I'm in starvation mode and my fat gain is only getting worse



  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I am not a nutritionist or anything, but I did work at a fitness/weight loss center for a little while. If you feel like your metabolism is worn out, you MUST let it rest and recover. Your body is like a car, and your food is like gas. If you don't give your body what it needs, when it needs it, you are running on fumes and that is terrible for your metabolism. Let it rest!

    Up your caloric intake (about 1,600 a day) for 4-8 weeks. Increase your lean protein - you have to have this to rebuild your muscles. Beans, nuts, quinoa, cottage cheese, chicken breast, pork loin, etc. Fill 1/2 of your plate with veggies - you can eat as many veggies as you like, whenever you are hungry. Eat some fruits. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store (avoiding the processed foods full of hidden sugar, fat, salt, and chemicals) - fresh produce, lean meats, low fat dairy, whole grains. Drink lots (at least 8 glasses) of water a day - this will help with your digestion. Also, low-fat yogurt (without all the fruit syrup) with probiotics, produce and whole grains full of fiber, help digestion. Cook with cooking sprays or a little olive oil - avoid extra fats. Avoid sugary drinks.

    After a month or so, then you can cut back again to about 1,200, maintain that for about a week. You should see a few pounds your fat start to melt off - fat, not muscle. Eating lots of protein helps to protect your muscle. This week just a jumpstart.

    After a week, up your calories again to around 1,400. This should give you a slower fat loss (meaning it will stay off easier) and is still protecting your muscles. This period should last you about 2-3 months.

    After that you should be where you want to, so you would just increase your calories to around 1,500-1,600 to maintain. Remember, if you aren't giving your body the fuel (healthy calories) that it needs, it will rebel again. If you find that you fall off and are gaining, then just start the process over again.

    And you must exercise!!!! You have to build that muscle, and that takes a little time. Find out WHY you are really doing this. Focus on your HEALTH and make it a priority. Walk/Aerobics/Zumba for about 30 minutes, 4-6 times a week. Do muscle building exercises about 3 days a week. Your muscles need time to recover, so always give each group of muscles a day to rest in between workouts. You can use free weights, Curves for Women (only 30 minutes a day), or find exercises on the internet. I like Shape.com, Prevention.com, Bodyrock.tv, Livestrong.com, and there are many more.

    The main thing is to make sure that you are healthy, and that your weight is good for YOU. If you are too thin, then your body rebels! This will only make maintaining a healthy weight harder for your body in the future and you only get one body, so take care of it! Its going to need to be around for a while, and working properly! You want to maintain a healthy weight. If you are 5'5", then your ideal weight should be closer to 115-130lbs. If you are outside of that, you should go see your physician for a check up, and see what he/she recommends would be best for you, and how to achieve it.

    Good luck!

    All good information and sounds like quite the journey for me........But my sister is taking me to go see our doctor soon, maybe sometime next week and see what he says. I'm going to talk to him in private and explain this as best as I can and see what he suggests for me. Take my blood, measurements, fat percentage ect. Who knows, he might not even do that, but we'll see.
  • alli_baba
    alli_baba Posts: 232 Member
    All good information and sounds like quite the journey for me........But my sister is taking me to go see our doctor soon, maybe sometime next week and see what he says. I'm going to talk to him in private and explain this as best as I can and see what he suggests for me. Take my blood, measurements, fat percentage ect. Who knows, he might not even do that, but we'll see.

    I think it's smart to see a doctor and get some blood work done. You might also want to give your doctor some sample days of your food diary from before (when you were in eating less calories) and now (when you upped it).

    In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing and try not to stress!!! (My husband is a doctor and he has seen many patients exacerbate their conditions by stressing out too much). Hard to put in practice, I know, when your body is acting unusual, but definitely try. Good luck!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    TOPIC: I'm in starvation mode and my fat gain is only getting worse

    I think you just answered your own question.

    You are in starvation mode so your body holds on to all the fat it has for dear life because its scared its gonna STARVE!
    You are consistently eating under the goals set for you by the site.

    Please search the threads about BMR and TDEE and find out how much you should really be eating.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    TOPIC: I'm in starvation mode and my fat gain is only getting worse

    I think you just answered your own question.

    You are in starvation mode so your body holds on to all the fat it has for dear life because its scared its gonna STARVE!
    You are consistently eating under the goals set for you by the site.

    Please search the threads about BMR and TDEE and find out how much you should really be eating.

    i'm just afraid the fat gain is only going to get worse if i eat more since now my metabolism is slower.....Even when i workout, i'm still afraid eating more is only going to do the opposite. Keep in mind, I dont want to lsoe anymore muscle...I've lost so much...at least 15Lbs worth of solid strong muscle. Now, they are SOOOO tiny and SOOOO soft and squishy...Especially in my entire core, sides and back. i use to look and was leaner and not so bloated looking and unfit.
  • jillthemom
    jillthemom Posts: 31 Member
    Is it possible you are pregnant? Just a thought that came to mind.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    Is it possible you are pregnant? Just a thought that came to mind.

  • NickPineault
    Hey Alex,

    I've got a few tips for you:

    1) Take your body temperature, daily, after your last meal of the day.

    It should read around 98-98.6 Fahrenheit. If it's under 97, your metabolism is affected badly, and you need to up your calories over your maintenance level until your temperature comes back to normal. This is the only way to get your fat loss back on track.

    2) Don't rely on the scale too much

    Body composition matters, weight doesn't... even if we usually make ourselves think the exact opposite. You need to build muscle mass, and a lot of it. Use big compound exercises like squats, rows, overhead presses. These will burn way more calories than any cardio anyways.

    3) Eat the right food.

    I don't know what kind of food you're eating right now... but just understand that the kind of food you eat affects your fat loss ability as much as the quantity of food you eat.

    No offense to My Fitness Pal, but calorie counting doesn't always cut it. If you eat 1200 calories of pure sugar per day, you will NEVER lose any weight, and you'll be miserable, even if that's a calorie deficit for you.

    Rely on fresh, unprocessed, natural food like nuts, grass-fed meats and poultry, a ton of veggies, fruits in moderation. This kind of food will help you regulate your fat burning hormones.

    4) Remove these from your diet

    To fix your "bloated" sensation, reduce or eliminate your intake of these foods:
    - Dairy
    - Sugar
    - Wheat (even whole wheat)
    - Soy

    Trust me, you'll feel better when you skip those, because of their highly inflammatory and allergenic properties.

    Don't give up, and get informed.

    If you want more info, here's the link to my free report I give people before consulting with them.

    http://www.thefatlossanswer.com/ (skip the hypey video, I'm changing that very soon).

    Have a great day,

    Nick Pineault