C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    Hey thought i'd post up.

    I got to week 4 and about to do day 2.. and i got injured at work! I've hurt my back on my right side (and have chronic sciatica on the left) so i've had to give up running for now. Such a shame because i'm getting annoyed at not going out. I'm trying so hard to stick to my 1200 a day, but went over a few times. Admittedly i've not sat still (and should have to help healing) and been doing some heavy duty cleaning (suppose i've burnt some calories from that) which probably hasn't helped. I'm permanently limping and its been a week now. :( I WILL GET BACK TO RUNNING!! Just keep me motivated please!

    I have som form of gluten intolerance and badly bloat from bread, potatoes and pasta. Like one slice of bread makes me gain 3 lbs. So i'm also finding it hard to know exactly what weight i am. I try to weigh myself when i've had a few days without any form of gluten, which you can imagine is hard. Nearly 2 weeks ago i weighed myself and was at 199.6lbs, i tried weighing myself this morning and i'm at 200.4lbs but considering i've been sticking well to the 1200 calories (and eating my exercise calories where possible) i'm a bit frustrated. I'm nightshift this weekend, so there may be a chance i'll lose some there!

    Hope everyone is doing well! I hope to be back running by the latest of the end of next week. No doubt i'll have to go back to week3, but i might give week 4 another shot as soon as i get back to it!


    aww you poor thing!! and to get injured at work and not working out! double bummer.

    hope you rest up and get better soon.
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    So, I did week 1 day 1. I downloaded a podcast and started running/walking. It didn't go exactly as planned, but at least I was able to work out.
    First of all I had to bring my 2 girls with me (5 and 7). So, I put them on their bikes and hoped they could keep up. Not much of a plan, though. Of course I had to pay way more attention to what they were doing and the cars, and traffic lights, and untie shoes, then I did to the workout. When we finally got to Prospect Park and started the podcast, after the long walk to the park as a heat up part, the girls were kind of good and let me run/walk a little. Then they ran off alone and had to chase them, so I guess that counts as really running, and so on.
    Last thing that happened was the podcast stopped at minute 16 or so and had to restart it on a random position. When I check the imapmyrun map I realized that I did the w1d1 almost twice. :)
    At this point I think I can do day 2 no problem. But, I need a babysitter!!!

    BTW, is anyone else running in Prospect Park?

    aww sounds like fun though!!
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    Hi everyone,

    thought id check in.

    now done wk3 d1.

    it was ok.

    The walks always seem to finish quicker than the runs!

    Now the day has changed my hills are in different parts of my workout so i am actually walking up a little one!! but running up the longer ones.

    I agree with what someone else said, it felt like it ended sooner, but obviously didnt. it ends on 3 mins walking and 5 min cooldown. so your walking for 8 mins. i then ran another 5 mins to get home.

    i think next time i will run through my cooldown and then walk till i get home. makes more sense to me.

    im starting to worry about how ill manage the longer runs going up and down hills without having the walks to recover. but i guess i tackle that when it comes to it.

    anyway hope everyone is ok
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    @JT - I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow on your day 3 run!!! :smile:

    And you're welcome about the group and spreadsheet! I love seeing how everyone is doing and their progress. It's inspiring.

    So three of us are having scale issues since starting the program. Hmmm...is anyone else seeing the same thing? I was thinking since running should burn calories, it would help boost my weight loss but that's not really happening.

    yes!! my scales are not moving either!!

    but i still got 4 days till official weigh in!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I finished week two, and started day one of week three today. It's going well so far.. I am probably not going fast enough, but am trying to increase the speed with every interval. What speed are you guys running at on the treadmill? I am walking around 3.8-4.1 and jogging 4.5-5.5 mph.

    Hi Tina, I'm doing about the same speeds as you are when I use the treadmill. I also try to increase at each interval both the speed and incline and I also try to up them each week. I think the highest walking speed I have gotten up to is 4mph and highest running is 6mph. I personally think those speeds are good. I'm not sure if I will be able to maintain much higher than those for a long period of time but I try to push myself further and further each week.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hi everyone,

    thought id check in.

    now done wk3 d1.

    it was ok.

    The walks always seem to finish quicker than the runs!

    Now the day has changed my hills are in different parts of my workout so i am actually walking up a little one!! but running up the longer ones.

