C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • shawn_chas102304
    I'm on Week 6 Day 3 tomorrow of C25k. I am over 100 lbs over weight and I could barely run the 90 seconds of week 2 without feeling like I was dying! I am so proud of myself for sticking with this program. It's awesome! I have only lost 9 lbs but I have also lost 6 inches. I run on the treadmill because my crohn's disease is active and flaring right now and it's more convenient. I will start running outside in August and give myself a month of outside running before I do a 5k. I run SLOWWWWW too so no one should feel like they can't do it. I'm only running 3.6mph. BUT I always finish and I don't pass out or anything so I keep it slow and steady. GOODLUCK to everyone !!!!!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    funny..my wife and I just finished W2D3 on to week 3...going great so far. We were up to 8.5 miles of 4.5 walking though before we started. Walked for nearly a year. That was getting to the point of being too much time which is why we decided to try this. We are not totally following directions as we alternate every other day with the week 1 workout. So M-W-F we do week 1 day 3...Sun-Tues-Thur we will do the week we are on with a good walk Saturday morning.

    Hi Masan, that sounds like a great idea and you guys are doing great! I'll add you to the group spreadsheet. Are you going to do a 5K as well? And wow, congratulations on your weight loss! That is an amazing accomplishment.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I'm on Week 6 Day 3 tomorrow of C25k. I am over 100 lbs over weight and I could barely run the 90 seconds of week 2 without feeling like I was dying! I am so proud of myself for sticking with this program. It's awesome! I have only lost 9 lbs but I have also lost 6 inches. I run on the treadmill because my crohn's disease is active and flaring right now and it's more convenient. I will start running outside in August and give myself a month of outside running before I do a 5k. I run SLOWWWWW too so no one should feel like they can't do it. I'm only running 3.6mph. BUT I always finish and I don't pass out or anything so I keep it slow and steady. GOODLUCK to everyone !!!!!

    Thanks for sharing that with us Shawn. It really goes to show that anyone can do it and you are doing so well and should be proud. Thank you for being an inspiration!
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member

    Just found this thread thought it was a good idea.

    I am not going to "join" your group only for the reasons that I am about a week ahead of those that started on the 27th. BUT I will follow the thread... so.... bump!

    I JUST got back from my week2workout2. So far so good.

    A tip: Although I use my HRM to count the interval times, I also found some good podcasts to download to my Zune and it changes music when you need to run / walk. And a man comes on and says "5..4..3..2..1" before you change over so you know. I have used it since my second workout and I love it! There are many places you can find these (just type in "C25K training podcasts" in google and you will get a lot).

    I don't have an iPhone or Android phone and I know there are apps, but this website has some GREAT podcasts that are exactly in rhythm with the interval system - take a look!

  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member

    Just found this thread thought it was a good idea.

    I am not going to "join" your group only for the reasons that I am about a week ahead of those that started on the 27th. BUT I will follow the thread... so.... bump!

    I JUST got back from my week2workout2. So far so good.

    A tip: Although I use my HRM to count the interval times, I also found some good podcasts to download to my Zune and it changes music when you need to run / walk. And a man comes on and says "5..4..3..2..1" before you change over so you know. I have used it since my second workout and I love it! There are many places you can find these (just type in "C25K training podcasts" in google and you will get a lot).

    I don't have an iPhone or Android phone and I know there are apps, but this website has some GREAT podcasts that are exactly in rhythm with the interval system - take a look!


    You know, now that I go back and read the thread some more, I would like to join! I can see some people are at different weeks and you still let them join... I would love to stay in the loop and let you know how things go and get support.

    Also I guess my comment on podcasts was redundant from other comments on it... but hey check out the link anyways... Seems to be my kind of music.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hey guys,

    I created a google spreadsheet so that we can keep track of what week everyone is on and also when you are running your 5K. Let me know if you guys can access it:


    If I missed anyone, please let me know and I will add your name.

