C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    @Kalcide, I have thought about it but haven't gone yet :(. Maybe I will one of these days. I'm doing okay so far with my Nikes so I wasn't sure if I really needed new sneakers. But I have heard from many people too that it is better to get properly fitted for running shoes. If you decide to do that let me know if you experience a big difference.

    @Shannon - Holy cow, how'd you get to week 6 so fast? I have you down as just completing week 1. Well, I will update the sheet then and congratulations that's freaking awesome!!!!
  • Shannon1023
    Shannon1023 Posts: 30 Member
    Whoops! Sorry, I should have mentioned my plan to y'all :blushing:

    I'm doing a 5k on aug 6th and wanted to make it through the program before the big day! Considering I've started and stopped this program several times, I thought I'd jump ahead a little so I would have time to push through and succeed. I started week 2 and then skipped ahead... Im glad I did as week 6 has been a big challenge... Actually did day 2, 2xs.

    Sorry about that! :smile:
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Whoops! Sorry, I should have mentioned my plan to y'all :blushing:

    I'm doing a 5k on aug 6th and wanted to make it through the program before the big day! Considering I've started and stopped this program several times, I thought I'd jump ahead a little so I would have time to push through and succeed. I started week 2 and then skipped ahead... Im glad I did as week 6 has been a big challenge... Actually did day 2, 2xs.

    Sorry about that! :smile:

    Ohhhhhh k, well good for you!!!
  • Taicort
    Taicort Posts: 14 Member
    Week 1 day 3 FINISHED!

    i will be running 1 more day this week with my boyfriend since he's decided that he wants to do the program with me. ( he started a day after me) Then on Monday, ill be starting week 2! I have noticed that living as close to the beach as i do, its harder for my to run in the mornings with all the fog that rolls in off the ocean, so i have been waiting till dusk when it cools down in an attempt to beat the heat. :)
  • froggy77064
    froggy77064 Posts: 49 Member
    can i join? i started it this past week.rough start for day 1 on concrete track(shin splints issues)did end up walking just over 2.5 miles(very painful). i did day 2 & 3 on a dirt track.WOW!!! what a difference that made.i will redo week 1 next week since it started off bad.i did finish up day 3 with walking for another 40 minutes.i had to make up for the previous nights dinner and since i felt great at the end of the program time it was a no brainer.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I completed week 7 last night, then used Google Pedometer to calculate my speed - about 5 mph. That's lower than expected, but I guess it's not too bad considering it's up and down rolling hills almost the whole way. The hills aren't huge in this area, but they're unavoidable, and look like mountains when I'm at the foot of one and have already been running for 20 minutes.

    I went back to the treadmill several days ago to run intervals, a preset program of 2 minutes of walking alternating with 2 minutes of running, and managed about 3 miles worth at 4mph/6mph. I couldn't have done a month ago. I ran the early C25K weeks on the treadmill at 3.7mph/5.5mph. I'm thinking about including a regular interval session on the treadmill each week to work on my speed, maybe starting after I graduate from C25K. Only two more weeks to go:bigsmile:
  • Just finished Week 2! I really didn't want to do it (or ANYTHING really) today but I'm really glad that I did, b/c I ended up pushing myself harder than usual. And then I danced around a bit to burn a few more cals! :) ...Really worn out now though. Whew! LOL
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    @Taicort - Great job! I'm so happy to hear that your boyfriend wants to take part in it too.

    @Froggy - Welcome! When you are starting out with this program it's so important to stretch and work on strengthening those shin and calf muscles. Splints are no fun. I hope things get better for you. I've added you to the list and look forward to seeing your progress. :)

    @llkilgore - You are on fire! And that is a great NSV re your progress in a month. You should be so proud. Are you planning to do a 5K once you finish the program?

    @Jessi - LOL that's too funny. I'm so proud of you!
  • alyana1
    alyana1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey thought i'd update!

    I had to give up c25k 2 weeks ago because i got injured at work. However, i've been put on stronger painkillers (and you have to scrape me off the ceiling) and i'm returning to work tomorrow. SO I HAVE DECIDED.. if i manage ok at work, i'll start running again on wednesday! I was at wk 4 day 2, so i think i'll try and do week 3 again and take it from there!

    And on even better news! Ive finally lost more weight, at first it didnt move much at all, then i gained weight again despite sticking to 1200 calories. (and hardly any sodium) and got stuck at the 201 / 203 mark.. but finally this week i've dropped from 201.6 lbs to 197.4 in like 3 days! So its either the wheat is out of my system (I think i have an element of celiacs) or my body has finally got used to 1200 calories, i'm wondering if it went into a brief starvation thing. But fingers crossed! 6 lbs down wooo

    My GP was glad to hear i'd taken up running to strengthen the muscles around my back, but warned me to watch when running down hill, as this causes more stress. Its alright, i'll just take my strong painkillers before running and I'll feel like i'm FLYING across the fields.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Week 8, day 1 is done. 28 minutes. Easy? No, but the incremental increases in running time are small enough now that fear of failure is pretty much a thing of the past unless I have to deal with an injury (knock on wood). I've been very lucky about that so far - no shin splints or knee pain, just some muscle soreness in the early weeks that I was able to work through. Oh, and my sore hip, but that didn't last long and I don't think it was really related to my running.

