How can I make the treadmill bearable?

I have always HATED running on the treadmill - I get extremely bored within the first five minutes and lose motivation so fast. I've never been able to run more than a mile or so on the treadmill for that reason, though I can run several miles outside. The only thing I've found to make it more bearable in the past is doing HIIT, because since my pace and stuff is constantly changing it keeps things interesting.

Well, I'm training for a 10K right now and it's a little too chilly for me to run outside (I'm a southerner who recently moved up north, so I'm a bit of a wimp about the cold, and I don't have any fancy warm running gear). Today I am supposed to run four miles (I've never run that far before - my previous record is 3.5 miles) and it's looking like sadly, the treadmill is the best option. I just don't see how I'm going to be able to stand it! I run pretty slow, so four miles will probably take me close to an hour on the dreadmill. Ugh.

Any treadmill haters out there who have learned to deal with it? I have a book on tape so I'm thinking of listening to that rather than just music, but any other tips would be appreciated.


  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Bump? Aaaany advice out there?
  • megpumpkin
    Find something to watch/read/listen to while on it.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Drugs + Rocky IV on the tv.

    That's about the only way I could do it...
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member
    I agree that it's boring, I listen to comedy on my phone :) helps pass the time even if I do get weird looks for randomly laughing
  • kaynagel
    kaynagel Posts: 571 Member
    I used to love the treadmill. This last year I have spent less time on the treadmill. It has become difficult for me too. But this winter I am doing treadmill and my bike on a trainer. Here is what I do. I will do a treadmill workout that the YMCA running coach has given the group. Or, I will do a workout programmed into my treadmill. I have a fancy treadmill with all the bells and whistles. The plan is to change it up every minute or five minutes depending on how I feel. Raise or lower the incline and raise and lower the speed. At the end I may just add time to get to the miles or time I want to complete. This end will also be my cool down. I've also found that if I can get past the first 10 minutes, I will complete my treadmill workout.
  • olyabe
    olyabe Posts: 36
    Pick a long but interesting TV series, with episode lengths corresponding to your exercise period. Something with a continuous plot line (where you want to find out what happened next at the end of each episode). Watch it on the treadmill (TV or tablet). DO NOT let yourself watch it off the couch etc.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    The dreadmill you mean? :bigsmile:

    I have books on my iPod I listen to only when I am on there. I have to put a towel over the clock portion so I don't watch the stupid thing climb to my allotted time. Sometimes I just space out and think about being outside. Whatever keeps my mind busy until it's over.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I can't stand any longer than 20 minutes, and even then it is hard. Maybe try the zombie run app; I've heard that it is fun. My husband listens to talk radio. The idea about listening to a book is good, too. Good luck. I hate the treadmill.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I used to love the treadmill. This last year I have spent less time on the treadmill. It has become difficult for me too. But this winter I am doing treadmill and my bike on a trainer. Here is what I do. I will do a treadmill workout that the YMCA running coach has given the group. Or, I will do a workout programmed into my treadmill. I have a fancy treadmill with all the bells and whistles. The plan is to change it up every minute or five minutes depending on how I feel. Raise or lower the incline and raise and lower the speed. At the end I may just add time to get to the miles or time I want to complete. This end will also be my cool down. I've also found that if I can get past the first 10 minutes, I will complete my treadmill workout.

    This is a great idea.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I work on a story in my head, lol. But I don't run.
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    i have found that I would rather brave the outside conditions than do the treadmill-- and when I tell you that, I have never been a fan of the cold weather- i dont ski, ice skate, etc because I hate the cold. I dont even like to shovel snow because of that. So if you would have asked me this weeks ago I would have not said that. You can go to TJMaxx, kohls, target and invest in some good, cheaper clothes for outside.

    But if the treadmill is what you are looking for- do intervals. It will help you for when you actually get outside. Walk 1 minute, run x minutes-- and then every week increase that distance walk 2, run 3-- then walk 2, run 5, walk 1, run 3, etc.
    Intervals help me focus more on the treadmill because i just have to focus for small amounts at a time.
  • kdt8810
    kdt8810 Posts: 38 Member
    I once did 11 miles on a treadmill. I was training for a marathon and it was rainy and dark outside when I needed to get my miles in. I watched a movie - and it made the time go by really fast. Pretty sure I watched all of The Lord of the Rings trilogy on the treadmill at some point. When I only have an hour to do on the treadmill - I pick a tv show I've always wanted to watch and watch an episode for each running session. I just watched all six seasons of Breaking Bad this winter. And I make sure to change my speed and incline too.
  • IngridGurule
    I listen to a lot of Electro music, hip hop something fast pace. I've tried watching tv before then realized I don't really focus on my breathing and tend to get lazy. I run for about 35-45 minutes on my treadmil everyday and love it. Interval training is the best way to spice it up.
  • drangonfly2323
    drangonfly2323 Posts: 197 Member
    See if you have a local recreation center that offers an indoor track. Near me we have one and it's only $4 for a day pass. My condos gym is out of commission due to a water main break and while I try to run outside even in the cold I'm recovering from a chest cold so inside running for me for a while.
  • anassuhaimi
    My weight loss journey have just begun only for two weeks, and so far all my exercise has been on a treadmill.

    I walk (and occasionally jog) a total of at least 90 minutes except for once or twice that I have blisters on my feet I only do 45.

    I get bored only like after 70 minutes, where I'd wish I'd take a tablet with me to watch movies or a Youtube playlist.

    For the first 70-75 minutes I'd concentrate on my breaths, really feel the thighs and calves muscles, and sometime the abs muscle... When I added the inclination and tip my body balance a bit to the left or right, can really feel the abs contracting and expanding. For me being able to feel those individual muscle working is rewarding and it keeps me occupied.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    MUSIC. I hate running, period. But when I used to try to run on the treadmill, I had to have upbeat music that I loved. I personally like to workout to dance/electronic music. I would download a lot of songs I heard off the BPM station on XM radio.
  • Nyeslonye
    Nyeslonye Posts: 29 Member
    I put my iPad on my treadmill and watch Breaking Bad on Netflix. It has now become something I look forward to daily and the time flies!
  • kmorris123
    kmorris123 Posts: 34 Member
    I use the couch to 5k app on my ipod and it let's me play pandora at the same time. I put on some much that fires me up, like the jock jams station, crank the stereo loudly and find my groove. I believe there is a couch to 10k app too.
  • pps7
    pps7 Posts: 46
    I do intervals. Makes it less boring. 1 mile warm up. 20 min of intervals. 1 mile cold down. Sometimes I do hill intervals and sometimes speed. Keeps it interesting. Once a week, I brave the cold and run outside. The winter is also a good time to strength train or work on cross training.