HALP! Heavy Lifting Made Me SUPAH Bulky!!!



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Weese - you look fabulous! And that hubby of yours sure looks smug having you on his arm :wink:
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I have a dumb question about why the scale doesn't change much but you lose inches? If its not muscle growth what happens? I've lost inches everywhere in two months including my waist going from 40 to 35, but "only" around 7lb

    If you weren't lean already, and weren't already lifting, you will add some muscle mass even on a calorie deficit. Of course you will add more if you are on a calorie surplus. As your body "adapts" to weight/strength training there are gains, people report them all the time. Also realize that muscle weighs sooo much more than fat by volume, that you can lose alot of "size" but not all that much weight if it is all coming from fat.

    Here is a comparison of 5lb of muscle vs. fat...


    As you can see, if you are maintaining all your muscle by forcing your body to replenish them after heavy lifting, and thus burning not much else but fat that 7lb is actually ALOT of space.
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    I told weese to get her tiny toned butt in here and show the difference between cardio and lifting but she must be busy with children or whatever. Sure don't know why, it's not like toddlers are high maintenance or anything . . .

    Yeah, not like toddlers with fevers of 104 are clingy or anything. :)

    Anyway, I don't have really good pictures of myself at the same weight as I am now, but soft. I have tried and tried to find some to no avail. This is about as good as I can do. Below is May 2012 - before heavy lifting with barbell, but after I started kettlebell and HIIT style training. Approximately 145 pounds-ish.

    Both of these are at about 145 pounds. (I'm deliberately bulking right now - trying to build a butt!)

    So, the difference is subtle. But after I started weightlifting, I dropped a good bit of body fat and just tightened everything up. When I flex, yeah, you can see visible muscle. But when I'm not flexed, I think I just look nice and toned. :)

    FINALLY! Been waiting for you to make an appearance.

    You look fabulous. And you're right, the muscle definition you've worked so hard to achieve (and I am ridiculously envious of) is only prominent when flexing. Very subtle, yet still present, when unflexed.

    Also, I want your shoes. GIMME.

    You look fantastic, but I'm with Lea. I want your shoes!!!! ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    In in in in
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    How do I get SUPAH bulky at home? I have free weights, plates, a bar and a bench. Stronglifts says I will need a squat rack, anyone know of a program without the squat rack?
  • Had to share some a new progress pic to illustrate that not one does weight lifting help maintain muscle mass, improve muscle tone, improve bone density, improve confidence, etc...

    ...it ALSO drastically improves stretch marks and loose skin (which, for someone like me who has had a child/lost a buttload of weight, that's a big effin deal).


    The picture on the left was taken a month into lifting.

    The picture on the right was taken today.

    While there's not a huge amount of difference in muscle size and definition (bicep is slightly larger, shoulder has a better curve), I'd like to point out the loose skin hanging from my under arm in the first picture. It's virtually disappeared in the second picture. No nipping. No tucking. Just lifting. Both pictures were taken in the same bathroom, and I'm holding my arm at virtually the same angle. No magic tricks, folks.

    Simply awesome!
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    How do I get SUPAH bulky at home? I have free weights, plates, a bar and a bench. Stronglifts says I will need a squat rack, anyone know of a program without the squat rack?

  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I told weese to get her tiny toned butt in here and show the difference between cardio and lifting but she must be busy with children or whatever. Sure don't know why, it's not like toddlers are high maintenance or anything . . .

    Yeah, not like toddlers with fevers of 104 are clingy or anything. :)

    Anyway, I don't have really good pictures of myself at the same weight as I am now, but soft. I have tried and tried to find some to no avail. This is about as good as I can do. Below is May 2012 - before heavy lifting with barbell, but after I started kettlebell and HIIT style training. Approximately 145 pounds-ish.


    Here are some taken after lifting heavy.

    December 2012 - probably around 142 pounds:



    March 2013:

    Approximately 142 pounds.

    April 2013:



    Both of these are at about 145 pounds. (I'm deliberately bulking right now - trying to build a butt!)

    So, the difference is subtle. But after I started weightlifting, I dropped a good bit of body fat and just tightened everything up. When I flex, yeah, you can see visible muscle. But when I'm not flexed, I think I just look nice and toned. :)


    You have the best calves on MFP. And awesome taste in shoes.
  • fishlover888
    fishlover888 Posts: 132
    Just wanted to say thank you for posting, you all look AMAZING and are inspiring me to keep up on my lifting!


