

  • If you want to salt your food, use unprocessed table or rock salt (Himalayan rock salt does the trick). This kind of salt is actually good for your health and won't raise your blood pressure unless you are very sensitive to sodium.
  • This topic needs more view. Great post.
  • Juicing at home is great. Use a "slow juicer" which crushes the fruits and veggies slowly instead of a Vitamix which blends everything up with this big engine, to make sure the enzymes and nutrients are kept intact. Ginger, carrots, onions, kale, spinach, and all sorts of fruits are all great additions to your home juices.…
  • For maximum fat loss, keep your fruit intake to 1-2 servings per day. That is if you're already taking care of the important stuff (portion control, eating natural foods, exercise, etc.). If fruits prevent you from eating other sugary and calorie-packed treats, stick with them. The sugar in fruits is glucose and fructose,…
  • Venus index (by John Barban) and eat stop eat (by Brad Pilon) are both great programs! Legit info in my opinion.
  • I would suggest just adding apple cider vinegar to your salads. It helps you digest better, so I guess it has some benefits on your fat loss. Be sure to use unfiltered apple cider vinegar though (the one with the brown stuff at the bottom of the bottle), which contains all the goodness.
  • For me, watching eye-opening documentaries did the trick. I changed my diet in the next months of watching these movies: - Hungry for change - Food inc. - Food Matters - King Corn I suggest you check those out!
  • I'm no cancer rehab expert (I'm a nutrition coach, actually), but there are a few tips that can help you: - Diet is everything. I know cancer treatments are the biggest inflammation inducing medicine there is, so that's what you want to reduce. - That means, reduce or eliminate your consumption of grains (even whole…
  • People, don't be so harsh with hpsnickers1. He is actually making sense. A flat stomach is a mix of many things. 1) A good posture. Many people just need to fix their pelvic tilt by streching their hip flexors to finally see their abs 2) Genetics. They play SOME part in where you store fat the easiest and how good you…
  • No diet soda is a good replacement for a regular soda. In fact, aspartame and acesulfame (fake sugars) are worse for your health, and for weight loss, than regular sugar. Use stevia (natural plant sweetner) to sweeten some tea, or drink water. I know... this sucks.
  • Yes, coconut oil is awesome. The MCT's in it are fats that are used for energy. The best fat source you can get! BTW: don't worry about the saturated fat content... those are actually good for you! Nick Nutrition and Weight loss coach
  • If you can afford it, look for grass-fed whey protein concentrate. Isolates have been heated, which reduces the protein potency. Also : stay away from cheap popular brands. Most of them are full of contaminants. Look for the GMP (good manufacturing practices) certification/logo on the product. This will assure you that…
  • Hey Steph, You can go into what people call "starvation mode" which is really just a metabolism burn-out if you will... if you stay in a calorie deficit for too long. 800 cals is too low, there's no doubt about it. To assess your metabolism and see if you're into this starvation mode, you need to take your body…
  • Fat won't make you fat. In fact, it's essential for a healthy and lean body. I suggest a handful of nuts, like raw almonds, macadamias or halzelnuts. These will keep you filled more than anything else, and fill you with important nutrients. (shameless plug) If you want to know more about why I recommend eating fat (I…
  • Please, throw away the creamers and artifical sweetners. Nothing will impair your fat loss ability more than these chemicals. Now, if you want to "spice it up" a little big, here's what I suggest: 1) Cinnamon, which helps you control your blood sugars and metabolism 2) Coconut milk or cream (in moderation, because of the…
  • Also, your carbs are a bit on the high end. If you think this is something you can do, reduce your carbs to 50g or less, a couple of days per week. Fill your calories instead with healthy fats like fish, coconut and olive oil, grass-fed meat and raw nuts. Finally, reduce your sugar consumption (if you consume any). This…
  • Sounds to me like your are gaining muscle. Remember, muscles are three times more dense than fat. That means that you can stay the same weight, and look 3 times better. My advice : it's not bad to have a goal weight in mind, but just don't get too caught up with it. What you want to change isn't your weight, it's your…
  • I thought I might chime in. I learned from strength coach Jason Ferruggia that the best way to assess if you metabolism is slowing down, or "broken", is to take your body temperature with a digital thermometer. It should read around 98.1 to 98.6 Fahrenheit if everything is normal. If your metabolism is under 97%, your fat…
  • As a nutrition coach, I still try to keep my comments for myself. Sometimes it's hard, especially when I hear stuff like: "Eggs are bad for your cholesterol... throw away the yolk!" or "saturated fats are bad for you" People perpetuating these myths don't know any better and don't have any bad intentions, but I sometimes…
  • Exactly. Muscle is three times more dense than fat. That's why you can never rely on the scale to know if you lose weight or not. SHAMELESS PLUG: I explain it all in this video, if you want more info. Nick
  • Hey Alex, I've got a few tips for you: 1) Take your body temperature, daily, after your last meal of the day. It should read around 98-98.6 Fahrenheit. If it's under 97, your metabolism is affected badly, and you need to up your calories over your maintenance level until your temperature comes back to normal. This is the…