Will I go into starvation mode?

I just started using myfitnesspal and because of stress and a medication that I am on I have not consumed more than 800 calories in a day for the past 3 days. I did tabata training on Sunday so my metabolism is supposed to increase but I am stilll not hungry. I dont want to go into starvation mode and gain more weight. What do I do to not go into into starvation mode when I'm just not hungry?? Thank you.


  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Do you plan on eating more soon? I doubt you gain weight, just don't make 800 a habit.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    You eat more, or you stop working out... If you can't eat enough calories, you should not be exerting yourself physically. You won't see weight loss from it (or you'll see weight gain as soon as you eat normally again)

    Is the medication new?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Can't see your diary but 800 cal per day is too low, try adding some calorie dense foods to your diet (50g of almonds has 290 cal and 10g of protein). With a little bit of planning you can easily get up to 1200 cal per day without having to feel like you're overstuffed.
  • stephiee427
    Yes the medication is new. I have not worked out the last two days because I knew that since I am not consuming enough calories I would be doing more harm than good. I have lost 2 pounds since Saturday(from 108 to 105.6) but for some reason I have no desire to eat. I know I'm probably worrying about nothing I just don't want to become unhealthy.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    peanut butter packs a whollop calorie wise. I've seen a lot of people on here mention that if they need to add a few without wanting to eat.
  • It doesn't seem like you're being healthy at all. :/ Not good.
  • joystar22
    joystar22 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't trust "starvation mode". It should not be taken as a standard for everyone. I burn 300-500 calories a day working out intensely while consuming less than 1000 and it's the only way I've been able to lose weight.
  • NickPineault
    Hey Steph,

    You can go into what people call "starvation mode" which is really just a metabolism burn-out if you will... if you stay in a calorie deficit for too long.

    800 cals is too low, there's no doubt about it.

    To assess your metabolism and see if you're into this starvation mode, you need to take your body temperature. If it's under 97 Farenheit after your last meal of the day, your fat loss ability will be reduced by up to 30%.

    Check this report if you want to know more (WARNING : shameless plug):


    Also, please remember that your goal is to change your way your body looks, and not what number the scale shows you. It's not bad to have a goal weight in mind, but just don't get too caught up with it!

    Check this video if you want to learn more about why you shouldn't trust the scale too much:


    I hope this helps.

    Don't give up, you're doing good!

    Nutrition and Weight loss coach
    I just started using myfitnesspal and because of stress and a medication that I am on I have not consumed more than 800 calories in a day for the past 3 days. I did tabata training on Sunday so my metabolism is supposed to increase but I am stilll not hungry. I dont want to go into starvation mode and gain more weight. What do I do to not go into into starvation mode when I'm just not hungry?? Thank you.