dlmcgo Member


  • Congratulations! What a beautiful difference.
  • That's AWESOME!
  • My wegh in is at 7:30 am every Monday. I will check-in then.
  • Really not sure how to answer this....Basicaly I am eating normal food but I've made an effort to up my fruits and veggies while avoiding junk food. My bad habit before MFP was meal skipping. Currently water drinking is a challenge!
  • I did WW and it was working but since I couldn't drive it as difficult to get to meetings. Then, someone told me about MFP. I didn't do it faithfully in te beginning but now hat I've set goals I've been faithful since mid-January and have lost 7 lbs. I will be 48 in June with about 70 lbs to loose. My short-term goal is 2…
  • I will be 48 in June with over 50 lbs to loose. My short-term goal is 2 lbs per week so that I can be down 40 lbs by August 1st. I know that's 23 weeks away and that would be 46 lbs but I want to allow for those weeks that I don't get 2 lbs off (like this past week). I'm PROUD of the 7 lbs lost! I'm doing 45 min - 60 min…
  • Wow - prayers and hugs to all of you! I had a stroke and multiple heart attacks at the age of 41. My weight was not a factor but an undiagnosed heart condition from birth. I also have sleep apnea. Went thru extensive therapy and still have some right-side deficit mainly my right arm/hand. I need to get my weiht down but…
  • Sounds wonderful to me. Thanks for sharing!
  • Big boned is an old expression for someone with a big frame. I am 6 ft tall with broad shoulders and wide hips and was always classified as "big boned". When I ws in my twenties I weighed 130 lbs which was too small for my frame - I looked bony. I used to joke that I couldn't put my hips in a vice even though I really…
  • That's great to know because my daughter loves Just Dance and I join in with her a lot.
  • I can't run yet either. My health problem involves my heart and lungs. I have no idea if what I'm doing is right or wrong! I warm-up at 1.5 for 5 min then go at 2.0 for 30 min. My plan is to increase my time by 15 minutes a week then work on speed later. I'm moving and that's all that matters to me!! Good luckt o you.
    in Treadmill Comment by dlmcgo January 2013
  • WOW! I read this board and thought - I AM NOT ALONE. I had a great start last fall and then summer life got in the way. I have decided that I am going to get better about my weight loss effective immeditely. I am being paranoid about walking in the gym since I haven't been there all summer but once I have my daughter off…
  • Any idea of inces lost? 13 lbs made a big difference in your upper body! Keep up the good work!
  • WOW! Great job! I'd be in tears too.
  • That's an AWESOME compliment. One of my daughters friends brother called me that last year and I had to ask what it meant. When they told me I was thrilled! The friend also told me that her brother really meant it. I love being around my daughters classmates and helping at their school.