Cinnamon Honey Dark chocolate Sugar-free black liquorice Olive oil Canned tuna Chicken breast Soups Salmon Peanut butter Cottage cheese Eggs
  • I love them, because I love zucchini, haha. They obviously do not taste like pasta, they taste like zucchini, but since it's a pretty mild, bland flavor I think it works nicely as a pasta substitute once you flavor it in other ways (tomato sauce, spices, bolognese, cheese, you get the idea). The texture isn't completely…
  • I'd probably focus on getting enough protein from nuts, beans, dairy, eggs, etc. and enough fat from nuts, seeds, oils, avocados etc. as well, and let carbs make up the rest. I don't think the amount of carbs you eat is important as long as you get enough protein and fat, and also maintain a calorie deficit. :)
  • I only have 3 days left of Insanity, and I've had great results! It's my first round, and I didn't really have weight to lose, I just wanted to tone up and get in shape. I have lost a little weight in month 2 though, about 3-4 pounds. I've lost inches all over, and I finally have the beginning of abs (for the first time…
  • I HATE exercise every morning before pressing play, I HATE it through the warm up, and then I LOVE it when I'm done. I have to just do it, and then I know I will feel great afterwards. It's like waxing my legs - I dread it, contemplate just skipping it (who wants smooth legs anyways?), but then I suck it up and do it…
  • Green tea, chamomile, peppermint, nettle and variations of these. My absolute favorite tea at the moment is Sleepytime from Celestial :)
  • Carbs or sugary things. Particularly cereal & granola, pasta, cookies, crackers, cake, pizza, ice cream, pick n mix, chocolate, peanut m&m's, I could go on forever haha
  • Water first thing (I try to guzzle down about 3 liters a day). Also tea, mostly chamomile, black or green tea :)
  • Yes please! Although it's mostly a christmas tradition, but with the curry salad/sauce thing on top - YUM. In my family we also eat a type of stewed cabbage called "krøstekål" with sugar and cinnamon on top. DELISH! It's also called "christmas cabbage" and is basically only eaten in December. :)
  • Calories isn't the only thing to look at when it comes to nutritional value.. You could full your caloric needs with sugar and it would give you just about as many nutritional benefits as white bread. (Hint: none) It's not just the amount of calories you eat but also the quality of those calories that counts. Whole grain…
  • Whole grain pasta, couscous, barley, bulgur, root vegetables, whole grain bread, beans, lentils. Most fruit is high in carbs as well, but probably not the best choice for a side dish, haha. It honestly takes 5 seconds to find this info online dude, google is your friend ;-)
  • I honestly think you should talk to a dietician or a doctor, because they could give you some much better advice and help with your diet. You sound like you have very disordered eating habits, and professional guidance could really help you.
  • I think Asylum is supposed to be the next step after Insanity, so it's probably at least as hard :) Haha, I feel exactly the same about being motivated at home! Here I can groan and curse and sweat as much as I want, with nobody watching ;)
  • Try to find out what's causing you to bloat, track when you're bloated and what you ate that day, see if any patterns form. For me, I found out that I'm lactose intolerant, so if I have too much dairy during the day, I get very bloated and gassy and my stomach hurts. It might be because you're getting a lot of fiber, if…
  • You should DEFINITELY eat more. WAY more than 1200 calories a day, holy ****, no wonder you're getting weaker. Try calculating your TDEE (there are plenty of online calculators for this, or MFP will do it for you) and eating this amount every day. You can tweak it based on your goals, like if you want to lose fat, gain…
  • I'm in the same position as you, I don't know what comes next. I was thinking of trying another beach body program when I'm done. Maybe Insanity Asylum, or possibly T25, because school starts soon and the workouts are short enough for me to fit in in the mornings.. I'd have to get up REALLY early to to 60 minutes Asylum +…
  • Fish roe, plain yogurt and black liquorice. Not together (ew), but each of these things I absolutely love on it's own. It's not really weird where I live, but when ever I mention to friends from America that I love black licorice (sweet or salty, it's all yummy), they pull a face. Plain yogurt is delicious and very…
  • I haven't had lunch yet, but I'm going to make a chicken, onion and mushroom omelet with fresh veggies on the side :)
  • Not sure about the weight in pounds and height in inches, we use the metric system where I live.. Height: 161 cm (5'2-5'3?) CW: 52 kg (114-15 lbs) HW: 58.5 kg (130?) LW: 50 kg (110) - a little less than 50 actually, but I'm not sure how much GW: anything between 50-52 kg is fine. (110-115) HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH? 52 kg…
  • I make oatmeal sometimes, you don't have to make it sweet :) Plain oatmeal with just a pinch of salt is great, or you can google some savory oatmeal recipes, there are a ton of good ones. I also make frittata in advance, keep it in the fridge and just portion it out during the next couple of days. I know it's made from…
  • My progress is good! I just did day 2 of week 7. Today was Max Interval Circuit and I almost stopped half way through the warm up and went back to bed. But I didn't! And I can already feel a huge difference from the beginning of month 2 :) I haven't lost weight which I wasn't trying to, but I've lost 3 cm around my waist…
  • I'm a week into month 2 of insanity and I love/hate it, haha. Tomorrow is my rest day, thankfully, because month 2 is really giving my knees and ankles a beating. I haven't lost weight on the program, which is ok, because I only wanted to lose fat and tone up. My BF% definitely went down, and I lost some inches, but not…
  • I just started month 2, I'd love to join :)
  • Chocolate, cake, candy, potato chips, ice cream - any bad stuff that isn't packaged in portions. If it's in one bag, I will eat the whole bag. Also trail mix, sigh, I could eat it by the kilo. I actually just stay clear of carbs - Sugar, pasta (!), bread, cereal and granola (!), rice etc; self-control = gone. Hence why I…