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  • I know! I have to bite my tongue because I keep wanting to look at people and go, "Gee, I didn't realize I looked so bad before!" What makes it worse... when I was in high school, I yo-yoed between 130 - 140 depending on the sports season (I ran track/cross country and volleyball depending on the year). When I shipped for…
  • I love the PB in an apple (have not done THAT since I was a kid!), but have been doing it on celery for YEARS! It made a great snack to take to work, it packed into my lunchbox real nice, and I cut the celery into small pieces so that if I had someone walk up to me, I didn't have this big ole piece of celery stick in my…
  • I always have and always will be a heavy carb eater, but I intend to make that a needed item by running again (training for a 5K in 9 weeks, and plan to keep running 5Ks regularly). But I have stopped eating it four days a week like I did growing up! My mom also used to make a lot of stuff either frying it in the frying…
  • I know the feeling! I still crave my junk food (always DID have a sweet tooth), but I got stuff in the pantry for when I MUST have the bad food, but I also got the pretzels (I tend to have a low sodium level), crackers, veggies and fruits and stuff. My son was bugging me a few minutes ago for a snack, and I was trying to…
  • My biggest problems are going to be the fact that I have asthma now (developed it back in winter 06/07 after a back injury) and I sprained my ankle in Sept 07 and it never fully stopped hurting, and my shin can barely handle the pounding of 100 yards before I feel like I am going to break. I went to physical therapy for…
  • Thought of another one... when you can come out of the ocean and go home without getting a rash on your inner thighs from all the friction!!
  • You can steal your toothpick thin man's clothes and fit into them without unbuttoning them (when I was still 115 pounds, I used to steal my ex's BDU pants because his were Medium Long, mine were Medium Short - too big AND too short - and wouldn't stay in my boots... I made him suffer and just kept using my belt to hold…
  • Check where your calories are coming from, see if you can eat something with a bit more calories that is small, or look at changing your meal plan schedule and how big those meals are. Plus... were you getting enough calories before? Some people gain the weight because their body was put into starvation mode and is still…
  • Don't forget, you can "shock" your system into losing weight again. I have been reading about it on here, that if you pleatu, you can shock your system by changing your workout for a few days, changing your diet, even go over your calories once in a while just to surprise your system. But do make sure you are getting…
  • WOAH!! I would have looked at your father and told him point blank to STFU! My husband doesn't "support" me because he doesn't think I need to lose weight, not because he thinks it is a waste, or I don't do anything, etc. Apparently you ARE doing something right, considering you HAVE lost weight, so he needs to go soak his…
  • I did that when my ex was deployed... switched to wheat bread, started drinking skim milk (my ex refuses to drink anything but whole, my husband will accept 2% so that I can buy two kinds of milk instead of three... son gets soy, no one else can stand it in my house), stuff like that, I was able to keep the wheat bread…
  • Can you incorporate exercise into your daily routine? And remember, you don't have to do one half hour session, you can do a bunch of little sessions.
  • PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you check with your doctor before you start CUTTING your calories!! If you cut your calories too much too soon or too fast, you can make yourself seriously sick, and possibly your baby, too!! I have seen people in the Army get really sick because they were BFing and trying to get themselves…
  • I liked it when I could buy organic... when I was active duty and stationed up in Chicago, I was doing as much of my shopping at Whole Foods Market as I could. The organic just tasted better to me and I did feel a difference when I started eating it. Unfortunately it DOES cost more to buy organic, and now that I am no…
  • WOW!! AMAZING!! I showed your pants picture to my husband (a 5'8" guy who has never seen the scale tip past 135 pounds!) and got an instant "HOLY S*** THAT GUY LOST SOME WEIGHT!!" I can't wait til I can get back on the trail myself!!
  • YAY!! I remember my first road races in high school... my first one was a 10K on Memorial Day, I came in at 1:01:59 or something like that... came out to a 9.59 min mile. My next race was that Friday, a 5K, don't remember my time, but I remember by the time I hit mile 2, I had a stitch in my side from HE double hockey…
  • I think we are both in the same support group, Cafemom is how I found this site!!! I am addicted to CM, though, so I am always "in trouble" with DH over it, but I am usually in the step-parenting groups!!
  • Nope, never heard of it, but I also didn't go to a therapist for my back (just my wrist and ankle), I just went to a general practice Navy doctor - thank god Great Lakes Naval Base was not too far from my Army unit, seeing as the local civilian doctor was a crackhead... jerk told me he was only willing to give me a…
  • AHHH, it "edited" out a STORE!! GEESH, this is why I HATE computer's deciding what is a "BAD" word!! Ok, try this one... D. I. C. K. 's Sporting Goods!! That or Sport's Authority. Those are the two that I like to check out for general exercise equipment and had decent shoe selections when I went and knowledgeable sales…
  • My magic shoes were Nike Peguses when I was training for the Army Ten Miler, otherwise, I like my Avon Curves running shoes (when I have not worn them to shreds!! I am hard on my shoes) for general running for fun. Your best bet... go into your local sports store, like ****'s or Sport's Authority, and go to the shoe…
  • Take my suggestions with a grain of salt, since I don't know exactly what is wrong with your back, but my back pain is usually relieved when I do the "Cat Back Arch". Get on all fours and arch your back up like a cat's, then relax and let your stomach hang down towards the floor. Another exercise... lay down on the floor…
  • Push-ups, overhead arm claps, arm circles (circle the airport!!). That had my arms nice and skinny when I was still on active duty.
  • Trail mix... you can make your own trail mix so you are including healthy stuff, like raisins. Granola is good, too. And keep in mind, camping will burn more calories. Depending on what equipment you take with you, you can also cook soup, grill chicken breasts (my ex brings his coleman stove or a grill thing to toss over…
  • Just make sure you put in your food notes section that you got sick right afterwards, and all that junk.
  • I think I am going to do the sit-up challenge as well as the squat challenge, seeing as how my sit-ups were what I always had problems with on the Army PT Test... I used to max out the push-ups, but I developed some wrist problems, so I am going to avoid push-ups and exercises like that!
  • That is what I looked like probably around 36-37 weeks with my daughter, I started at 115 pounds when I got pregnant the first time... being active duty Army does that to ya, and I want to get my weight down so I can be your size when I get pregnant with my next one (I carry my babies inside a lot, I don't show a whole lot)
  • Here is an easy way to convince yourself to rest... find someone who is willing to hit you over the head if you try to get out of bed until Tuesday!! Actually, in all reality, exercising is sometimes considered GOOD for you when you are sick, as long as you are not running yourself into exhaustion, depending on just WHAT…
  • Yea, the baby thing is gonna be WAY off, though, I have two other MAJOR conditions, that are priority (I just thought of the weight thing this afternoon when we wandered into maternity clothes area and saw some CUTE!! maternity outfits)... we have to be married at least a year (we just got married in Dec, although we have…