C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • Shannon1023
    Shannon1023 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for adding me to the spreadsheet! I see your link now too ;) I will be starting tomorrow am... bright and early!!
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    Barely made it through W5D1! But I made it! I did cut short the 5.5 k walk, tho, and called my daughter to pick me up. Have to admit the lightening scared me! Only missed .5 k, so not too worried about it.

    The next one is a big jump, 8 minutes straight jogging. I can't imagine that - know it will be tough!

    Good luck on everyone's next run!

  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    W5D3 done!!!! Yes folks, I jogged for a full 20 minutes today!!!! Non stop!!!! And it wasn't that bad!!!!

    I've definitely turned a corner in the last week or so. I'm tired after today's run, but it's the good sort of tired - the "I'm going to sleep really well tonight" sort of tired. What I'm not is anywhere near as sore as I was after the first several sessions, or even at this time last week. And I'm no longer getting winded either, at least not to the point that I feel I need to take a break. My muscles and lungs are adapting to the new demands I've placed on them:happy:

    Jayme, you'll do fine on the 8 minutes jog. Yeah, it's tough, but your total running time will be only a minute longer than it was today and you'll have a full 5 minutes to recover between runs. You're getting to the part of the challenge that really is more mental than physical.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I do not know how I missed this thread since I was hoping to find a group starting C25K. I just started about 2 weeks ago. I would love to get on board please. Either way pretty cool!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Barely made it through W5D1! But I made it! I did cut short the 5.5 k walk, tho, and called my daughter to pick me up. Have to admit the lightening scared me! Only missed .5 k, so not too worried about it.

    The next one is a big jump, 8 minutes straight jogging. I can't imagine that - know it will be tough!

    Good luck on everyone's next run!


    Great job Jayme, you are more than half way to the end now and doing awesome! That 8 minute jump does sound scary but you can do it! :smile:
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    W5D3 done!!!! Yes folks, I jogged for a full 20 minutes today!!!! Non stop!!!! And it wasn't that bad!!!!

    I've definitely turned a corner in the last week or so. I'm tired after today's run, but it's the good sort of tired - the "I'm going to sleep really well tonight" sort of tired. What I'm not is anywhere near as sore as I was after the first several sessions, or even at this time last week. And I'm no longer getting winded either, at least not to the point that I feel I need to take a break. My muscles and lungs are adapting to the new demands I've placed on them:happy:

    Jayme, you'll do fine on the 8 minutes jog. Yeah, it's tough, but your total running time will be only a minute longer than it was today and you'll have a full 5 minutes to recover between runs. You're getting to the part of the challenge that really is more mental than physical.

    Wow Laura, that is fantastic! Did you ever imagine that 5 weeks ago you would be jogging non-stop for 20 minutes. That is a wonderful accomplishment and you should be so proud as I'm sure you are.

    Are you going to run a 5K after your 9 weeks?
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I do not know how I missed this thread since I was hoping to find a group starting C25K. I just started about 2 weeks ago. I would love to get on board please. Either way pretty cool!

    Hi Keri,
    I think there are a couple of C25K groups on here and with new posts every second on the board it's easy for things to get lost. I just got this group started but everyone is on a different week as you can see in the spreadsheet -
    Also added you!

    You are definitely welcome to join us. So are you on week 3 now? How is it going so far?
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    We (my daughter and I) did week 1 day 2 today. We went to the park where they have a trail ... it seemed much harder than the pavements! I had to walk halfway through one running section - it was uphill and I just couldn't do it :sad: . Managed to complete the rest though! Hot and humid today! My daughter could run for 20 minutes straight, I'm sure, but she stays with me and does that funny speed walking thing if I'm lagging behind til I catch her up :heart:
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    We (my daughter and I) did week 1 day 2 today. We went to the park where they have a trail ... it seemed much harder than the pavements! I had to walk halfway through one running section - it was uphill and I just couldn't do it :sad: . Managed to complete the rest though! Hot and humid today! My daughter could run for 20 minutes straight, I'm sure, but she stays with me and does that funny speed walking thing if I'm lagging behind til I catch her up :heart:

    Aww Suzie don't cry. I would think running on a brand new trail will take some getting used to and to top it off running in hot and humid weather is much harder (and probably a bad idea :smile:). The important thing is that you finished and I'm so proud of you for that. I bet if you repeated wk1d2 again on the same trail you would kick its butt! :laugh:
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi everyone. I am very impressed with your group! I'm not a new runner, I have run several 5K's and even a half marathon, but I quit running for a while and now I am trying to get my endurance back. Since I have run recently, I jumped into the program at W4D1. That qas a good place for me to start personally. That is what I love about C25K - it is for everyone no matter what level of running you are at. You can make it work for you!

    I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know what an awesome job you are all doing. Keep up the great work!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I do not know how I missed this thread since I was hoping to find a group starting C25K. I just started about 2 weeks ago. I would love to get on board please. Either way pretty cool!

