C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • ncarmanrn
    ncarmanrn Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone! Sounds like everyone is doing a pretty good job at this. I just finished w2d3. Going to start w3 tomorrow. Worried about the runs though, my shins are trying to start hurting. Anyone have any good exercises to help with shin splints? And, yes I too have not noticed much change in the scale since I started this but I'm trying not to let it discourage me. I am building up muscle.

    Glad to see everyone doing so well. Keep up the good work.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member

    Just FINISHED week 3 on the weekend!!!

    Starting week 4 today... so scared... but I have to do it!!!

    OneBryteSmile - I have yet to sign up for my first 5K - I don't feel ready yet... am I?? It feels too soon to think about the fall and how I will be then.

    PS I have looked online to see what 5Ks are being offered... they all say 5K walk/run... are they all like that? With the option to walk??

    Week 4 - you can do it!!!! How did you feel about week 3? Was it much harder or do you think you are getting used to it now?

    5K - I feel the same way like I'm not sure if I will be ready. The one I want to sign up for is about a week or 2 after I finish the C25K program. But I feel like if I register for the race it will give me even more motivation to be ready. I think after the 9 weeks of C25K, I will still keep running and work on improving my time in preparation for the race. The ones here also talk about walking as well as running. I don't know if they are all like that but they might be. It looks like there are different starting points and the walkers are at the back with the sprinters at the front and the joggers in the middle.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hello everyone! Sounds like everyone is doing a pretty good job at this. I just finished w2d3. Going to start w3 tomorrow. Worried about the runs though, my shins are trying to start hurting. Anyone have any good exercises to help with shin splints? And, yes I too have not noticed much change in the scale since I started this but I'm trying not to let it discourage me. I am building up muscle.

    Glad to see everyone doing so well. Keep up the good work.

    Hey there, good job on finishing week 2!!! I start week 3 today. Check out our blog (link in my signature below) for a link to some good shin stretches. I do those stretches all throughout the day. I sometimes even walk around on my tippy toes. I'm hoping it will make my shins stronger. So far they have been helping with the runs.

    Do you take measurements? That has been so much more encouraging for me than the scale. I have consistently lost inches and I can really see the difference when I fit my clothes and look at before and after pictures. I was getting a little depressed about the scale but those measurements helped me realize that this is still all worth it.

    I'm going to put myself out there and post my measurements below in case it encourages anyone.

    Start Date: 14-Jun
    Neck: 13.5
    Chest: 42
    Left Arm: 13.25
    R Arm: 12.75
    Waist: 41.25
    Hips: 48.25
    L Quad: 24.75
    R Quad: 26.75
    L Calve: 16.5
    R Calve: 16.75

    2nd Assessment: 6-18
    Neck: 13.5
    Chest: 41.25
    Left Arm: 12.25
    R Arm: 12.25
    Waist: 38.25
    Hips: 44.5
    L Quad: 25
    R Quad: 25.75
    L Calve: 16
    R Calve: 16

    3rd Assessment: 7-10
    Neck: 12.5
    Chest: 38.75
    Left Arm: 11.75
    R Arm: 11.75
    Waist: 36
    Hips: 41.75
    L Quad: 23.75
    R Quad: 23.75
    L Calve: 15
    R Calve: 15

    That my friends is a total of 24.75 inches lost in 4 weeks. :drinker:
  • alyana1
    alyana1 Posts: 19 Member
    Well, i'm still out of the game :( thats been 10 days now :( But i'm still constantly limping. I'm going to go to the doctors, but i think they are going to sign me off for a bit. I'm not happy about that, but what can you do! Walking isn't really even worth is, because i'm not actually walking, i'm limping. It looks like i've injured my foot, but its all stemming from my back, so i look like a penguin when i walk lol!

    I'm going to do all i can not to be signed off.. but then again, to ask for stronger pain killers just to work through pain, really is just defeating the purpose..

    One plus though... i've had to have a hot water bottle attached to me for the past few days.. so when in the car i just bought heated seats... least i have a toasty bum!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Aly, I'm really very sorry that you got injured. I just hope it's nothing serious and with some rest and staying off your feet for a little bit you will be better soon.
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    Hi - note regarding the schools and do I have kids in them, the answer is no, not at this time - but I used to. They are in my neighborhood, that is all. (wait, I pay taxes, so yes I am definitely still tied to them, lol!)

    There are no high fences around them, no gates, etc. Just open fields. We have public high schools in the neighborhood, and I honestly felt just fine using them.

    The footing was such a relief from the hard cement sidewalk!
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member

    Just FINISHED week 3 on the weekend!!!

    Starting week 4 today... so scared... but I have to do it!!!

    OneBryteSmile - I have yet to sign up for my first 5K - I don't feel ready yet... am I?? It feels too soon to think about the fall and how I will be then.

    PS I have looked online to see what 5Ks are being offered... they all say 5K walk/run... are they all like that? With the option to walk??

    Week 4 - you can do it!!!! How did you feel about week 3? Was it much harder or do you think you are getting used to it now?

    5K - I feel the same way like I'm not sure if I will be ready. The one I want to sign up for is about a week or 2 after I finish the C25K program. But I feel like if I register for the race it will give me even more motivation to be ready. I think after the 9 weeks of C25K, I will still keep running and work on improving my time in preparation for the race. The ones here also talk about walking as well as running. I don't know if they are all like that but they might be. It looks like there are different starting points and the walkers are at the back with the sprinters at the front and the joggers in the middle.

