briggsy13 Member


  • The peanut M&M's made me laugh cause I just heard Shaun T confess to having a weakness for them. I could eat a whole bulk size bag, so I avoid them at all costs!!!
  • Also keep in mind those types of exercises they recommend court shoes vs running shoes. The court shoes (tennis, basketball, volleyball) are made to handle the movements in the workouts. Vs just the motion of running. Just keep that in mind no matter which of those workouts (Insanity, Turbo Fire, P90X etc) Aside from that…
  • Currently in week 11 and love it!!!! Bring it!!!
  • I'm about 5 9 and I'm currently just over 170. My goal was 160 but now that I'm 10 lbs away I think 150 will be a better goal. I know I still have 20 lbs of fat left to plow through. Granted if I'm happy with my body before then I'm not going to obsess. But as I get more and more fit I still see areas that won't show my…
  • I stopped making excuses. I used to have tons of them, I don't have the time, it costs too much to eat healthy, you name it I've probably said it. I want this, I want healthy, I want to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. I want to raise my kids in a healthy environment and I want them to grow up with a…
  • I drink a shake at night now. It fills me up and keeps me from mindlessly snacking which was what I used to do almost every night.
  • You look Amazing!!!!! Way to go!!!
  • I have a fitbit, not the newest one, but the one before this one. I love that it tells me my calories for the day, however I now also want a HR monitor. I have no real idea how many I'm burning on a lifting day cause even though my heartrate might be really high I'm not moving enough to register a lot with the fitbit. So…
  • that's awesome progress, and proves that the scale lies!!!
  • I'm not good at putting together my own routines or following through with something like that on my own. I do dvds with weights. I've done the Chalean Extreme program and am currently doing P90X. My set of bowflex dumbbells were the best gift I've been given (almost).
  • way to go!!! you look amazing!!!!
  • Carlo's Bakery, yep fatty fatty :)
  • When I finally lose what's left of my stomach I will totally run in a sports bra. There have been days I've been totally tempted to do it even with my flabby self. I say if you are hot, go for it!!!
  • You look awesome!!
  • Naptime!! I started working out when my youngest daughter was just 3 months old. Naptime is the only time I can get it done. Now that she is older and my other 2 are older too I can sometimes get a workout done with them awake but honestly its best to do it (for me) when they aren't bugging me. I do workout dvd's in the…
  • I started at 240, started doing couch 2 5k by running laps in my backyard. Ran for a while, but plateaued. Starting doing weights with Chalean Extreme last October, then added Turbo Fire in January. Started P90X in April. I'm currently at 173. While running was a great starting place for me and I do still enjoy a run,…
  • Well I wanted to report back after 2 weeks of increased calories. My weight loss has not increased or decreased in rate. I've still lost about .6 or .8 lbs each week. I guess I feel better now eating more calories. I did have an overage this weekend on Sunday for my son's bday. My eating hasn't been as clean so I'm gonna…
  • they don't get them for free, they cost. It would be nice if they were free!! :)
    in Shakeology Comment by briggsy13 May 2013
  • I am at 175 now and my goal is 160. Honestly I don't think I'll be happy at 160 based on how I feel now, but I don't know. I'm in a size 10 clothes. I used to think I had a large frame but now I'm not so sure.
  • I have the bowflex adjustables. I started out with plain old dumbbells like the ones pictured above and it was not working. I could not change out weights midworkout and then back again a couple mins later. I found a set on craigslist and have not regretted it one bit!! I love that they take up like 2 feet by 2 feet of…
  • I'm a beachbody coach, but as you can tell from the replies, we aren't thought of very highly around here. I guess there have been plenty of coaches who spam the boards.
  • My daughter has never been diagnosed, BUT we saw signs in her behavior and we cut our gluten from her diet. That alone made a HUGE difference in her behavior. Recently now that her behavior has changed because of no gluten I can notice when she is exposed to other things that affect her. She had to go on an antibiotic for…
  • Very good example of the phone. I guess I didn't realize I wasn't eating enough. It was like it took my body a few weeks for it to catch up to me. My goal weight is currently only 15 lbs less than my weight now. But that will be a good idea for getting a new calorie goal. Thanks!!
  • Thanks everyone for your replies, I will definitely add more food each day!! I'm not really doing low carb, just trying to keep the ratios they mentioned in the Nutrition guide. Which was harder than I thought since one piece of fruit can have a chunk of carbs. But I know its good carbs. I'll try to remember to report back…
  • Way to go!!! And your smiles says it all in those last few after pics!!!
  • Night is me weak time! I have started drinking a meal replacement shake at night after the kids go to bed. Its chocolate and yummy and fills me up and keeps me from eating all the junk I used to eat. It is working for me. Plus its good for me so that's an added bonus.
  • Awesome!!!! Way to go!!!!
  • Keep an eye on your craigslist for weights. I found my set for $255 and they were like brand new. The guy had a back injury and wasn't able to lift anymore. Plus my parents paid for them, but a whole lot cheaper!!!
  • and be warned I swear they put something addicting in sushi. YUM Its expensive so I only get it a handful of times a year but man I love some sushi. You got good advice about the california roll. Also it might take a couple tries to see if you really like it. I had it as a teenager and didn't like it until like a year…
    in Sushi? Comment by briggsy13 April 2013