Weekend with sisters

stef_e_b Posts: 593
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
This weekend my little sisters came to visit and we had a great time. However, first I had to see my father who has always been the person that has been my toughest critic.

He decided to give me $200 for my birthday a month early which worked out great. Of course he wanted to know what I was going to buy and I should have lied and said new clothes or something but I told him a heart rate monitor.

This set him off. Wasting his money on weight-loss gimics (he owns the abtronic, a sweat belt, and a full sauna suit) when I refuse to work at this at all and never workout and all I eat is junk. He yells at me for eating crap and he brought me a platter of cupcakes when he came to pick up the kids.

God, he makes me so mad. I don't know how to deal with him. I know hes pulling this same **** with my sister too. He makes my sister run the track until she vomits. He used to make me use the exercise bike for hours despite my doctor saying I wasn't allowed because of my cerebral palsey.

I don't know what I can do about it. I spent the whole weekend trying to piece together some self esteem for my sister, but I don't see her very often.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I'll vent again another time. lol


  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I 'm sorry that your dad makes you feel like that. It is so stupid how some people behave. I hope that your sis will be old enough to leave home before too long. I hope you can be happy with the fact that you don't have to let him " make" you feel any guilt or anything any more. your grown up and out of his house and out from under his thumb, so that is something to be happy for. and if it makes him mad that you are spending " his" money on a HRM well, I say , YAY......maybe it will just eat him up inside and he will have sleepless nights about it and that can be your justice.

    keep up the good work, your body is getting stronger and there is nothing better for your CP than a strong body and a healthy mind. you keep doing what your doing sweetie....:happy:
  • WOAH!! I would have looked at your father and told him point blank to STFU! My husband doesn't "support" me because he doesn't think I need to lose weight, not because he thinks it is a waste, or I don't do anything, etc. Apparently you ARE doing something right, considering you HAVE lost weight, so he needs to go soak his head! I also would have handed him the money back, since it is HIS money you are wasting, then he can have it back, it apparently wasn't a birthday present, because a present is YOURS to do with as you please, without requirement or comment from the giver.

    Oh, yea, making a child exercise to the point that your sister is throwing up, and making you use equipment when a doctor has said not to is getting into the area of child abuse!!
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    Thanks, I just needed to vent. Its just so frusterating because I can't say anything to him because he pays for my schooling and I don't qualify for financial aid.

    The last time I told him that his opinions don't matter to me he threatened to not pay my tutition next year. I'll suffer with his crap a few more years and try to talk to him less.

    I worry about my siblings. I haven't been a part of their household in 5 years, so I can't really be there for his kids the way I need to be. However, I'm sure they will understand when they grow up.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    My mother was the same way. The only way to control a person was to show that you needed them financially. Some day you won't need their money and you can live your own life. My mother still has a hard time with the fact that I don't need her money and hates it when I buy things and tell her she doesn't need to pay me back.

    It gets better. Just focus on you and being healthy.
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