looking for a weight loss buddy

gillian055 Posts: 9 Member
edited 1:45PM in Introduce Yourself
I've dropped down 22lbs in the last year and i'm big time struggling with the last 13lbs. Looking for a weightloss buddy for support to get through the last 13! It feels such a shame to get this far and not get to my goal weight!


  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! I have been struggling to lose at all! I hear the last 10 is the hardest, well I think the first 10 are just as hard lol. I am trying to start over and would love support as well :) I will send you a friend request!
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    Don't give up Gillian, you need to just do a few different things in nutrition and excerise because your system has adapted to what your doing now. Sometimes a small change will work and sometimes its takes a bit more. Try some simple changes and see what happens. Examples are change your calorie intake, exercise duration, give up a certain treat you've been having, and so on. Hope this helps.
  • Shannon1023
    Shannon1023 Posts: 30 Member
    It's always that last little bit that's the hardest! I'm right there with ya! Been working on these last 15 lbs for what it seems like forever! I'll send you a friend request... We can work together to reach our goal weight and motivate/support each other along the way! :)
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549 Member
    Well done I think all weight loss is hard feel free to add me x
  • Jhillian
    Jhillian Posts: 185 Member
    I'm about the same weight/goal as you. I'm 23,I don't know how tall you are but I'm 5ft 4, Currently 150 looking to lose 17lbs to take me under my pre-prego weight. I've had 3 kids. How did you lose your first 22? I've been on my life change for 3 months and have lost a total of 9lbs but have been expecting more. My cal intake is 1320 and I eat SOME of my exercise cals back to keep up my energy. I drink lots of water and workout for at least 1hr 6 days/week. As for losing those last 13lbs not sure what the best way to go about it. But yes most people say change up the routine. Maybe start a new workout. Have you tried Zumba I really enjoy it. I also do the P90X to try and tone some muscles but I haven't yet gotten onto the schedule for it. Jog every other day. And just really try to keep busy. Big congrats on the 22lbs I know it makes a big difference.
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