

  • http://www.multivitaminguide.org/ check the site for branded vitamin effectiveness....mostly 95% of the brands are useless. I have been using extendlife multivitamin and omega3 from 2 years.....really good...if u want can give a try. But pretty sure, worth every penny.
  • what you had for your lunch?
  • thats true....eating less does not help in loosing weight. Rather than counting your calories focus on your metabolism. eating too few calories lowers your body metabolism. So start adding healthy calories instead of those frozen foods. Start adding sweet potatoes, avocados, small portions of nuts, poultry.....list goes…
  • sun warrior chocolate flavor and jay robbs prtein (vanilla tastes yummy)
  • spirulina powder ..yuck!!!
  • Quality matters.....for a beginner i would always suggest vegan( brown rice) protein powder ...easily absorbed and digested than whey...i would suggest go for SUNWARRIOR PROTEIN.....vanilla flavour tastes good....
  • SUNWARRIOR CLASSIC PROTEIN (VANILLA tastes btr). its one of the best brown rice protein i have ever used. In you wanna go with whey protein..go with JAY ROBBS
  • Its seems like you have a poor metabolism in your body probably because you are eating too less calories. As long as your body gets healthy calories from healthy foods there is a very little chances of getting fat. Up your calories. Add some foods like sweet potatoes, avocado (eat them together for more benefits). Add egg…
  • sweet potatoes and avocado...yummy and cheap....
  • sun warrior classic protein (Brown rice protein) mixed with soy milk and millet powder ( whole foods)
  • every fluid that you drink and every water content food that you eat count towards your water intake. i am guessing its diuretic because of the caffeine content in the tea. one of the side effect of high caffeine intake is the frequent urination.
  • try to track your potassium levels......as long as you balance potassium : sodium ratio , there should't be a problem. usually they say its 2:1 intake of potassium to sodium is a good ratio to avoid any problems with sodium. avocado, banana, legumes, coconut water, fruits and veggies are a good source of potassium. So next…
  • truee...but if you still want to try a supplement. This site helps you choosing right one...it tells none of the vitamin supplement in the market are effective...see and decide ... http://www.multivitaminguide.org/
  • Apart from beans rest of it looks like a chinese hot pot :)...will definitely try it....
  • never try it with milk...very awful...i make this way...i use loose tea leaves not the bags.....i first heat up water....take it off from the stove....then add tea leaves and grated fresh ginger...close it with a lid...wait for 2 mins.....then add honey and lemon...tastes perfectly fine.....
  • just don't look at your calories. Also take a look at your sodium content. I think you should be consuming a lot of it....
  • if the potassium intake is higher than sodium then there should not be any effects of sodium.....but potassium is little hard to track as there is not enough data in the nutrition values.....but i can suggest adding up almonds, avocado, banana,coconut water, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, strawberries to your diet. All…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/573956-sodium-stuck-at-2-5-grams similar topic
  • cottage cheese and strawberries.....
  • can try these.....almonds, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (BRAGG), avacado, pinto beans,strawberries,celery,black & blue berries.......can try a banana too if it doesnt exeed your regular sugar intake.....
  • my home......settings........dairy settings....you can choose your trackings...
  • Great, I'll add more potassium to my diet when I see my sodium levels exceed the 2.5 grams. Is there an approx/ratio to this potassium to sodium flush? Just Curious. And damn the sugar level is a bit high. Give and take kind of thing. loL. I am not sure about the exact ratio but the recommended potassium ratio for an adult…
  • if you feel your sodium intake is high......try to up your potassium levels (a banana or coconut water or a glass of water with two table spoons of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (BRAGG) or any other good potassium food source). Potassium flushes out the excess sodium. Secondly replace refined table salt with unfiltered…
  • this site can be helpful for you choosing a right multivitamin supplement.....i recomment xtendlife... http://www.multivitaminguide.org/
  • how about trying coconut water?
  • avacado with spinach egg white omlet.... cottage cheese with blueberries and strawberries pinto beans with yellow tobasco peppers and lemon baby carrots with honey canned tuna fish (in water) with cayenna pepper...
  • i have jack la lanne juicer in walmart exact 100$...you can get less than that in craigslist......it juices almost any vegetable.
  • besides water...nothing can replace coconut water.......
  • add sea food (low in carbs), pinto beans (though have carbs rich in fiber)....green tea with ginger.....add avocado.....instead of 2 apples....take 1...instead of other apple...add strawberries with your cottage cheese..can reduce the intake of pineapple juice and add coconut water instead....bottom line...your diet is…
  • increase your intake of seafood especially sardines (good source apart from dairy), turnips,try cottage cheese (low in carbs and good in calcium), sesame seeds along with your regular intake. If you still feel your calcium intake is low then start taking supplement. I dont know about one a day for men but i can recommend…
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