C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hi all. I am new here. I saw some of you were doing C25k and looked it up and decided to also do it. I have not run since I was 13, maybe and I will be 41 in a week. I also have not purposefully exercised since 2002 (I am quite ashamed!) I have a 3 yr old and would like to be able to keep up with him. Also, I am getting married next year and I found a dress I LOVE, but would never wear at my current weight!!!

    I started week 1 on June 29. I could only finish 15 min. I did day 2 today and my calves started burning... I am going to sound ridiculous, but is this normal? :-/


    Hi Toni, I'm so proud of you for getting started and taking that first step. Like Zj said, it's totally normal to have a hard time when you first start and to be a bit sore. Please please pretty please make sure you get a really good stretch before and after your run. Don't try to do too much at first. Go at your own and pace and trust me each week will get better. Also, don't feel ashamed to repeat a day or week if you have to. I know some of the folks in our little group here are doing that.

    And congratulations on your engagement! I am getting married in less than four months and I too wanted to look my best in my dress. You will get there I promise as long as you work hard. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

    If you like, you can add me as a friend. I am adding you to the group spreadsheet here - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHU3frwtA1PdEJ4ZEs3ZkVNVjNxbnQyRlprdFJDUHc&hl=en_US&authkey=COK98t0N
  • muffin111
    muffin111 Posts: 12
    Week 1 done!! I'm now walking at 3.7mph and running at 6.0mph. I think this program is actually working! I may be a runner one day ;) How was everyone else's first week?? Can't wait for Week 2 starting on Sunday.
  • Hi!

    Hope I'm not to late to join! I started the C25k on 6/28 and have now completed Week 1. :)

    I feel pretty good considering that I went from doing NOTHING to working out 3X this week, but I am not a terrible runner so I'm sort of dreading next week. Also, I've been using an elliptical and I've gathered from other people's posts that it's much harder actually running outside, but I feel like the elliptical is better than nothing, right? (And I'm a wuss-- there's no way that I'm exercising in 90+ degree weather!) So hopefully I'll work up to running outside this fall. :)

    Feel free to add me--I just joined MFP last week so I'm looking for friends to share in support and motivation! :)
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Finished week 1 day 3 today!!!!! very excited about it because my body is already getting used to running...I accidently messed up and didnt hear my phone go off to switch to walking and ran for almost 3 minutes before realizing haha can't wait to see how I do next week!!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Week 1 done!! I'm now walking at 3.7mph and running at 6.0mph. I think this program is actually working! I may be a runner one day ;) How was everyone else's first week?? Can't wait for Week 2 starting on Sunday.

    Go Muffin! 6mph running is awesome. I doubt I will even get to that in my second week LOL. You go!!! Week 1 Day 3 for me is tomorrow. I did day 2 on Wednesday which feels so long ago now.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member

    Hope I'm not to late to join! I started the C25k on 6/28 and have now completed Week 1. :)

    I feel pretty good considering that I went from doing NOTHING to working out 3X this week, but I am not a terrible runner so I'm sort of dreading next week. Also, I've been using an elliptical and I've gathered from other people's posts that it's much harder actually running outside, but I feel like the elliptical is better than nothing, right? (And I'm a wuss-- there's no way that I'm exercising in 90+ degree weather!) So hopefully I'll work up to running outside this fall. :)

    Feel free to add me--I just joined MFP last week so I'm looking for friends to share in support and motivation! :)

    Hi Jessi, you are now on the group spreadsheet! :)

    I definitely felt my run outside was harder than on the treadmill. I'm planning to do both so that it won't be such a huge shock when I actually run the 5K in September (hopefully).

    Thanks for joining our little group here and I sent you a friend request. :)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Finished week 1 day 3 today!!!!! very excited about it because my body is already getting used to running...I accidently messed up and didnt hear my phone go off to switch to walking and ran for almost 3 minutes before realizing haha can't wait to see how I do next week!!!

    LOL Kris, that is hilarious! I guess that means you are definitely ready for next week then.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hey guys, anyone else finished Week 1? Tell us how it went. :smile:

    You can see where everyone is in the program here - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHU3frwtA1PdEJ4ZEs3ZkVNVjNxbnQyRlprdFJDUHc&hl=en_US&authkey=COK98t0N#gid=0
  • Finding_Tina
    Finding_Tina Posts: 48 Member
    Is it too late to join? I ran day two of week one today. (Day one on Wed). So far it's been manageable, and I am not a runner at all!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Is it too late to join? I ran day two of week one today. (Day one on Wed). So far it's been manageable, and I am not a runner at all!!

