C25K Support Group Starting 6/27



  • Can I join? I plan on starting C25K tomorrow, so that would be W1D1 and I need the extra support and encouragement. I am a mother of two, married, work part-time and am planning on homeschooling my kids this year. I am currently at 289lbs and never seem to be able to stick to any kind of exercise program. Diet isn't enough though and I have no one here to do this with me. My husband is into a way more intensive exercise and weight-training program than I can manage so we aren't able to do it together and he's not interested in C25K since he's jogging 6 miles a day. I am hoping that this will help get me into a good exercise routine that I can manage. I appreciate the help.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Can I join? I plan on starting C25K tomorrow, so that would be W1D1 and I need the extra support and encouragement. I am a mother of two, married, work part-time and am planning on homeschooling my kids this year. I am currently at 289lbs and never seem to be able to stick to any kind of exercise program. Diet isn't enough though and I have no one here to do this with me. My husband is into a way more intensive exercise and weight-training program than I can manage so we aren't able to do it together and he's not interested in C25K since he's jogging 6 miles a day. I am hoping that this will help get me into a good exercise routine that I can manage. I appreciate the help.

    Yes, you can join us. I can definitely understand your situation. I wanted my fiance to do this with me and he had no interest LOL. Thank goodness for the people on MFP. Even though you guys aren't there with me when I'm running, I think about you all and it helps to keep me going because I want to be able to come back and share my accomplishments with you.

    If you haven't already, check out the link in my signature in case you need podcasts, C25K apps and other helpful information.

    I'll add you to the group list as well.

    Good luck tomorrow and let us know how it goes.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Week 1 - CHECK
    Week 2 - CHECK
    Week 3 - Ready to kick some butt! :happy:
  • laurstarks
    laurstarks Posts: 35
    just finished week 1.

    today was the hardest day so far, because my shins decided to start hurting on the 2nd round of running. i almost quit halfway through, but pushed myself to finish. it might not be feasible for me to do only 3 days of each phase, but that's fine! taking it at my own pace.
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    So, I did week 1 day 1. I downloaded a podcast and started running/walking. It didn't go exactly as planned, but at least I was able to work out.
    First of all I had to bring my 2 girls with me (5 and 7). So, I put them on their bikes and hoped they could keep up. Not much of a plan, though. Of course I had to pay way more attention to what they were doing and the cars, and traffic lights, and untie shoes, then I did to the workout. When we finally got to Prospect Park and started the podcast, after the long walk to the park as a heat up part, the girls were kind of good and let me run/walk a little. Then they ran off alone and had to chase them, so I guess that counts as really running, and so on.
    Last thing that happened was the podcast stopped at minute 16 or so and had to restart it on a random position. When I check the imapmyrun map I realized that I did the w1d1 almost twice. :)
    At this point I think I can do day 2 no problem. But, I need a babysitter!!!

    BTW, is anyone else running in Prospect Park?
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    just finished week 1.

    today was the hardest day so far, because my shins decided to start hurting on the 2nd round of running. i almost quit halfway through, but pushed myself to finish. it might not be feasible for me to do only 3 days of each phase, but that's fine! taking it at my own pace.

    Hi Laura,

    You did it!!! Lots and lots of stretching really helps me with my shins. I know some people recommend getting fitted for proper running shoes so that might be something to look into. I wear my regular Nike sneakers that I've had and so far so good. I feel like I'm constantly stretching my shins and calves. If I'm sitting in the couch, I'm moving my feet back and forth to stretch. Sometimes I even walk around the house on my tippy toes to strengthen those shin/calf muscles. It sounds a bit crazy I know but it seems to be helping.