    I'll update the spreadsheet as you complete each week and as you let me know when your 5K is scheduled.

    I hope this adds a little more motivation! Let's do this guys!

    Sorry guys, I had to change some settings to make sure you guys would be able to view page. Use this link instead:

    You won't be able to edit it but you can view it. Just let me know when you complete each week and I will update.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    You know, now that I go back and read the thread some more, I would like to join! I can see some people are at different weeks and you still let them join... I would love to stay in the loop and let you know how things go and get support.

    Also I guess my comment on podcasts was redundant from other comments on it... but hey check out the link anyways... Seems to be my kind of music.

    Hi new mind, thanks for joining us. Yes, everyone in the "group" is on a different week so it's all good. Just figured this was a nice way to support people going through this program and to share tips, etc. Added you to spreadsheet here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHU3frwtA1PdEJ4ZEs3ZkVNVjNxbnQyRlprdFJDUHc&hl=en_US&authkey=COK98t0N

    Thanks for the information. Easy to get lost in this thread though so thanks for sending again. I'm also using the podcasts when I run outside and they truly are great. I couldn't imagine doing it without them.

    Well, good luck with the rest of your journey!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Midnightsukle - I am pretty sure that I jog REALLy slow, lol! But it does feel like I propel along at a faster pace. I have a pathtracking app on my phone, I just need to figure out how to have it go at the same time as c25k, then i can get my speeds as they really are.

    Good luck on the walking to work - only good things happen when we get out of our cars and walk :-)


    I use the Runkeeper app for speed, distance, etc from gps. I start it then just hit "home" on the android and it runs in the background while I use the c25k app.

    I am doing c25k with my wife; tomorrow, Friday 7/1/11 is W1D3 for her. I have been trail running for several years so I'm doing c25k to support her, but for myself too. She has Achilles issues and is not sure if she will be able to run – here’s hoping! I am looking forward to getting to the longer runs. Currently I run a mile at a time and then take a break before the next mile. I trail run by a lovely river where my dogs can run off leash - no people around. So at each mile I stop and throw sticks for the dogs to swim after. Life is good!
  • angelaclev
    angelaclev Posts: 95
    how do you start that program?
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I just started TODAY. I'm not terribly out of shape....actually lets re-phrase this; I am terribly out of shape, but not horribly overweight. I'd like to lost 5-10 lbs and really tone up.

    I have always enjoyed competitive sports, but despised running! Reading everyone's reviews of this app has motivated me to give it a try. Day 1 wasn't too difficult, but none the less, I felt accomplished.

    I'd like to hear if anyone's seen weight loss/toning from week to week with this program. Happy running all!

    Hi catcass, I found some other posts with success stories that you were looking for:

  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Midnightsukle - I am pretty sure that I jog REALLy slow, lol! But it does feel like I propel along at a faster pace. I have a pathtracking app on my phone, I just need to figure out how to have it go at the same time as c25k, then i can get my speeds as they really are.

    Good luck on the walking to work - only good things happen when we get out of our cars and walk :-)


    I use the Runkeeper app for speed, distance, etc from gps. I start it then just hit "home" on the android and it runs in the background while I use the c25k app.

    I am doing c25k with my wife; tomorrow, Friday 7/1/11 is W1D3 for her. I have been trail running for several years so I'm doing c25k to support her, but for myself too. She has Achilles issues and is not sure if she will be able to run – here’s hoping! I am looking forward to getting to the longer runs. Currently I run a mile at a time and then take a break before the next mile. I trail run by a lovely river where my dogs can run off leash - no people around. So at each mile I stop and throw sticks for the dogs to swim after. Life is good!