    Progress on my ticker is from 2 months of Stronglifts, small changes but in a short period of time!
  • enchanted_daydream
    enchanted_daydream Posts: 258 Member
    Wow!! you all look so good! It makes me really happy that I am lifting heavy and working toward results like yours!! Can't wait to see these kind of results :)
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Ladies! A friend and I were just discussing that the term "lifting heavy" may put some off.

    The idea here is to lift weights challenging for YOU. The programs that are my favorite have you start with the bar, which weighs 45 pounds. Many of you have picked up children that big, and even squatted down to pick up something you dropped while holding him... or if you don't have kids, a bag of groceries, or a backpack!

    In Stronglifts, or Starting Strength you are aiming for a few sets of 5 repetitions...5....that's it...you build strength very well this way...and the next time you add 5 more pounds and give it a go.

    So lifting heavy doesnt mean you have to squat 500 pounds, you just need to challenge YOUR muscles.

    I hope this helps someone:flowerforyou:

    I started this at 40... and my body is better than it has been since I was in my early 20's.

    I LOVE what lifting has done for me...physically AND mentally.


    It helps me! (I'm 42.) :)

    Thanks for all of your encouraging posts in this thread...all the info & the amazing progress pics.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    And to all the lifters: Y'all look fantastic!
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    How do I get SUPAH bulky at home? I have free weights, plates, a bar and a bench. Stronglifts says I will need a squat rack, anyone know of a program without the squat rack?


    Awesome!! Thanks so much.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member

    If i may, I'm going to shamelessly plug my own thread here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/824518-fat-girl-dead-lifting

    I started at 125kg/270ish lbs.

    You can do it!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    In, of course.

    In admiration of all of you taking it to the next level!
  • CatMcCheesey
    CatMcCheesey Posts: 143
    In for more photos of gorgeous ladies who lift heavy :flowerforyou:

    Can't wait to post my pics someday

  • Aljos
    Aljos Posts: 63 Member
    you are all awesome...
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Most likely, no one will read this or care about it, but I am going to say it anyway!!!

    You ladies looks absolutely amazing. I wanted to say that you all are truly inspirational. This is not to say that women who DON'T pick things up and put them down are not inspirational, but I would prefer to look more muscular one day. I am 298 pounds (under 300 finally!!! :bigsmile:) and I have started to incorporate some form of resistance/strength (not sure which to call it) training because I would rather start now and work my way up so that by the time I am at goal weight, I can have a decent amount of muscle mass. Luckily, being so big my legs are pretty muscular under all those layers of fat, so my squats and lunges and kettlebelling (good Lord those things are trying to kill me!) are already making my calves, thighs and butt firmer. The KB also helps my arms a bit.

    I am a bit apprehensive to actually go to the free weights and use them, because there are constantly people there and I think I would feel really lame comparatively. But I think after seeing all these amazing results I may start incorporating free weights along with my cardio/KB routines. Hopefully one day I will have awesome abs, arms, legs, and an *kitten* like all of you ladies do! Any tips, pieces of advice, favorite workouts to do that come my way will be much appreciated. Again, I really hope to look like you ladies one day!

    TL;DR You guys looks sexy as hell, I want to look that way too.
    As someone who used to be 288 lbs (that was my starting weight), I have one bit of advice...

    Resistance/strength train NOW. The biggest mistake I made while getting to my goal weight was NOT doing any strength training until the very end. I lost an insane amount of muscle mass, and was left with flab and loose skin. Luckily, I'm young, so the loose skin is shrinking, but I'm still playing catch up trying to get back some of the muscle I lost.

    Honestly, if I had picked up the weights years ago, I would have also been where I'm at now years ago.

    I get being intimidated by free weights, but DON'T BE. I promise you, after a week tops, you'll love how strong you'll start to feel. Not only does weight lifting change your body, but it also changes your mind. I'd never be as confident and self assured without the mental strength that weight lifting granted me.

    A few programs to look into:

    Stronglifts 5x5: http://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-5x5-beginner-strength-training-program/

    This is actually the program I started with. I love it.

    Starting Strength: http://startingstrength.com/index.php/site

    Another great beginner program. Very similar to Stronglifts. This is actually an e-book that you have to purchase, but from what I've heard, it's well worth the money.