    For those approaching weeks 5 and 6: they are the hump weeks of the program - the top of the hill, so to speak. Week 5 is a HUGE transition, and the challenge is at least as much mental as physical. Probably more so for most people. Week 6 is all about consolidation, and from then on its just a matter of building on your proven strength as a runner. What I'm finding out is that the first several minutes are hard. They were hard when I ran 20 minutes, hard when I ran 25, and now they're hard when I go out to run 28 minutes. But once I settle into a pace and get my breathing under control I'm OK.

    @OneBryteSmile - Not yet on the 5K. The local running season seems to be in the spring, not the fall. I'll have several different options then, but the nearest event I've been able to find on the net for this fall is an 80+ mile round trip from here.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    llkilgore- awesome work!
    I just completed week 6 day 3. I can't believe I ran for 25 minutes straight. I walked 5 minutes, ran 25, and then walked 17 minutes. My body feels fine. However, after 15 minutes of running I felt like I was going to throw up. I think this has to do with eating a late dinner and taking my vitamin late. Sometimes vitamins bother my stomach. Week 7 is 3, 25 minute runs so I should be okay. I'm glad the big jumps of time are done. I hope you are all doing well.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    @Alyana - Sorry about your injury. I'm not sure if running while on strong painkillers is a good idea though. You could hurt yourself and not even feel it. :frown: And congrats on your weight loss! :drinker: I decided today to increase my cals instead of doing 1200 to see how it affects my weight loss in the next few weeks. I don't feel like I've been losing enough but we'll see how this experiment goes.

    @Kilgore - only 1 week left, that's awesome!!! I was looking at week 5 this week and got so nervous about the big jumps, 5, 8 20. It just seems like there needed to be an extra week or something with maybe 15 minute runs LOL. I start week 4 tomorrow and that looks doable. Thank you for the feedback though and giving us hope that we can do it too.

    @dyiaane - Congrats on completing week 6! Looks like you are really doing great so I'm sure you will kick some week 7 butt. :laugh:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Well I wasn't sure I was going to do day 3 this weekend but I just needed to do something more exercisewise and so I just did Week 4 for the 3rd day but really it is the 1st time I did it with the walking time correctly so I will continue with Week 4 at least for another day next week. Any advice about whether I need to do 3 days with the wolking times as set out or not? Anyway I felt a difference some how this week that others doing week 4 have mentioned. Just feeling more like a runner some how. I have read all the posts since my last post on Thursday and am very impressed. So not quite completed Week 4 yet.
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Does anyone have the Nike + ipod thingy? I was thinking about getting it because I run on a trail and have no idea how fast or how far and I am just nerdy enough to be interested in that data! :-) I was going to start w2 today, but things went weird. We went to the midnight viewing of HP7 and I only got 3 hours of sleep...Ew.

    Ive got the Nike gadget thing. I used to use it years ago wen I tried to run. No idea where my shoe bit is though, as moved a couple of times since!!

    Can you use this along side the c25k app? Mine prob needs calibrating again, which I found worked best on a treadmill!!

    Handy piece of kit though!!

    the nike +ipod thingy does work with the c25K, it took me a few trial and error attempts to figure out the order (on an itouch). Chose your music first, then start the nike +app on a basic routine and then start the c25K app. the C25K app will work over the nike app
  • Finding_Tina
    Finding_Tina Posts: 48 Member
    I finished week two, and the first two days of week three. I am now recovering from back problems due to jogging, so the chiropractor said to take a week off. I hope I can go back this week as I had my best run on Tuesday, and then I got sore :(
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Week 2 completed. Can't wait to start week 3! I start liking running. Don't love it yet.
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    My running NSV!

    C25K week 3 day 1 done and it was great! My route through the common, (see my profile pic) is hilly. Today, the 3 min run was up a long hill, and I managed to keep running up it for the first time! (very slowly!) On the way back, I was due to walk down the hill (typical!), so I thought I would run. the 1st part on the way back is aalmost flat, but a really gradual slope, then it gets steeper. In total I ran continuously for nearly 8 mins, which is a record for me:)
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Hi my C25K peeps!

    I haven't logged in a week and I haven't run in a week. I was on Week 4 last week...there is a reason...hehe...I found out I'm pregnant last week!

    I'm totally ecstatic and since it's my first one, I'm freaking out and excited all at the same time! Until I have my first doc appointment, I think it's best if I stop running...I'm sure I'll be fine but I just want to be sure. I'm gutted that I've had to stop since I was psyched when I did my first 5 minute run...but I think this is more important now...

    So, keep up the good works and hopefully in a few weeks I'll get the okay and then I can start it back up!

    Good luck to everyone!

  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    I started today and I have to say it was not too bad. Tiffany congrats and have a happy and heaalthy 9 months
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Congrats Tiffany. That is very exciting.
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