Losing Baby Weight Plus Some

My son will be 5 months old next week & I really want to lose this weight. I lost 27lbs using this site from January 2012-June 2012 for my wedding in Oct 2012, I started off at 182. I was 156 when I found out I was pregnant( I am 5'2) I was 195 the day I was induced. I lost 25lbs in a week because of all of the water weight. I weigh 176 now and am getting really disgusted with myself. I feel I never have the time to exercise or the energy to do so. I have a treadmill & Jillians 30ds & thats how I lost my weight the first time. My right knee has really been bothering me lately. It was bad a few years ago so my Dr had me get a MRI done, the Dr said my IT band above my knee is too tight giving me the pain. I also have problems with my tailbone, the Nurses & Dr thought I broke it while pushing for 2 hours, turned out I really stretched out my ligament connected to my tailbone. I was goimg to a chiropractor 3 days a wk for 2 months. It feels better than it did but I am still in pain with sitting & riding in a vehicle. The treadmill does not bother my tailbone.

I really have to get my butt in gear, I want to lose this weight, get ready for a great year & nice weather. Anyone have any advice?


  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    If exercising hurts, just don't do it. You don't have to exercise to lose weight. Just eat a calorie deficit, and you will lose weight. If the treadmill doesn't bother you, walk walk walk!!! Any movement is better than none.

    Weight loss starts with what you eat. Weigh your food portions out and log everything. Don't go over your calorie limit, and you will lose weight.
  • unhgoose
    unhgoose Posts: 122 Member
    Maybe yoga would help with some of the pains? It did wonders for my back.

    Also I don't know if your breast feeding or not, but BFing actually made it harder for me to lose weight. Every time I cut calories my supply would dip. In my case I could lose some weight while BFing and it really came off when I weaned.

    I guess my advice is to be kind to yourself and be patient. It took 9 months to get the weight on and it takes most of us at least that long for it to come off. I'm sorry you're struggling with injuries...it is so frustrating to want to work out and not be able to. Good luck.
  • MommyToAllieB
    MommyToAllieB Posts: 56 Member
    Girl, I'm right there with you. My daughter is 5 1/2 months old. I started the pregnancy at 152, which is a great weight for me. When I gave birth I was 203!! I lost the first 25 lbs fast but the last 25 is hanging on despite breastfeeding. In fact I think breastfeeding just makes me ravenous and makes me eat more. I am176 now and trying to get back to 152. I started myfitnesspal and joined a gym this week. First time at the gym was yesterday and my lower back is sore today like it was during pregnancy. I went to a yoga class today and I'm hoping that helps fix my back issue. It is hard to work out when you're worrying it is going to throw something off and make you feel worse! Anyways--I'm happy to support you :)
  • kdt8810
    kdt8810 Posts: 38 Member
    Be kind to yourself - first and foremost! You didn't mention if you were nursing or not. That can throw a monkey wrench into the weight loss equation. After the initial fluid weight came off with my baby - it wasn't until about 6-7 months that my weight started to budge. Above poster is correct in saying that you don't need to exercise in order to lose weight. But for me, it helped SO much with my mental state post partum. I too, was depressed. (And diagnosed with PTSD) I started with just walking on the treadmill and did some light weights. Then I moved onto 30ds. I didn't lose any weight doing that - but I lost quite a few inches. Then I joined a gym with daycare and it's taken me three months there to lose ten pounds - but I am a healthy weight now - with only 6 more pounds to go before pre preggers weight. I am still nursing and I found the most success once I upped my calories a bit. With all those post partum hormones it can take a while to find the sweet spot to lose calorically speaking. You can do this! The hardest thing with post partum weight loss is finding the patience.
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    I know exactly how it feels!! after having my second child I gained alot of weight, and just couldnt get the weight down, until I cut out wheat products and gluten . its 80% what you eat and 20% exercise , just start one day at a time by cutting out sugary foods and doing low impact cardio, good luck!! if you wanna checknout a Paleo website it explains getting rid of wheat products out of your diet really helps .
  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    I agree it took you 9 months to put on the weight so don;t be hard on yourself your not alone, lol:happy:
  • AMaro215
    AMaro215 Posts: 78 Member
    I tried breastfeeding multiple times & my son wanted nothing to do with it so he is a formula bottle fed baby.
  • kdt8810
    kdt8810 Posts: 38 Member
    Post partum hormones can be wonky for a year - whether your breastfeeding or formula feeding - so try to be good to yourself. Your body just accomplished something awesome! I know it seems impossible - but keep your chin up. The good news is it should be easier for you to find the right calorie deficit. Try to eat highly nutritious foods - fruits, veggies, lean proteins, good fats and good carbs to help with your energy. Try continuing your pre-natal vitamins. And incorporate what exercise you can without pain.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    My wedding weight loss buddy!!! We are both now in post-baby weight loss mode :-) Only, mine is now 15 months old and I'm still holding onto the last 10 lbs of baby weight! I was 132 when I got pregnant. When I was induced I was at 162... dropped down to 155 very quickly after birth. I've been hovering between 140 and 142 since probably 9 months post partum. I can't say I really *did* much to lose the 15 lbs of baby weight. I was on and off on my elliptical and every once in awhile I'd do a couple weeks of JM videos... but just in general it did take some time to really feel like myself again. Having a baby keeps you pretty active and off the couch in general. I think you just need to move as much as possible, eat as healthy as you can, and it will come off and start to "firm" up. For me, it was 9 months that I felt more like me and less like the girl who just had a baby.

    Oh and I also tried to breastfeed but my daughter just never took to it, so she was formula fed.

    Congrats on the baby, he's adorable!!!