jdmey Member


  • This is very similar to the yogurt I make, incredibly easy.
  • Met my husband when I was 13 and he was 14. His mother was my music teacher. We dated for six years and married when I was 19 and he was 20. Three grown children later, and now an empty nest, we have just celebrated our 40th anniversary!
  • I'll be 59 next week, and my Fitbit was an early birthday present. I love it. It keeps me going everyday. I tell my husband to park as far away from our destination as he can, and we walk so I can earn steps. I rarely took the stairs at work because I would get winded, but now I take them 10 or more times a day without…
  • Just finished 30 minutes on my stationary bike.
  • Love my FitBit! I've had it for about 6 weeks, and it motivates me to keep moving. Midday I take it off to look and see how I'm doing....steps/stairs taken/calories burned. I aim to do a little more each day, and where I could barely take the stairs twice in a day, I now do them 12 or more times.
  • I had that same talk from my doctor just 3 months ago. I found this site, and have been tracking my foods without fail. It has helped me lose 17 lbs. so far, which I thought would be impossible at my age (58). It really has been easier than I ever expected because the tools and support are right here. I know when I can eat…
  • I read this on the NPR website last week. It helps in choosing what you want in a Greek yogurt. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2012/07/19/156997600/high-tech-shortcut-to-greek-yogurt-leaves-purists-fuming
    in Greek Yogurt Comment by jdmey July 2012
  • Welcome to MFP! I think you are going to find success here. It is a very supportive place, and so many good tools, especially the massive food database. I started my journey here in April. My doctor told me I should lose weight and even gave me brochures about bariatric surgery. I weighed 202 at 5'1". I had hypertension,…
  • I've been working on eating cleaner for the past 3 months. My daughter loaned me her copy of The Omnivore's Dilemma and after reading that, it convinced me that I wanted to eliminate as many processed foods from my diet as possible. I still have a ways to go, but I'm finding that I have more energy and feel more upbeat as…
  • I bought an 8 oz. bag of plain M & Ms yesterday, came home and divided them into eight-1oz. portions in snack size Ziploc bags. I know I feel deprived if I can't have chocolate, but this helps me keep it in moderation.
  • I step on the scale every morning. It measures in tenths of a pound which I like, since sometimes I have only a .2 loss, but it's a loss nevertheless. I have fluctuations all through the week. When it's up a bit, I use that as encouragement to be more diligent, and if it's down, I use that as motivation to keep going. I…
  • Some of my packed lunch items include salads, hard-boiled eggs, rice pudding snack cups, nuts, peanut butter with apple slices, grapes, yogurt, tuna salad, celery with cream cheese, and cheese sticks.
    in Lunch Ideas?? Comment by jdmey June 2012
  • I have only been here for two months, but have committed to eating healthier, and what a difference it has made in my life. I feel so much better, my blood pressure is down, I have more energy to get through the day. I still have a treat now and then, but I count it in my day's calories so I don't go overboard. I am an…
    in New Member Comment by jdmey June 2012
  • June 3: 195 June 10: 194.8 June 17: 193.4
  • I like being more mindful of what I eat. If it doesn't taste great, I'm not going to finish it (like the free lunch they offered us at work last week, or the pizza last night that was too spicy). I used to clean my plate and finish whatever I started. On this journey I've decided, if I don't thoroughly enjoy it, I'm not…
  • Welcome aboard! I am 58. This site is great - so many success stories and supportive people. I usually have trouble with finding foods I eat on other sites, but I've had no trouble here. Best wishes on your journey!
  • I am so happy for you! You look great! I'm so glad you didn't give up.
  • SW: 202 CW: 195 GW: 190 UTG: 132 June 3: 195 June 10: 194.8
  • Your story is so inspiring to others - You look great! Thanks for sharing.
  • You look great! Best wishes on your continued journey.
  • That is so exciting! I'm so happy for you!
    in I cried - NSV Comment by jdmey June 2012
  • Welcome to MFP and your weight-loss journey! I find this site to be incredibly easy to use and helpful. At the end of the day I like to read through the success stories which gives me motivation for another day.
    in Introduction Comment by jdmey June 2012
  • You're doing (looking) great! Best wishes for the rest of your journey.
  • Welcome! Best wishes on your weight-loss journey!
  • Hi Carol! I'm Jan from NY. I am still learning my way around here, and glad to find other women in my age group. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, then had surgery, and gained it all back while I was recuperating at home. I am ready for a permanent change this time!
  • You are looking great! What an accomplishment!
  • Welcome! I have been here for about six weeks now, and am finding the site very useful and motivating. I spend some time each evening reading through some of the success stories, and that keeps me going another day. Being over 50, I thought it would be a real challenge to lose some weight, but on here I see it can be done.…
  • SW: 202 CW: 195 GW: 190 UTG: 132 6/3: 195 6/10: 6/17: 6/24: 6/30:
  • How exciting! Keep up the good work! You are motivation for all of us to keep on the journey.....