    Going at your own pace is definitely the right thing to do though.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    So, I did week 1 day 1. I downloaded a podcast and started running/walking. It didn't go exactly as planned, but at least I was able to work out.
    First of all I had to bring my 2 girls with me (5 and 7). So, I put them on their bikes and hoped they could keep up. Not much of a plan, though. Of course I had to pay way more attention to what they were doing and the cars, and traffic lights, and untie shoes, then I did to the workout. When we finally got to Prospect Park and started the podcast, after the long walk to the park as a heat up part, the girls were kind of good and let me run/walk a little. Then they ran off alone and had to chase them, so I guess that counts as really running, and so on.
    Last thing that happened was the podcast stopped at minute 16 or so and had to restart it on a random position. When I check the imapmyrun map I realized that I did the w1d1 almost twice. :)
    At this point I think I can do day 2 no problem. But, I need a babysitter!!!

    BTW, is anyone else running in Prospect Park?

    Picturing all of this is actually pretty funny but it looks like you managed to get through it so I'm happy for you. I'm from NY but currently live in Florida. I'm not sure where everyone else in the group is from though. I wish I had someone here to go running with. :frown:
  • laurstarks
    laurstarks Posts: 35
    i'm also from new york, but in florida for the summer. if i don't go running by 8 in the morning, FORGET IT. i went before dinner yesterday because i was cherishing the 75 degree, overcast weather. the sun is brutal down here.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    i'm also from new york, but in florida for the summer. if i don't go running by 8 in the morning, FORGET IT. i went before dinner yesterday because i was cherishing the 75 degree, overcast weather. the sun is brutal down here.

    Me too, I think I do much better when I get it out of the way in the morning.

    As far as the weather, it's either brutally hot or brutally storming. Pretty much the norm here in Florida LOL.
  • Shannon1023
    Shannon1023 Posts: 30 Member
    Started week 2 today! And it felt great!!

    I know I'm starting early, but it's for a GOOD reason!! I'm headed back home this summer and there just happens to be a 5k that many of my friends are running so I thought it would be fun to join them this time!! :) This means I'm hoping to squeeze in 8 weeks of training in 4 weeks! Yikes! I'm a little nervous, but I'm determined to make it work! Wish me luck! :)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Started week 2 today! And it felt great!!

    I know I'm starting early, but it's for a GOOD reason!! I'm headed back home this summer and there just happens to be a 5k that many of my friends are running so I thought it would be fun to join them this time!! :) This means I'm hoping to squeeze in 8 weeks of training in 4 weeks! Yikes! I'm a little nervous, but I'm determined to make it work! Wish me luck! :)

    Good luck Shannon. You can do anything you put your mind to! :smile:
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Week 6, day 3 done. I managed to get my rear in gear early enough this morning to run out of doors before it got too hot.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Sorry hasn't checked in!

    W3D2 - Treadmill after a 30 minute strength training. Incline was only 0.5, going about 8.5 - 10kph. Honestly, it wasn't that hard. Week 3 seems shorter even though it's still 28 minutes. I think it's because there's a walk at the end follow by a cool down so it's really 8 minutes of walking.

    W3D3 - this morning, running on the road. It was very hard! Against the wind as well! I did a bit longer cuz I was looping a path and I wanted to get home sooner so I ran a bit more. During the 3 minutes segment, I also did 2 minute jog/1 minute spring. That was very hard. My thighs are very sore, especially inner thighs...I did lots of stretching but still sore...

    I measured today and I gained...so I'm not too happy about it...but I will continue my C25K till I complete the program...Next run is possibly Monday.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    I completed week 1 yesterday :happy: It wasn't too bad. The only thing is it's really hilly where I live with lots of steep hills. I'm still trying to work out the best route so I'm not faced with a steep hill I can't run up!
    Hope everyone else is doing OK, and I'm enjoying reading all your experiences.
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Week 6, day 3 done. I managed to get my rear in gear early enough this morning to run out of doors before it got too hot.

    Wow, you are really kicking butt! The end is so near now. :)
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    Sorry hasn't checked in!

    W3D2 - Treadmill after a 30 minute strength training. Incline was only 0.5, going about 8.5 - 10kph. Honestly, it wasn't that hard. Week 3 seems shorter even though it's still 28 minutes. I think it's because there's a walk at the end follow by a cool down so it's really 8 minutes of walking.

