

  • This is amazing and I'm super impressed by her, however I feel some sort of.. urge.. to advise caution, as a health professional, when it comes to weight lifting for adolescents. I think the current recommendation is to stay under 50% Body Weight. Obviously she has great form and that helps a lot, but with an adolescents…
  • Hopefully any good doctor will work with you to get you back to your normal activities instead of just telling you to stop! Any idea if last time it was back related or related to muscle tension (piriformis)?
  • Wweeeellll... I got a little over ambitious laying out out for a frisbee playing ultimate, and faceplanted hard. ...And gave myself whiplash, neck muscle stains, and a likely concussion. Still having some residual symptoms like headache, fatigue, muscle tightness... So.. not allowed to play with barbells for at least a…
  • Thank you! :smile:
  • So I have like... a lot of questions. Is your back problem symptomatic? Have you been cleared by your physician? Are you currently in rehab/physical therapy or have you done it before? By 'slipped disc' do you mean disc bulge or full herniation? Here's what I know - people do it successfully. A lot of people actually have…
  • I love this thread... I get too focused on how much I still have to go sometimes! Writing this down makes me realize how far I've come. I am on month 3, round 1. 1. Starting squat: 85lbs Current squat: 135lbs----+50 lbs, 58% higher! 2. Starting Bench: 50lbs Ending bench: 85lbs----+35lbs, 70% higher! 3. Starting OHP: 45lb…
  • Just wanted to say thank you for posting, you all look AMAZING and are inspiring me to keep up on my lifting! :flowerforyou: Progress on my ticker is from 2 months of Stronglifts, small changes but in a short period of time!
  • OMG you just made my night!
  • I just switched to a pretty giant gym, though the weightlifting area isn't really super big, probably normal sized. They have 2 bench racks, a sitting OP rack, and a permanently semi inclined bench press (ARMS MUCH?!), 1 smith machine, 1 squat rack. However, I have to stick up for my gym, because today I discovered they…
  • YAAAH Dani!!!! :drinker: So excited to DL 135 today so I could actually pull off the 45's! Felt great! I was so exhausted afterwards I had trouble getting my weights off the bar, probably looked ridiculous hehe.
  • Happy May!! May Goals: 1. Squat & Deadlift 150 (Current 135sq 130 deads) - Body weight baby!! Gonna hit it this month. 2. OP 60 lbs 3. Bench 100 lbs (cuz I like triple digits; current 85) 4. Get the diet back under control... OK with eating more calories for increased activity, but need to decrease the junk again. 5. Lift…
  • This totally makes sense to me! :laugh: 'Rest' day for me. Double booked patients at 5:30 and triple booked at 6...all getting hands on therapy... I know I ate well above normal calories and let myself have junk food but MAN I was starving after all that! Keeping my fingers crossed for lifting tomorrow. Tuesday went so…
  • Definitely not an expert here, it's been about 3 years since I took exercise physiology. But here's my thoughts, slightly more educated lol :) How did they calculate it your VO2max? Were you hooked up to lots of breathing tubes, or just estimated based on heart rate? VO2max is based on oxygen content x cardiac output,…
  • Oops, sorry forgot to add that. 5'5, 153 (ish) Thanks!
  • Thanks for posting! Very interesting.
  • Sorry about that! Edit post is apparently no longer an option... I'll repost here with the smaller pictures, if one of the moderators wants to take the last one down that is fine with me. --- Hi! I'm interested in an estimate. Did Navy % Covert Bailey and I'm at a 7% difference between the two, which seems like a big…
  • Basically agreeing with the rest of the advice here, you will see a change in body comp/% bf but you might not see it in the first few weeks unless you are a person that naturally drops fat very quickly. Biologically, at least 2-6 weeks of initial strength gains come mainly due to improved neural adaptation, and not until…
  • Thanks for your help!!! I will try to resize and try again soon. Lord knows why the pictures are giant. Nobody needs to see that!
  • My 2 cents for the FAI discussion (getting my Doctor of Physical Therapy in August) - Agree with you jaweiss that you can't correct skeletal deformities without surgery. However having treated a lot of patients with FAI, snapping hip, and hip flexor tendonitis (all of which the OP could have, hard to tell without physical…
  • No Cutting different food groups just leads to imbalances in your diet. Eat all things in moderation.
  • :smile: You ladies look great! Here's my update! Slow and Steady. This is me today! I think my abs are slowly trying to escape my layer of fat there. Hehe. Edit: what? last time i checked i knew how to post photos... [ img ] url [ /img ] ??
  • Everyone seems to be doing great lately! Did 135# for squats yesterday and was soooo sooo excited to load up the 45's! My friend sent me a link to this and I think you ladies might enjoy it - how to get ready for bikini season! "How to dress for your shape: are you human-shaped? play up your confidence and natural sex…
  • Agreed. Soreness is normal. Spasms are NOT! I don't take 'rest weeks' officially but I do frequently have sessions where I don't progress according to the 'schedule' because I know my body and what it can handle. I would recommend you slow down, and ask someone to check your form. That being said, there is definitely…
  • Workout B today Having a fight with OP. Deloaded to 55 from 60 and now I am failing out on reps at 55... Need to buy fractionals/eat protein/rest longer/eat better/etc... I'm considering going all the way back to 45 lb oly bar and starting over. Must beat OP!! Rawr!! Today Squat - 130# 5x5 - Met my April goal!! OP 55#…
  • Welcome!! I think you are going to love stronglifts!! I used to be shy at the gym but honestly the more I lift the more confidant I feel, so just force yourself to get over that hurdle and it will feel great. Most of the ppl at the gym's I've been to are either helpful or ignore you, which is great. Lifting partner would…
  • Thanks for the response :smile: it's nice to know it isn't just me! I still don't really understand what my %BF actually is... Navy circumference has me at 29.52 and Covert Bailey has me at 22.85, which to me is a huge difference! I used heybale's spreadsheet which has me at a 21% deficit, unless i underestimated my…
  • Thank you OP for sharing this video, it was so powerful! It definitely made me think about how I view myself. Ladies out there... how do you manage the disconnect between loving yourself/loving your body and accepting it, but also wanting to improve certain aspects of your health or image? Sometimes it's hard for me to do…
  • @ Tameko thank you for the awesome post as always I feel way better after reading... Been frustrated lately with the process and have kinda let the diet go...tho with my new work schedule I don't really have time to overeat, then again don't really have time for healthy food!! Lots of protein bars and whatever I can grab…
  • Thanks for posting :) I've been frustrated with lack of progress lately... like Amazing I do try to view it as a ''journey'' but sometimes it just gets hard to think of it that way when the scale/measurements/weights aren't changing like I want. Slow and Steady it is!!
  • Congratulations on starting SL!! Move up 5 lbs per workout (2.5 on each end of barbell), unless you start having a lot of trouble with a lift and want to try fractionals. Since you said those felt pretty easy I'd go with five. You'll definitely have to rest more as the weights go up! My advice is, don't forget to only do 1…