Shannon1023 Member


  • I'm a mom of four kiddos... 2, 5, 7, and 10! Please add me too! :smile:
  • The C25K program really helped me get started running as well! I am a big snacker so I tend to reach for water and gum to keep my mouth occupied ;)
  • Stay at home Mom of 3 girls here (ages 2,4,& 6)! Would love to be friends!
  • I love this! Think I'll join in on the fun!! :)
  • I love to throw my chx in the crock pot! By the end of the day, the chx is shredded, moist and delish!! Salsa chx: Chx breast (can still be frozen when u put them in!!) Salsa Cream of chx soup Cook all day and serve over rice or as a taco or whatever you are in the mood for! :) Garlic chx: Chx breast (can still be frozen…
  • Love the c25k program!! I was never a runner, but surprised myself by completing this program AND running my first 5k this month!! Planning on doing another one in November as well! Good luck and feel free to add me for support!!
  • That's awesome!! Keep up the great great work!!
    in NSV?? Comment by Shannon1023 August 2011
  • 32 yr old Stay at home mom of 3 trying to fit exercise into a hectic schedule! Never a dull moment at our house!! Lol! Friend request sent!!
  • Moving and starting over is HARD! I've been in your position several times! Hang in there, you CAN do this! :) Now although I'm not in Georgia, I can be your workout buddy from a distance! Lol! Request coming your way! :)
  • Hi Tanya and welcome to MFP! I too am a stay at home mom of 3! :)
  • Right there with you!! Friend request and motivation coming your way! :)
  • Whoops! Sorry, I should have mentioned my plan to y'all :blushing: I'm doing a 5k on aug 6th and wanted to make it through the program before the big day! Considering I've started and stopped this program several times, I thought I'd jump ahead a little so I would have time to push through and succeed. I started week 2 and…
  • W6D3 Complete!! *fist pump* It was hard, but I DID IT!! :laugh:
  • Welcome back! As a mom of 3 myself, I know how hard it is to stay on track and not let life get in the way! Set some goals for yourself and tell others so they can help keep you on track and motivate you! Take a picture of yourself and hang it on your mirror or fridge... find some healthy snacks to munch on during those…
  • Coffee mate French vanilla :) I <3 my coffee and can't seem to sway from it or my cream! I find if I use fat free, I put waaaay more in my coffee to try to get it to taste just right so I just stick with the original. I know, it's bad, but it's one thing I'm not ready to give up yet :)
  • Started week 2 today! And it felt great!! I know I'm starting early, but it's for a GOOD reason!! I'm headed back home this summer and there just happens to be a 5k that many of my friends are running so I thought it would be fun to join them this time!! :) This means I'm hoping to squeeze in 8 weeks of training in 4…
  • It's always that last little bit that's the hardest! I'm right there with ya! Been working on these last 15 lbs for what it seems like forever! I'll send you a friend request... We can work together to reach our goal weight and motivate/support each other along the way! :)
  • That's awesome!! Good luck and have fun!! I can't wait to do my first 5k!!
  • I use 2.5 lb hand weights. I'm a week into 30DS... Kicks your booty! Lol! Good luck and have fun!! :)
  • Finished week 1!! Woohoo!! (but I can't update the spreadsheet? ): ). Felt great... Went farther today than I did on Tue... And my dog ran it with me so I had company :)) Let's bring on week 2!! Lol! Just read an earlier post... thanks for managing the spreadsheet!! You can mark my week 1 complete! :)
  • Welcome!! MFP is awesome and I'm sure you will love it! I too am working off my "baby weight" but my baby is 2! Lol! :)
  • Completed w1d2 today with my newly downloaded podcast! Whoop!! So glad I downloaded that because I misread the chart the first day and shorted my workout by 2 runs! It's all good felt great!!
  • Jillians 30 day shred is a good one and only suggests small hand weights... 3 levels of 20 min workouts. I like turbo jam too... Dance and kickboxing... Depending on the DVD, workouts range from 20-60 min (if I'm remembering correctly... Its been awhile :)
  • I agree with Kalrez! You will definitely need to be very focused and disciplined to achieve this goal. Exercise almost every day and watch your calories! I would also recommend Jillian's 30 day shred. You can also find this DVD through Netflix and the library :)
  • Thanks for adding me to the spreadsheet! I see your link now too ;) I will be starting tomorrow am... bright and early!!
  • I would love to join you on this challenge!! I've started a couple times in the past, but never got very far for one reason or another. Definitely in need of support and motivation once I get started!! Is it too late for me to start with y'all?
  • Welcome Jennifer!! MFP is awesome!! You'll do great! ~ Shannon
    in New Comment by Shannon1023 July 2011
  • My first day was yesterday too!! Woohoo!! Now, do any of you happen to know what the calorie burn is??
  • Welcome!! And I am sending you ALL a friend invite b/c from one mom to another, I could really use the support too!