kdt8810 Member


  • I've had this question myself. The Scoby is consuming most of the sugar in the first ferment - so I'm not sure how much it we consume after the second ferment.
  • That's wonderful!! Congratulations!!
  • Yup. That lower ab area is difficult. Yes, core exercises help - but you could have rock solid abs there - but if you have a layer of fat covering them - they'll still seem squishy. Congrats on your weight loss!! That's awesome. Keep working on lowering your body fat % - it will work eventually. When you will see your…
  • I love Plant Fusion. No dairy. No soy.
  • You've lost 4 inches in your thighs? You are my hero!
  • That's the best feeling, isn't it? Great work!!
  • I once did 11 miles on a treadmill. I was training for a marathon and it was rainy and dark outside when I needed to get my miles in. I watched a movie - and it made the time go by really fast. Pretty sure I watched all of The Lord of the Rings trilogy on the treadmill at some point. When I only have an hour to do on the…
  • I'm 5'6", 141 pounds , 39 years old with an 11 month old who nurses twice a day. I strength train 3x a week and cardio 3x a week. I eat around 2000 calories a day and I am losing weight - slowly - but it's coming off. We are at a healthy weight for our height. We want to lose those "vanity" pounds. I have been told by a…
  • Not a stupid question at all. Yes, there is difference in taste. White sugar is a bit more refined that brown sugar. Most sugar sold I the US is beet sugar - not cane sugar. Lots of brown sugar sold here is simply white sugar sprayed with molasses. If you buy brown cane sugar - it simply is cane sugar that has not been as…
  • They're a bit tighter in the rear - how did that happen?!?! Lol. And my hips are still a little squishier - but nothing I can't continue to work on. I'm just so happy I don't need to buy new clothes.
  • Hi momma! Be kind to yourself - first and foremost. The media and others all want us to believe that breastfeeding = automatic weight loss. Sadly, it's not true for all of us at all. I have an 11 month old and still have 6 pounds to go. I exercise a lot and eat healthy but that wasn't enough. What finally helped me was…
  • Post partum hormones can be wonky for a year - whether your breastfeeding or formula feeding - so try to be good to yourself. Your body just accomplished something awesome! I know it seems impossible - but keep your chin up. The good news is it should be easier for you to find the right calorie deficit. Try to eat highly…
  • Be kind to yourself - first and foremost! You didn't mention if you were nursing or not. That can throw a monkey wrench into the weight loss equation. After the initial fluid weight came off with my baby - it wasn't until about 6-7 months that my weight started to budge. Above poster is correct in saying that you don't…
  • In theory, yes, that should work. You might need to eat more for nursing - some women eat 500 calories extra. Play with it and see where you are happy and still losing. You got this!
  • Yes momma! Eat! I think I messed myself up too eating WAY too little and exercising too much while my LO was four months. She's now 11 months and I have six more pounds to go. It's coming off slowly - I have to remind myself to eat enough everyday. If I were you - I'd eat back your exercise calories and about 200-500 more…
  • Thank you! Food as fuel is a great way for me to get around my hang ups. I guess I need to start treating myself like the athlete I'm becoming. :smile:
  • It's a difference in the processing - as their name implies. Steel cut oats have a more hearty texture that some prefer. I happen to like both! If you're pressed for time - you can cook a big batch of oatmeal in the slow cooker for the week. I haven't noticed too much of a price difference between them in my area. Now I…
  • -the toddlers eat as much as their bodies allow before they run around with buckets on their heads and bang into my walls-- That made me laugh. My 10 month old puts her bowl on her head! I'm trying so hard not to eat her little bits of finger foods that she doesn't want. I have to ask myself if the money I'm "saving" is…
  • I was told that for some of us - our bodies hold onto our maternal fat stores until our babies wean. SO not fair. But have hope, it can come off. My ten month old is still nursing and I'm working out like a fiend - but I'm losing about a pound a week for the past two months. I'm hoping after my LO weans at a year - the…
  • What a great site. Thank you - I'm going to try it out!
  • Thank you for your kind words. I know I'm at a healthy weight for my height. My bodyfat percentage is a different story - it's a work in progress :) Honestly, I just want to fit into my pants again! I'm 39 years old and everyone is telling me I'll never get my body back - I want to prove them wrong. Sometimes I just need a…
  • I also love the unsweetened original almond milk. Yummy! I steer clear of soy milk (very estrogenic and can screw with your hormones) and non-organic dairy (also lots of extra hormones).
  • OP seems to be a healthy young woman. So, too large of a calorie deficit can backfire. It's not "starvation mode" but a woman's body (if she is at a healthy weight and just looking to lose less then 15 pounds of vanity weight) will hold onto her maternal fat stores if she is at a large calorie deficit. Most people don't…
  • I have a hard time too with the scale. When I started working out again after baby - I GAINED a few pounds - but lost inches. After about a month I dropped them and then a few more too. Remember when you first start weight training your body holds onto a bit more water than usual to help your muscles repair themselves.…
  • Thanks for sharing your insight. I'm eight months in and it seems no matter what I do those last 15 pounds are sticking to me like glue. Just yesterday I decided to buy a few pants that actually fit me and to stop stressing about the weight. I'll still eat properly and exercise but I need to stop obsessing. Your post was…
  • My daughter is 5.5 months old - we just started playing with food this week. I gained 40 pounds with this pregnancy (my first) and I'm stuck with 15 pounds left to lose. They will not budge. I know I should probably up my calories - it just seems so counter intuitive to eat more than 1800 calories a day. My goal is to be…
  • Congrats Momma!! My little one turned 4 months yesterday - we had some nursing issues in the beginning - but once they got sorted out it's been grand. I now have a bit of an oversupply "problem" as well. The first day or two after skipping a pump session I felt full - but by day three my body figured it out that I didn't…
  • First of all - congratulations!! I've read it "burns' about 500 calories a day if you are exclusively breastfeeding a 1-6 month old. If you search for 'breastfeeding' in the food database you will a few options. I use the -500 option. And I make sure that I am eating all of those calories back. Before, when I wasn't eating…