rejie1 Member


  • Always good frozen yogurt w/pretzels. Good sweetness and crunch same time. :happy: :happy:
  • diving instructor
  • I come from a long line of over weight to obese family. We love to eat being from Louisiana. Playing devil's advocate. 1) if the mother is not even going to listen to the 'doctor' that her sons are obese then why would she listen to someone who is a family member and not a stranger. Who would have the well being in their…
  • Know the feeling, but after exercising you can do it because it will ask you to make up that amount to stay at 1200. I am 5ft and 1/4 inch ( I make everyone add, lol) My calorie number is 1200. Been doing this since the beginning of may and started at 208 and now am holding at 198. Upped my exercising hopefully that will…
  • A friend did this to trick your kids into eating eggplant. She peeled the egg plant of the purple, browned it slightly on both sides. In one bowl she added together, minched garlic, chopped onions, black olives, when she layered she did eggplant, 1/3 of the mix, some mozzarella, parmesan and spaghettis sauce, she ended…
  • I will add some golden raisins Carrot salad, raw carrot grated, squeeze lemon juice over the top to stop it going brown and add a spoon of sugar to balance it... no dressing needed but super super yummy! [/quote]
  • Took 6-4 off except for water made that goal. 6-5 made both of the goals. YIPEEEE.:laugh:
  • Finally an answer to my question about does other liquids count. If that is the case I drink at least glasses of water plus other liquids like juice, coffee, milk. My poor kidneys and bladder. Hahaha. Challenge accepted. Sounds good to me except for today 6-4 took off exercising.
  • Was raised south of Dallas and now reside east of Spokane WA. The summer is like TX except alot drier. Talk about a shower of sweat when it hits triple digit.
  • Challenges do sound good. The last few days I have not even looked at much just posted what I had done. Will do better though.:bigsmile:
  • My creativity comes from crocheting and when I cook. To me cooking is NOT just making something taste good, but visual also. And now that I am trying to lose what I have gained it is more important to have a shock to the tastebuds but to look inticing also. So your brain enjoys the way you are eating and it becomes trained…
  • How about 5'1" sw:208 have lost 3lbs, gw: 140. So right now I don't know if you call it success. But you seem to be doing GREAT yourself. Makes me feel like I can.
  • Hi, I am 53 years old, 5'1" and I started out 208. So far I have lost only 3 pounds but am plugging along and moving FORWARD! I have six kids 31 to 20. Grandkids that I adore and a great grandson through my husband that has cheeks you just want to pinch. Haha. I am finally feeling like I can add friends for some support…
  • The towel thing has not happened yet. Not feeling so swollen and bloated from WATER RETENTION!!! :happy:
  • One of the things that I find helps me soo much? Is that I have found my music to listen to. Had gotten away from it raising children and worrying about bills, and jobs and just plain worrying. Then my husband bought me a little sansa to download music and I have been so free. Now my cell phone has a chip that I can…
  • Please don't let anyone push into hurrying. It sounds like you are taking control and you should be very proud of the steps that you are taking. So this time around 'good job' and one day at a time.