    Thanks for the tips! Week 3 was... okay. Not hard but also not easy. Just about to step out now to start week 4.... eeek!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    GREAT NEWS. Just did week 5 day 3. I ran for 20 minutes straight without stopping. I can't believe it. So exciting. Then I walked another 20 minutes and then walked my dog for 30 minutes.
  • great! i'm on my second week of it right now!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hi - note regarding the schools and do I have kids in them, the answer is no, not at this time - but I used to. They are in my neighborhood, that is all. (wait, I pay taxes, so yes I am definitely still tied to them, lol!)

    There are no high fences around them, no gates, etc. Just open fields. We have public high schools in the neighborhood, and I honestly felt just fine using them.

    The footing was such a relief from the hard cement sidewalk!

    I'm definitely going to have to look into this. Thanks Tech.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    GREAT NEWS. Just did week 5 day 3. I ran for 20 minutes straight without stopping. I can't believe it. So exciting. Then I walked another 20 minutes and then walked my dog for 30 minutes.

    That is awesome news!!! After running 20 minutes someone would probably have to scoop me up off the ground but you went for another 50. You go girl!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    great! i'm on my second week of it right now!

    How's it going Theresa?
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    GREAT NEWS. Just did week 5 day 3. I ran for 20 minutes straight without stopping. I can't believe it. So exciting. Then I walked another 20 minutes and then walked my dog for 30 minutes.

    We knew you could do it:flowerforyou:
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Week 7 day 1 done, back indoors. So very VERY boring, but preferable to running in triple digit heat. With no rain in the area it didn't cool down enough to run out of doors at dusk.

    @OneBryteSmile - Good going on your lost inches
    I take out my tape measure once a month and today was the day. I've lost only 4 pounds in the last month and no more than a half inch off any of my measurements - except my waist, which is a full 2 inches smaller. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but considering how close I am to my goal weight, I'm happy. And I credit the running. I have a thick waisted apple/banana type build and am trying very hard to will ALL of the remaining pounds and inches come off my midsection and tummy. And maybe a little off my upper arms. My boobs, butt, and thighs have shrunk enough, thank you.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    GREAT NEWS. Just did week 5 day 3. I ran for 20 minutes straight without stopping. I can't believe it. So exciting. Then I walked another 20 minutes and then walked my dog for 30 minutes.

    That is awesome news!!! After running 20 minutes someone would probably have to scoop me up off the ground but you went for another 50. You go girl!

    Thanks. It wasn't really as bad as I thought. Its mind over matter. My next run is 25 minutes hopefully it won't be so bad. You can totally do it.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    GREAT NEWS. Just did week 5 day 3. I ran for 20 minutes straight without stopping. I can't believe it. So exciting. Then I walked another 20 minutes and then walked my dog for 30 minutes.

    We knew you could do it:flowerforyou:

    Thanks. So exciting! Now on to 25 minutes....maybe I'll try tomorrow or Wednesday.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Just wanted to let you know something that worked for me today. So it was 90 something degrees in NY today. So I waited until 8 PM to go running so it wouldn't be too hot out. It totally worked running later. I wasn't tired and there was actually a breeze by then. Last summer I would run a lot during the day and I was dying from the heat. So i think my runs will be at 8PM for now on.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I'm only on Wk2, Day 2 (ran yesterday) and I ran very early in the morning. There was a definite breeze and the run was easier.

    Seems that it is much easier to get through if you're not running in the middle of a hot sunny day. Makes sense I suppose.
  • Hello!

    I just joined MFP today and this here is my first post.

    I started doing C25K four weeks ago and it's time to move on to week five. I thought I might stay on week four for a few, but ya know? I think I can do it. Now W5D3... well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

    I'm really loving the program and I'm finding that I'm itching to get out and run when I go more than a day in between. I have a weird schedule and an almost three-year old so finding the time to hit the gym can be a bit sketchy! Here's to hoping that I can get up with enough time to go tomorrow morning before work. If not, Wednesday for sure.

    I find that I don't have problems at all with the breathing or exhaustion, the problem is that my ankles hurt SO effing bad when i go from a run back into a walk. I'm pretty sure it's my Achilles, but as long as it doesn't start swelling up, I'm going to go with it just being unused to all the work and stretching. If it swells, I'll get worried.

    I'm so encouraged to hear the reports of people surviving that first 20 minute run. Maybe I can do it after all!

    Week Five? Here I come. ;)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Week 7 day 1 done, back indoors. So very VERY boring, but preferable to running in triple digit heat. With no rain in the area it didn't cool down enough to run out of doors at dusk.

    @OneBryteSmile - Good going on your lost inches
    I take out my tape measure once a month and today was the day. I've lost only 4 pounds in the last month and no more than a half inch off any of my measurements - except my waist, which is a full 2 inches smaller. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but considering how close I am to my goal weight, I'm happy. And I credit the running. I have a thick waisted apple/banana type build and am trying very hard to will ALL of the remaining pounds and inches come off my midsection and tummy. And maybe a little off my upper arms. My boobs, butt, and thighs have shrunk enough, thank you.

    Thanks. A loss is a loss is a loss and any loss is fantastic! That is so awesome that you are close to your goal. I hope the running helps me get there faster. LOL@"apple/banana" build. I'm seriously sitting here trying to picture that.