    I agree with what someone else said, it felt like it ended sooner, but obviously didnt. it ends on 3 mins walking and 5 min cooldown. so your walking for 8 mins. i then ran another 5 mins to get home.

    i think next time i will run through my cooldown and then walk till i get home. makes more sense to me.

    im starting to worry about how ill manage the longer runs going up and down hills without having the walks to recover. but i guess i tackle that when it comes to it.

    anyway hope everyone is ok

    I do the same thing too Kal. With the treadmill, there's a last walk and then a 5 minute cool down walk. I try to jog a little at the start of the cool down walk and then only do about a minute of actual cool down. On week 2 day 2, I ran outside and I did two extra jogs after the last run and then a I walked at the end until I got to my car which was far beyond the end of the actual podcast. I'm hoping the extra jogsand walks will help in the long run LOL.
  • Leafeh
    Leafeh Posts: 37 Member
    finished w3 today! can't wait to get on with w4! I actually thought w3 was easy! this means my muscles are growing.
    I also had a new personal record, 4km in 29.29 min, including the first 5 min walk!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    finished w3 today! can't wait to get on with w4! I actually thought w3 was easy! this means my muscles are growing.
    I also had a new personal record, 4km in 29.29 min, including the first 5 min walk!

    Great job Leaf! Hopefullly I'll find week 3 easy too. I start tomorrow. :noway:
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    finished w3 today! can't wait to get on with w4! I actually thought w3 was easy! this means my muscles are growing.
    I also had a new personal record, 4km in 29.29 min, including the first 5 min walk!

    Great job Leaf! Hopefullly I'll find week 3 easy too. I start tomorrow. :noway:

    Week 3 wasn't easy for me, but but week 4 was, kinda. I was no longer getting seriously winded by then, at least not to the point that it threatened to limit the time I could run. Regulating my breathing was getting a lot easier, and I think once you reach that point it starts to become more and more of a mental, rather than physical challenge. A 5 minute run isn't a whole lot worse than a 3 minute run, it just lasts longer. A 20 run isn't a whole lot worse than an 8 minute run, and the hardest part of a 25 minute run is getting started. That's why I'm doing as much of my running as I can outside now, even if it is July in Louisiana. I can run early in the morning and enjoy the crape myrtles in full bloom or run at dusk and keep myself occupied watching the bats perform their aerial acrobatics against the twilight. Either experience beats the bajeebitz out of running on a treadmill or on the indoor mini track at the gym.
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Checking in. Completed w1d2. My calves are still sore from day 1, and today my butt hurts. I guess it is because I ran uphill. But it is good to get it working. :)
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    I have to admit that I have had to stray just a little bit from the program - am still running, just changing it up a bit! My hip continues to give me problems, and so I have to watch that. Am trying to work on more stretches for the hip flexor, hoping it helps.

    Also up until now on my days off running, I am walking 5.5k. But advice has been given to stop that, and do some other activity those days.

    So tonight, after skipping one full day (Haven't done that since I started walking mid-may), I went out. Happy to say I completed one mile without stopping. Jogging, that is. I had a warm up walk and cool down walk with stretches.

    A new little secret to share - I went to a school and ran on the track. How come I never thought of that before! It helped my brain a lot - only 2 more times around, only 1 more time around....and also got rid of the hill problem I have where I live.

    I am hoping to settle back into the program with 20 minute and 25 minute runs very soon. Looks like I will lose about one week.

    Good luck everyone - and for those of you starting out, believe me, I was the last person anyone would call a runner! I must have the shortest legs on the planet, and i run slow, but we are doing it!!!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I completed Week 3 today. So I guess I am about were Leaf is. I walk with my husband on the weekends so haven't been doing C25K but this time I felt it was important to keep to the schedule so I am done 2 days earlier with it than expected. It went well he has an injury but he just walked really fast to stay up with me since I run so slow.

    Sorry about you injury Aly. I got what a type of sciatica from walking once and some stretches I found on line really helped. Today I went swimming at my Moms pool and I can really stretch well in the pool.

    So Tuesday I start Week 4. So far the scale hasn't gone down beyond my low for me either. Hope all have a great C25K week this week.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I found week 3 a bit easy as well...it just seemed really short? Week 4 starts either tonight or tomorrow, I haven't decided yet...

    I feel like I'm running really slow, like 'walkers' are faster than me...anyone feel this way?

