SonaliShukla Member


  • I am up 24 pounds at 33 weeks!My limit was 20 as well,but cant help:-(. I think it would be reasonable to expect that I would touch 30 pounds up!
  • 4 weeks-81.5kgs 6 weeks- 81.5 kgs 8 weeks-81.5 kgs 10 weeks-81.5 kgs 12 weeks-81.5 kgs 14 weeks-82.5kgs(+1kgs) 16 weeks-83kgs(+1.5kgs) 18 weeks-83.6kgs(+2.1kgs) 20 weeks-85.3kgs(+3.8kgs) 22 weeks-86.3 kgs(+4.8kgs) 23 weeks-86.9 kgs(+5.4 kgs) 24 weeks- 88.3 kgs(+6.8kgs: +14.9 pounds) 25+3 days- 88.3kgs(+6.8kgs: +14.9…
  • 4 weeks-81.5kgs 6 weeks- 81.5 kgs 8 weeks-81.5 kgs 10 weeks-81.5 kgs 12 weeks-81.5 kgs 14 weeks-82.5kgs(+1kgs) 16 weeks-83kgs(+1.5kgs) 18 weeks-83.6kgs(+2.1kgs) 20 weeks-85.3kgs(+3.8kgs) 22 weeks-86.3 kgs(+4.8kgs) 23 weeks-86.9 kgs(+5.4 kgs) 24 weeks- 88.3 kgs(+6.8kgs: +14.9 pounds) 25+3 days- 88.3kgs(+6.8kgs: +14.9…
  • 4 weeks-81.5kgs 6 weeks- 81.5 kgs 8 weeks-81.5 kgs 10 weeks-81.5 kgs 12 weeks-81.5 kgs 14 weeks-82.5kgs(+1kgs) 16 weeks-83kgs(+1.5kgs) 18 weeks-83.6kgs(+2.1kgs) 20 weeks-85.3kgs(+3.8kgs) 22 weeks-86.3 kgs(+4.8kgs) 23 weeks-86.9 kgs(+5.4 kgs) 24 weeks- 88.3 kgs(+6.8kgs: +14.9 pounds) 25+3 days- 88.3kgs(+6.8kgs: +14.9…
  • I have been walking almost 1.3-1.5 miles a day at 5 times a week for my to and fro commute to office.The past 2 weeks have been really bad when i was at my parents place and I just walked for 2 days only.But yes i am back to track this week.Need to get back to my prenatal yoga routine as well.Workout needs to be a high…
  • Here go my actuals week wise till date:- 4 weeks-81.5kgs 6 weeks- 81.5 kgs 8 weeks-81.5 kgs 10 weeks-81.5 kgs 12 weeks-81.5 kgs 14 weeks-82.5kgs(+1kgs) 16 weeks-83kgs(+1.5kgs) 18 weeks-83.6kgs(+2.1kgs) 20 weeks-85.3kgs(+3.8kgs) 22 weeks-86.3 kgs(+4.8kgs) 23 weeks-86.9 kgs(+5.4 kgs) 24 weeks- 88.3 kgs(+6.8kgs) 25+3 days-…
  • Here go my actuals week wise till date:- 4 weeks-81.5kgs 6 weeks- 81.5 kgs 8 weeks-81.5 kgs 10 weeks-81.5 kgs 12 weeks-81.5 kgs 14 weeks-82.5kgs(+1kgs) 16 weeks-83kgs(+1.5kgs) 18 weeks-83.6kgs(+2.1kgs) 20 weeks-85.3kgs(+3.8kgs) 22 weeks-86.3 kgs(+4.8kgs) 23 weeks-86.9 kgs(+5.4 kgs) 24 weeks- 88.3 kgs(+6.8kgs: +14.9 pounds…
  • Yes Amy,you are really doing good! Bburg,even I am worried to cross the 25lb mark:-(.lets keep walking and see if this stalls a bit in another couple of weeks!
  • I absoltely understand tigger:-) but hatsoff to the fitness levels of your grandpa!Really inspiring to see such people so active at this age!
  • Offlate I am walking back home from office which is a 40-45 mins mod pace walk.Have started doing some prenatal yoga with it on some days.