    Hi Tina, not too late at all. As you can see from our spreadsheet, there are people in all different weeks of the program. I haven't even finished week 1 yet. My day 3 run will be tomorrow morning.

    Welcome to the group - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHU3frwtA1PdEJ4ZEs3ZkVNVjNxbnQyRlprdFJDUHc&hl=en_US&authkey=COK98t0N
  • Finding_Tina
    Finding_Tina Posts: 48 Member
    Excellent!!! I actually just checked my IPOD, and I had finished day three today, no two (all these days are blending together!) Thanks for letting me join!!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hey guys,

    In case some of you were wondering the same thing, here's a link to a question I asked on the boards about signing up for my first 5K. The responses people gave were really helpful.

    We are up to 6 pages now and new people are signing up for our group. There have been so many good information posted in these pages that I am thinking of consolidating all of it into a blog or something that way new people who join us can just refer to the blog instead of having to read through all 6 pages.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hey guys, guess what? We now have a blog! :smile:
    I have consolidated all of the awesome information that you guys have provided so far. I will hopefully be able to add to it as time goes on. Not sure how long MFP let's you edit a blog post.

    I put the link in my signature so now we can just point our new group members there for more information instead of them having to read through all 7 pages of this thread.

    Enjoy everyone!
  • cangi1
    cangi1 Posts: 50
    I just started a few weeks ago...and I can't believe that I am already in week 5 actually RUNNING!
    My tip to you all is to push through as best you can. If one day is too hard, do what you can and just restart that day another time.

    You will be able to do more than you thought possible!

    Excited for you all :)
  • Shannon1023
    Shannon1023 Posts: 30 Member
    I would love to join you on this challenge!! I've started a couple times in the past, but never got very far for one reason or another. Definitely in need of support and motivation once I get started!! Is it too late for me to start with y'all?
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    Wk 2 D1 - Done!!

    i found it a bit harder today. and i found my self at the half way checkpoint at an a lesser distance than before so i must have been slower. i dont know if its cos i had a drink last night and its had an effect on my performance.

    or if its cos of the change in program. i also touched my ipod in the wrong place so it cut off my cooldown! so i didnt get an accruate distance recorded!! bugger!! nevermind. still a 300 kcal burn. which i am happy with

    still feeling good though!!

    next run is monday so ill see if i have a different kinda run ( no more alcohol for me! lol)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I just started a few weeks ago...and I can't believe that I am already in week 5 actually RUNNING!
    My tip to you all is to push through as best you can. If one day is too hard, do what you can and just restart that day another time.

    You will be able to do more than you thought possible!

    Excited for you all :)

    Thanks Can :smile:
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I would love to join you on this challenge!! I've started a couple times in the past, but never got very far for one reason or another. Definitely in need of support and motivation once I get started!! Is it too late for me to start with y'all?

    Hi Shannon, not too late at all and this time you will complete it because we will be here to support you and cheer you on! You are now on the group spreadsheet. If you need any additional information, see the blog post in my signature.

    When are you planning to start?
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Wk 2 D1 - Done!!

    i found it a bit harder today. and i found my self at the half way checkpoint at an a lesser distance than before so i must have been slower. i dont know if its cos i had a drink last night and its had an effect on my performance.

    or if its cos of the change in program. i also touched my ipod in the wrong place so it cut off my cooldown! so i didnt get an accruate distance recorded!! bugger!! nevermind. still a 300 kcal burn. which i am happy with

    still feeling good though!!

    next run is monday so ill see if i have a different kinda run ( no more alcohol for me! lol)

    LOL@the alcohol. Well, I'm just glad you got through it either way. Very proud of you. 300 cals burn is awesome!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Week 1 done! :drinker:

    Honestly, it really wasn't bad. I took my time and gradually increased my speed for each run. Today I ran on the treadmill. I maxed out at 2 miles. The program actually ended at 1.7 miles but I tried to jog for the rest until I hit 2 miles and then I stopped. The highest jog speed I had was 5mph and an incline of 2%. That's better than where I was at day 1 so I can already see improvement. I burned 379 calories and my total time was 35 minutes. I was sweating like a pig LOL but it felt great. I've never been this excited about running in my life. I hated it before but I'm really starting to enjoy it and look forward to it. I can't wait for week 2!!!!

    Have a great weekend and July 4th holiday everyone! :drinker:
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