    Oh, this helps me so maybe it'll help others: I count when I run. I read in an article posted on this thread a while ago written by an Olympic runner. She mentioned something about counting to 100. It really helps! I change it up...sometimes I just go '1, 2, 3, 4', other times I'd count to 10. Each step is a count and it really helps me focus. Try it!
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    Thank you petithammu for that advice! i found that i get bored running more then three minutes.

    I am on week 4 and it is kicking my butt. I have been running quite a lot so i thought id give myself saturday to rest. but then sunday came and was very sick so i couldnt run that day either. I did run this morning but it was very hard because i am still weak from being sick.

    I am on w4d3 which i will probably do wednesday. I am hoping i will feel better by then. I the other two runs i had this week i made them a bit longer so hopefully that helped my endurance and the only reason i did not run well today is that i did not feel good. we will see.

    I am also surprised to see that so many of us are having issues with the scales. i'm still counting on it being muscle gain.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    @Kilgore. I definitely enjoy running outside more. I also enjoy it more because I burn a lot more calories LOL.

    When I run on the treadmill at home, I normally turn the TV on and watch something I like which helps me get through it and get my mind off constantly watching the time. :smile:

    I wanted to do my run this morning but I'm trying to "detox" today and seriously lacking energy. Hoping I'll feel more energetic this evening after work. If not, screw the detox, I'll eat something more than veggies and fruits and get my run done. :wink:
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Checking in. Completed w1d2. My calves are still sore from day 1, and today my butt hurts. I guess it is because I ran uphill. But it is good to get it working. :)

    Looks like someone is going to have some pretty tight bums after finishing this program and that's a great thing to have!

    My fiance told me this weekend that my bum was looking tighter and more defined LMAO.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I have to admit that I have had to stray just a little bit from the program - am still running, just changing it up a bit! My hip continues to give me problems, and so I have to watch that. Am trying to work on more stretches for the hip flexor, hoping it helps.

    Also up until now on my days off running, I am walking 5.5k. But advice has been given to stop that, and do some other activity those days.

    So tonight, after skipping one full day (Haven't done that since I started walking mid-may), I went out. Happy to say I completed one mile without stopping. Jogging, that is. I had a warm up walk and cool down walk with stretches.

    A new little secret to share - I went to a school and ran on the track. How come I never thought of that before! It helped my brain a lot - only 2 more times around, only 1 more time around....and also got rid of the hill problem I have where I live.

    I am hoping to settle back into the program with 20 minute and 25 minute runs very soon. Looks like I will lose about one week.

    Good luck everyone - and for those of you starting out, believe me, I was the last person anyone would call a runner! I must have the shortest legs on the planet, and i run slow, but we are doing it!!!!

    I hope the change in the routine helps with the hip problem Tech. The hills were definitely probably making it worse too. Thanks for sharing the tip about the track. There are so many schools near my place. I figured I wouldn't be able to just go on the property though and use their track. Do you work there or do your kids (if you have kids) go there or something?
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I completed Week 3 today. So I guess I am about were Leaf is. I walk with my husband on the weekends so haven't been doing C25K but this time I felt it was important to keep to the schedule so I am done 2 days earlier with it than expected. It went well he has an injury but he just walked really fast to stay up with me since I run so slow.

    Sorry about you injury Aly. I got what a type of sciatica from walking once and some stretches I found on line really helped. Today I went swimming at my Moms pool and I can really stretch well in the pool.

    So Tuesday I start Week 4. So far the scale hasn't gone down beyond my low for me either. Hope all have a great C25K week this week.

    Great job Keri! Good luck on week 4.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Has anyone else signed up for their first 5K yet? I decided which one I want to do and I'm excited to register. It looks like a lot of fun and I'll be so happy when I reach that finish line and think about what I just accomplished. I'm still nervous about it though and I guess that's the reason I haven't registered for the race yet. For those who have registered already, how early did you register? I feel like I should make sure I can get to at least week 5 of C25K before I sign up.
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member

    Just FINISHED week 3 on the weekend!!!

    Starting week 4 today... so scared... but I have to do it!!!

    OneBryteSmile - I have yet to sign up for my first 5K - I don't feel ready yet... am I?? It feels too soon to think about the fall and how I will be then.

    PS I have looked online to see what 5Ks are being offered... they all say 5K walk/run... are they all like that? With the option to walk??