    Thank you! And thanks to all the wonderful, beautiful people that have responded! There is a lot of great info out there. I had this big long response typed out, but when I hit reply, the thread was gone -.- Basically, you guys are awesome and I am going to grow a pair of lady balls and starting picking things up and putting them down!

    I def know it's better to start early on, I want to make sure that I am losing what I am supposed to, and not my glorious muscles! It does help that I am very young (20) so I think with the amount of protein I eat, my age, and if I start lifting right meow, those things combined can help combat the dreaded "loose skin" everyone speaks of. Am definitely going to refer to this thread for inspiration on the days I do not feel like doing it. Oddly enough, I'd rather have my legs be sore than my arms, but I will live!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    If i may, I'm going to shamelessly plug my own thread here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/824518-fat-girl-dead-lifting

    I started at 125kg/270ish lbs.

    You can do it!

    You are a peach :flowerforyou: I do loooove the first pic...you look like you've just picked up some foam stage prop, not nearly 200 pounds! lol. I definitely know what you mean about the belly getting in the way thing, not with lifting, but one of my turning points was going mini golfing and having to get on to my knees to get the ball out because I was so fat, I couldn't reach it by just bending over or squatting over :embarassed: We have similar starting weights, and I think that if you can do it, I might be able to as well!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member


    Hello hotness!!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Most likely, no one will read this or care about it, but I am going to say it anyway!!!

    You ladies looks absolutely amazing. I wanted to say that you all are truly inspirational. This is not to say that women who DON'T pick things up and put them down are not inspirational, but I would prefer to look more muscular one day. I am 298 pounds (under 300 finally!!! :bigsmile:) and I have started to incorporate some form of resistance/strength (not sure which to call it) training because I would rather start now and work my way up so that by the time I am at goal weight, I can have a decent amount of muscle mass. Luckily, being so big my legs are pretty muscular under all those layers of fat, so my squats and lunges and kettlebelling (good Lord those things are trying to kill me!) are already making my calves, thighs and butt firmer. The KB also helps my arms a bit.

    I am a bit apprehensive to actually go to the free weights and use them, because there are constantly people there and I think I would feel really lame comparatively. But I think after seeing all these amazing results I may start incorporating free weights along with my cardio/KB routines. Hopefully one day I will have awesome abs, arms, legs, and an *kitten* like all of you ladies do! Any tips, pieces of advice, favorite workouts to do that come my way will be much appreciated. Again, I really hope to look like you ladies one day!

    TL;DR You guys looks sexy as hell, I want to look that way too.

    you are so sweet:flowerforyou:

    When I decided to do something about myself i looked like this...

    Let me just tell you, I was very apprehensive when i joined the gym...I worried about how I looked, and had a lot of anxiety...I even cried in the locker room a few times the first few weeks.

    I had NO reason to worry...people respect the CRAP out of anyone who lifts and has good form....do your homework and get in there...
    try ONE thing...then do it again. YOU CAN DO THIS...your body will respond quickly and hopefully you will fall in love with weight training.

    Get your IPOD going and SMASH!!!!!!!!!


    I also loved the SO You Think You Can Squat series on youtube,,WATCH THEM.

    That's you??? that is amazing, you don't even look like the same person! You're probably one of the most gorgeous people on MFP, and I definitely would not have guessed that was you.

    I would love to do those things, but I have also developed a growing love for kettlebells...do you think it would be wise to do my cardio, KB, and the squats/lifts? The cardio alone, I'm not so worried about. The kettlebell routine I do is as follows using a 4kg (8.8lb) KB:

    Warmup with dynamic stretches.
    Around The Worlds, 20 reps per direction
    Figure 8s, 14 reps per direction
    Shoulder Swings, 20 reps
    Kettlebell Cleans, 14 reps per arm
    Halos, 10 reps per direction
    Straight leg dead lifts, 20 reps
    Squat curls, 20 reps
    Bent Rows, 14 reps per side

    ETA I repeat this 2 more times after a minute long breather in between rounds!

    I want to do alllllll of these things, and I don't want to give up my kettlebells!!! Do you think maybe do the Kb routine once a week and the lifting the other 2 days I go? For instance, lift Monday, KB Wednesday, lift Friday?
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