  • Pregnancy goals -To gain at max 9-10kgs(20-22 pounds)!! Here go my actuals week wise till date:- 4 weeks-81.5kgs(179.3 pounds) 6 weeks- 81.5 kgs 8 weeks-81.5 kgs 10 weeks-81.5 kgs 12 weeks-81.5 kgs 14 weeks-82.5kgs(+1kgs) 16 weeks-83kgs(+1.5kgs) 18 weeks-83.6kgs(+2.1kgs) 20 weeks-85.3kgs(+3.8kgs) 22 weeks-86.3 kgs(+4.8kgs)…
  • Hello ladies,how have you been going with your workouts?In my last prenatal appointment,doc stressed to start walking for an hour daily coupled with prenatal yoga and even squats some days.I am trying to walk atleast 5 days a week now for 40-50 mins and have got a prenatal yoiga dvd to start doing at home.lets see how it…
  • Thats a great idea Suzanne.Even I have been focusing on fruits and sandwiches offlate and they turn out ot be good fillers!
  • The fact that all of us are here on this forum will make us come back to our originals.I am sure all of you have enough willpower to shed those extra pounds later.The only thing is lets keep logging in!!!
  • Weighed in today.I am 19+4 days today and weigh 8 pounds up from my prepregnancy weight.Gained almost 5.5 pounds in the last 2 weeks itself. Weight gain seems to be on an icreasing trend once i crossed the 18th week mark.Dont know how I would be able to manage within 20 pounds up in total till the end.I also ate twice out…
  • sw-81.5kgs(179.3) Till 12 weeks:- 81.5kgs(179.3) Till 14 weeks- 82.5kgs(181.5) 17+4- 83.2kgs(183) Close to 4 pounds up in 17+ weeks.Hopefully i stay within 15-20pounds increase!!
  • By the way,would be mommies, wanted to know if you have really started showing baby bump??Pretty eager to see that,I am already 14+5 and hasnt started showing yet.Ofcourse i used to weigh close to 173 lbs before,so I have been on the heavier side always.
  • Thats great to hear Suzanne.Even i heard it last friday and it was truly an awesome feeling to feel having a life inside you.My heartbeat came out to be 175,it was 180 in the last appointment.
  • I started with 179.3 lbs as prepregnancy weight and pretty much stayed the same throughout all 13 weeks.I am 14+5days today and weigh 2.6 lbs more,thats 181.9.But I havent been logging much throghout the last holiday week.Would try to come back to regular logging and incoprorate some walking workout in my schedule from…
  • Guys, just had my thyroid test redone last week post medication of 6 weeks and its now in normal range.Finally releived!!:smile:
  • Thanks clean eater and amy.yes I am on high dosage as well as doctors say its important to bring it at normal levels specially during pregnancy.WIll have it tested this week to see where I am pots medication.
  • Thanks Suzanne for the initiative.I started walking again this Wed,missed yesterday,need to make it to 4 days this week!
  • Still hanging on to the same number.I am 11 weeks now,but guess looking at all you guys seems I might gain in the next 2 weeks:-(.
  • hey Suzanne,I am with you in the same boat.Dont have morning sickness,but really pressing hard for taking out time for some workout.Need to start walking again and get to the bandwagon!How about we start up a challenge aiming for atleast 4 moderate workouts a week?
  • hey Suzanne,I am with you in the same boat.Dont have morning sickness,but really pressing hard for taking out time for some workout.Need to start walking again and get to the bandwagon!How about we start up a challenge aiming for atleast 4 moderate workouts a week?
  • Hello evrybody, I am Sonali, new to this grp,currently 10.5 weeks pregnant.i lost 9 kgs this yr post joining MFP and then amlost gained 2kgs when we were planning for the baby.But till date I have been able to stick to my prepregnancy weight.My current BMI is still at 29.1 which certainly means I have to careful with my…
  • I am due for June 26th!! First baby for me as well,pretty excited:-)
  • June 26th for me too:-)
  • I used to couple my cardio with strength training in the pre-pregnancy days.But wasnt that active for the 2months time we were planning.For the past 3 weeks,I have been doing a treadmill brisk walk workout for 30 mins(incline down to 3.5% from 5% in prepregnancy) and speed close to 3.5-3.6 miles /hr coupled with 10 minutes…
  • Hi Guys, I am Sonali,currently at 7 weeks+2 days.The first feeling when I saw this group was wow,I would have pals by my side in this journey who are in the same boat.Must say It’s an awesome feeling and we have been waiting for sometime for this news. Started with my weight loss with MFP last Dec and lost around…