    Life is good! :drinker:
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    evening all!!

    just completed w1 of the program.

    took me a bit of convincing to get me out tonight cos im knackered. but as i had 5 jammie dodgers today i thought i had better!!

    so glad i did!!

    got my hrm the other day, so i ran with it today. i tried to stay in my 'zone' which actually made me run slower funny enough!! but i still did it in the same time as i have the last 2 times. am wondering if it makes my walk time more effective cos im not recovering so much during the walk?

    anyway, seem to be covering about 2 miles. what is everyone doing at this stage?

    calories burnt 277, which doesnt seem alot!! lol.

    starting wk 2 on sat!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    how do you start that program?
    Hi Angel, here's the link to the website where you can download the schedule and get more information - http://www.c25k.com/.

    There's a program for running outside and one for indoors on a treadmill. It's a 9 week program but you can go at your own pace and do the best that you can.

    Some people download free or paid apps to their phone or download podcasts to their MP3 players (review the previous pages of this post for links and names of apps). If you have any additional questions, please send me an email message and I'll be glad to help. :smile:
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    My biggest challenge today was having to constantly stick the MP3 earbuds back in my ears because they kept falling out. That was frustrating and slowed me down a couple of times. It was also tough to run with a bottle of water and my car keys in my hand. I'm not sure how I'm going to get around these yet. Any tips?

    yep my earplugs keep falling out too, going to try to find some that hook over the ear. had some somewhere cant find them.

    also can you just take your car key only out. and stick in down your bra or sock? or you can get sport pants that have a little pocket inside to tuck it in.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I did Week 2 day 1 yesterday, but it took me a long time to get thru week 1 because I was doing it a little too sporatically.
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    You know, now that I go back and read the thread some more, I would like to join! I can see some people are at different weeks and you still let them join... I would love to stay in the loop and let you know how things go and get support.

    Also I guess my comment on podcasts was redundant from other comments on it... but hey check out the link anyways... Seems to be my kind of music.

    Hi new mind, thanks for joining us. Yes, everyone in the "group" is on a different week so it's all good. Just figured this was a nice way to support people going through this program and to share tips, etc. Added you to spreadsheet here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvHU3frwtA1PdEJ4ZEs3ZkVNVjNxbnQyRlprdFJDUHc&hl=en_US&authkey=COK98t0N

    Thanks for the information. Easy to get lost in this thread though so thanks for sending again. I'm also using the podcasts when I run outside and they truly are great. I couldn't imagine doing it without them.

    Well, good luck with the rest of your journey!

    i cant open this spreadsheet, am i being silly? i need instructions!! lol
  • microbio72
    microbio72 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Guys! I would like to join your group! I actually completed C25K about three weeks ago, but I was running on a treadmill. I have recently started running outside and it is a completely different story. I am having problems running more than 1.5 miles and my calves are sore!! Has anyone else been through this? I'm thinking about bumping back down to week 4 and building up my tolerance to outside running slowly.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    anyway, seem to be covering about 2 miles. what is everyone doing at this stage?

    calories burnt 277, which doesnt seem alot!! lol.

    starting wk 2 on sat!

    Hi Kal, congrats on finishing week 1! Sounds like you did pretty good.

    Unfortunately I don't know how many miles I did my first day but day 2 was a little over 2 miles and I burned over 400 calories. I'm not sure what the average calorie burned is but I suspect that each person will be different. It will depend on your speed, distance, weight and those kinds of factors so maybe for you 277 is just about right.

    I'm wondering if people are continuing even after the C25K app/podcast ends and walking or running until they do 3.1 miles?
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Just read this blog today about C25K. Thought it might be of interest to anyone just starting.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    My biggest challenge today was having to constantly stick the MP3 earbuds back in my ears because they kept falling out. That was frustrating and slowed me down a couple of times. It was also tough to run with a bottle of water and my car keys in my hand. I'm not sure how I'm going to get around these yet. Any tips?

    yep my earplugs keep falling out too, going to try to find some that hook over the ear. had some somewhere cant find them.

    also can you just take your car key only out. and stick in down your bra or sock? or you can get sport pants that have a little pocket inside to tuck it in.

    Thank you sooo much for these tips. I feel so slow that I didn't think of some of these, especially the sticking the key in my sports bra idea LOL.