Attention all Runners!!

I am currently working my way through the couch to 5k program with my potential 5k scheduled for November 5....I'd love to be friends with some beginner runners so we can support each other and even those who feel my 5k would be a short run- I am motivated by people who are now running marathons when they never used to run!!! Feel free to add me!


  • Aokark
    Aokark Posts: 25
    I started swimming instead of running but don't get me wrong, I love running... It's awesome :-)

    I used to run all the time but it's sometimes nice to change things around so I am swimming instead.

    Good luck with your run and goal to 5k! It will feel awesome :-)
  • Shannon1023
    Shannon1023 Posts: 30 Member
    Love the c25k program!! I was never a runner, but surprised myself by completing this program AND running my first 5k this month!! Planning on doing another one in November as well! Good luck and feel free to add me for support!!
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Adding you - I've been on week 1 for the last 3 weeks because I never find time to run three times in a week. BUT! This week may just be it :) I plan on moving up to week 2 next week :)
  • bdurls
    bdurls Posts: 128 Member
    You can add me. I'm working on the C25K as well. I'm on week 4
  • I'm mid-way through week 2. I haven't run since high school. I've already noticed a drop in my heart rate while running. My average during week 2 has been about 6 bpm lower than week 1. I'm still slower than molasses but at least I'm making some progress. :)