Annoyed at unsolicited advice?



  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    Since I've been more open minded about nutrition, I've learned far more in the last year by listening and research. When people talk to me about fitness and nutrition, they don't like some of the things I say because it doesn't usually coincide with typical information you would normally hear. I just smile and go about my business.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice?
    I get annoyed at unsolicited advice, period. If I want your advice, I'll ask.
  • NickPineault
    As a nutrition coach, I still try to keep my comments for myself.

    Sometimes it's hard, especially when I hear stuff like:

    "Eggs are bad for your cholesterol... throw away the yolk!"
    or "saturated fats are bad for you"

    People perpetuating these myths don't know any better and don't have any bad intentions, but I sometimes feel compelled to educate them on stuff that can help them become healthier.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice? Especially when they are are in worse shape than you? I don't like the judgmental tone it sometimes comes with.
    I admit, I do a little. I just smile and bite my tongue.

    One day I'm going to tell some overweight person that I'm so happy their advice has worked so well for them.

    I have a sibling who has not had great success with her weight loss struggle, yet she keeps telling me about such-and-such diet (some of them are fine diets). I keep telling her that I never stick to diets -- I can't stand the hassle of educating myself about the diet, buying the special foods, making the diet recipes -- and that I prefer my way, which, while not perfect, has been reasonably successful.

    Another thing that gets me: People who have lost any idea of what normal weight individuals look like. Not every 100- or even 90-pound person is anorexic. Jesus!
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice?
    I get annoyed at unsolicited advice, period. If I want your advice, I'll ask.
    I try not to ignore any advice I do get though. Even if it's unsolicited, I don't want to assume it's not useful.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Most of the time I do not. For one thing I work with quite a few out of shape nurses and doctors and value their input. I don't know why they don't follow their own advice, but sometimes the advice is good. Plus, I know what the science says and I know what works for me and I don't mind discussing it. Actually I kind of like discussing it.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I guess every situation is different, and when you don't want the advice and you hear it all the time it can get a tad bit annoying! I'd take it with a grain of salt, so to say. I'm also sure that I have been guilty of it myself. I do think that judging a persons advice on apperance alone isn't accurate, a common mistake we make is thinking that a unhealthy person has always been unhealthy. I have a friend who is now over weight after giving birth and gaining newlywed pounds, but before that she was the poster of healthy! She knows what to do, teaches fitness classes but life got in the way...I love hearing her advice because she was once where I want to be! :)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I'll admit, since I've been pretty successful you could say I have a chip on my shoulder. When someone gives me advice I'm not looking for I often ignore them. If I did this well without their help I'm confident I can continue being successful without it.

    Now there have been many times I have needed advice, and I've found it here on MFP. If you wade through enough nonsense you can really find all the sound advice you would ever need right here.

    So if I'm looking for help I will seek it out and it's very much appreciated. If a guy at the gym wants to give me some tips on form I gladly take it.

    If someone 100lbs heavier than me is telling me I shouldn't be eating after 6pm well.... I guess it's not so much unsolicited advice that bothers me, just BAD advice.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice? Especially when they are are in worse shape than you? I don't like the judgmental tone it sometimes comes with.
    I admit, I do a little. I just smile and bite my tongue.

    Yes cause as we all know their physique is totally indicative of their knowledge of the subject

    First, you (I'm using the impersonal "you") should not be giving unsolicited advice.

    Second, yes, I am allowed to judge your credibility based on your weight. Weight loss has a huge behavioral component. So if you haven't figured out how to apply all your supposed knowledge to yourself, why should I listen to you?
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    What? I don't understand...are you talking to me? Let me get some Q-tip, a Megaphone.....

    Personally, it depends on the who the people are. If they are on your FL and you have asked for help in the past, then I could see it happening. It's an extension of compassion.If they are not...then they need to put their backpacks, 30's dress garb, and namebadge back on, grab their bikes, and STFU
  • anna0306
    anna0306 Posts: 16 Member
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice? Especially when they are are in worse shape than you? I don't like the judgmental tone it sometimes comes with.
    I admit, I do a little. I just smile and bite my tongue.

    Yes! And when they are in worse shape than you is annoying, but I have a friend who was born skinny, will always be skinny, and can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight and when she tries to give me eating tips it's excrutiating.
  • momcindy
    momcindy Posts: 194 Member
    This is why I'm dreading an upcoming family
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I think everyone here needs to step back and relax. Try deep breathing exercises and put yourself in the advice givers shoes. Maybe they are arrogant and want to show off, or maybe they are truly kind hearted and want to help.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice? Especially when they are are in worse shape than you? I don't like the judgmental tone it sometimes comes with.
    I admit, I do a little. I just smile and bite my tongue.

    Yes cause as we all know their physique is totally indicative of their knowledge of the subject
    LOL. I wish there was a like button on here. I've met a lot of muscle heads that would make a box of rocks look like Albert Einstein. One almost roid raged on me for not doing enough reps the other day at the gym. He accused me of being on 'the juice' and said I was lazy and afraid of doing any real work. What is it with people?
  • Charliesuccess
    Charliesuccess Posts: 181 Member
    These people are The Worst! and Ive freaking lost over 100lbs....I wonder if there giving advice in my direction out loud but speaking to themselves...its called projecting I think.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    These people are The Worst! and Ive freaking lost over 100lbs....I wonder if there giving advice in my direction out loud but speaking to themselves...its called projecting I think.
    Or envy over a gender specific part of the human anatomy. One of the two, maybe both.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice? Especially when they are are in worse shape than you? I don't like the judgmental tone it sometimes comes with.
    I admit, I do a little. I just smile and bite my tongue.

    Yes cause as we all know their physique is totally indicative of their knowledge of the subject

    I also am not so trusting of health care professionals that smoke!
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice? Especially when they are are in worse shape than you? I don't like the judgmental tone it sometimes comes with.
    I admit, I do a little. I just smile and bite my tongue.

    Have you thought that maybe they are trying to be helpful because they care about your well being? Nah, that would be crazy.

    Maybe so, but this particular person I am speaking of has ZERO indication of my eating habits. If you're telling me "You need to eat better." I will get annoyed. Better than what?
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    No. Advice can be helpful or unhelpful, well intended or poorly intended (designed to make them feel better about themselves) ignorant or intelligent, etc. Unless it's really about them feeling better about themselves I'm all ears. Then I'm free to consider it or ignore it.

    Sometimes it does help. I'm willing to sort through the clams for a few pearls. If it's well intended I appreciate it. If it isn't I just shine 'em.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Lol "Better than what?" exactly! lol that was funny.
    Do you get annoyed when people offer unsolicited weight loss advice? Especially when they are are in worse shape than you? I don't like the judgmental tone it sometimes comes with.
    I admit, I do a little. I just smile and bite my tongue.

    Have you thought that maybe they are trying to be helpful because they care about your well being? Nah, that would be crazy.

    Maybe so, but this particular person I am speaking of has ZERO indication of my eating habits. If you're telling me "You need to eat better." I will get annoyed. Better than what?