    W3D3 - this morning, running on the road. It was very hard! Against the wind as well! I did a bit longer cuz I was looping a path and I wanted to get home sooner so I ran a bit more. During the 3 minutes segment, I also did 2 minute jog/1 minute spring. That was very hard. My thighs are very sore, especially inner thighs...I did lots of stretching but still sore...

    I measured today and I gained...so I'm not too happy about it...but I will continue my C25K till I complete the program...Next run is possibly Monday.

    Good luck everyone!

    That's interesting. So far, my thighs have not been sore on the program but when I initially started, I definitely had sore calves. I definitely find outside harder than on the treadmill and I burn a lot more calories outside. I did day 3 of week 2 yesterday and took it a little light as I wasn't feeling too well and I started to get a little sore in my shins so I didn't want it to get worse.

    I'll do day 1 of week 3 on Monday and I'm actually looking forward to it.

    Oh and don't even get me started about the scale LOL. I'm getting a little discouraged with not losing weight but I'm going to keep trying. I weigh in and do measurements tomorrow so I'm hoping I get some kind of loss and if no loss at least lots of inches. Wish me luck. :happy:
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I completed week 1 yesterday :happy: It wasn't too bad. The only thing is it's really hilly where I live with lots of steep hills. I'm still trying to work out the best route so I'm not faced with a steep hill I can't run up!
    Hope everyone else is doing OK, and I'm enjoying reading all your experiences.

    Great job Caroline! You must be getting some really good thigh workouts with all those hills. :smile: I run at a local park and it's pretty smooth for the most part. There are no hills and just a few places where the path kind of goes up and down a bit.

    I did some research on the two 5Ks I was considering and looks like both trails are on the local street so at least it won't be too much of a shock from what I've been training on. I decided which one I want to do but I haven't registered yet. I want to at least get halfway though this program and make sure I'm ready because the 5K is only about a week or two after I finish the program. :smile:
  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi all!

    I was reading all of your post I had a lot to catch up on!

    First I also have battled with the scale. I went up 6 pounds since i started this program!
    I am going to attribute it to my rock hard calves and thighs :) But seriously I am hoping in time it will go down. My legs are sore but I have been running a lot. I took today off from ALL physical activity in hopes that rest will help.

    Since starting this program I noticed that I like to run about 5 times a week. Considering I hated running before this that is awesome! And britesmile dont worry I sing by myself all the time while running haha. I have to its too boring with the longer intervals haha. I use my iphone so i have plenty of music on there.

    Also since starting this program I have become more of a morning person. I now run before work at 6am. I used to have trouble rolling out of bed at 7am so this is great! I do it because i am too tired to do it when i come home and then i have to make dinner and clean and other things. And also because it is too hot to run after work now.

    Yesterday I saw someone running and I was thinking 'man i give that guy credit' then i realized 'hey now i am that guy!' it was a great feeling.

    I am on week 4 i did day one and two. But both times having to take breaks im the second 5 minute run. But both times I also ran extra time at the end hoping to up my endurace. I plan on doing day three tomorrow lets hope between resting and those extra minutes of running I will be ok. If not then I'll just have to try again!

    keep up the good work everyone
    and thanks again britesmile for keeping this chat and spreadsheet going!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    @JT - I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow on your day 3 run!!! :smile:

    And you're welcome about the group and spreadsheet! I love seeing how everyone is doing and their progress. It's inspiring.

    So three of us are having scale issues since starting the program. Hmmm...is anyone else seeing the same thing? I was thinking since running should burn calories, it would help boost my weight loss but that's not really happening.
  • Finding_Tina
    Finding_Tina Posts: 48 Member
    I finished week two, and started day one of week three today. It's going well so far.. I am probably not going fast enough, but am trying to increase the speed with every interval. What speed are you guys running at on the treadmill? I am walking around 3.8-4.1 and jogging 4.5-5.5 mph.
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