    Hi Keri,
    I think there are a couple of C25K groups on here and with new posts every second on the board it's easy for things to get lost. I just got this group started but everyone is on a different week as you can see in the spreadsheet -
    Also added you!

    You are definitely welcome to join us. So are you on week 3 now? How is it going so far?

    Thanks for adding me to the spreadsheet. Yes I have done Week 3 Day 1. So I have completed the first 2 weeks. They were fine but then I run very slow for now. I have been walking around a Lake that is 2.8 miles around for years and lately I started doing C25K for the first part of my walk. I do this walk on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday right now. The problem is that I usually walk with my husband on Sunday so I may be taking more than a week to get though with each week of C25K. This summer I have at least an hour of exercise planned for each day, including Zumba and Aquafit. I figured if I can do Zumba for an hour I could jog. I felt I needed to intensify my walk a bit too and have heard such good things about interval running. However I would like to be able to run around the lake so I decided to do C25K. I am really looking forward to hearing about everyone's successes and mutual support for when it gets more challenging. I have already learned alot by reading past posts. It was the blog that made me aware of the group.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Week 2 is still kicking my butt! Gonna do it for a 4th day today.
  • Leafeh
    Leafeh Posts: 37 Member
    I'd like to join in on this!
    I'm going to start with W3D1 tomorrow and I'm excited to reach W4 and run 5 min straight for the first time! :D
  • Ohiopugmom
    Ohiopugmom Posts: 43 Member
    arrrgh.....I swear I posted, but it didn't show.... anyway hi there! i would love to join your group!! w1d1 here. Probably will be alternating treadmill with outside, but my development is full of huge hills, so we shall see how that goes!
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Hey guys, guess what? We now have a blog! :smile:
    I have consolidated all of the awesome information that you guys have provided so far. I will hopefully be able to add to it as time goes on. Not sure how long MFP let's you edit a blog post.

    I put the link in my signature so now we can just point our new group members there for more information instead of them having to read through all 7 pages of this thread.

    Enjoy everyone!

    This is an excellent idea!!
  • BobsySpud
    BobsySpud Posts: 29 Member
    Good Luck to all of you doing this! I'm in the middle of C25K myself and yesterday completed Week 5 Day 3, which was a 5 minute walk followed by TWENTY minute run!!! I can't believe I actually did it - it feels fab!! Like many of you, five weeks ago, I was hyperventilating trying to complete the 60 second run! However, I've stuck with it, not missed a session and five weeks on, able to run 20 minutes. I'm looking forward to the last four weeks and thinking ahead and contemplating the Bridge to 10K programme afterwards!!

    I've blogged about every session, if you're interested. www.bobbienet.com

    Good luck xx
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    It's so weird - just yesterday I posted about how much Week 2 of C25K was kicking my butt and then this morning I did it with no problems! I actually added an extra run segment cause I felt so good!
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    Hey! I finished Week 2 on the weekend! Last week I had to do Tues/Thurs/Sat because I was sick on Monday, and during the weekend I didn't log on (I was being lazy) so here is my update! Yay week 2 finished!

    I am starting week 3 today (back to Mon/Wed/Fri).... I am quite scared...
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Hi everyone. I am very impressed with your group! I'm not a new runner, I have run several 5K's and even a half marathon, but I quit running for a while and now I am trying to get my endurance back. Since I have run recently, I jumped into the program at W4D1. That qas a good place for me to start personally. That is what I love about C25K - it is for everyone no matter what level of running you are at. You can make it work for you!

    I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know what an awesome job you are all doing. Keep up the great work!

    Thanks Andrea! :happy:
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Thanks for adding me to the spreadsheet. Yes I have done Week 3 Day 1. So I have completed the first 2 weeks. They were fine but then I run very slow for now. I have been walking around a Lake that is 2.8 miles around for years and lately I started doing C25K for the first part of my walk. I do this walk on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday right now. The problem is that I usually walk with my husband on Sunday so I may be taking more than a week to get though with each week of C25K. This summer I have at least an hour of exercise planned for each day, including Zumba and Aquafit. I figured if I can do Zumba for an hour I could jog. I felt I needed to intensify my walk a bit too and have heard such good things about interval running. However I would like to be able to run around the lake so I decided to do C25K. I am really looking forward to hearing about everyone's successes and mutual support for when it gets more challenging. I have already learned alot by reading past posts. It was the blog that made me aware of the group.

    Hi Keri, I'm also probably running slower than others. I started week 2 today. I have definitely learned to take things slow when starting a new workout program, especially because of my knee issue. This morning I got up to running at 6mph for the last run and for some of the walks I was up to 4mph. After some runs I was so winded that I put the treadmill down to a 3mph walk for the first minute of the walk just to catch my breath and get my heart rate back in the proper range. Each day I try to up the speed in hopes that by the time I get to the end I'll actually be "running" instead of jogging. :smile: