imjusme Member


  • I am a woman as well. I obtain my deficit by activity. My goal is set at 2500 calories burned, and 1500 intake. I happened to be out of work and went to the gym every single day and kept active all day long. So that is why my averages are higher I think. I start work tomorrow so we shall see how my numbers change.
  • Fear not! I just started Zumba about a month ago and I am so addicted! I also wear a heart rate monitor and a BodyMedia Fit armband and I can burn as much in Zumba as I do in spin class if not more! I would say don't give up lifting, maybe instead of doing weight classes you can do a free weight routine.
  • I use one. My average deficit over the last 28 days was 1300. My average burn over 28 days was 2700. I have been steadily losing, however the last two weeks I have lost nothing. My plan is to increase my calories so that my deficit isn't so high. I love the BMF but I have had some issues with it, like spin class/weight…
  • Honestly, I would try to seek professional help from someone who specializes in anorexia. I am not saying that you are intentionally starving yourself however, people who have anorexia often have the same types of feelings, ie. hating to eat. Many of these patients actually have trouble tolerating food for a variety of…
  • ^^^^^^^THIS!!!!!!
    in HOW? Comment by imjusme May 2013
  • I went to a few meetings. I didn't fit in at all. They were friendly and welcoming, but a very conservative group...strict maybe? I don't know but I just didn't mesh well. I would highly recommend it though!!!!!! I say give it a try, what is the worst that can happen?
  • I think my body is tricked out. My body doesn't seem to be "falling for it" anymore. Is that possible? I am not sure if this may be what you mean but some people have said that yo-yo dieters have a harder time losing each time they go on a "diet". This thinking is wrong (which I am super happy about). So your body isn't…
  • Forgot to say, FitBit doesn't have a subscription.....BM does. I pay month to month 6.95. If you pay for a year or two it gets cheaper but I tend to get bored easily and once I know how my body responds to different workouts I won't use it anymore. (I used the BM about 3-4 years ago and lost significant weight and stopped…
  • I have a BodyMedia Fit armband....identical to the BodyBugg and also the same device used on the Biggest Loser. I find that it is extremely accurate even when compared to my heart rate monitor. I bought the heart rate monitor because my BodyMedia or BM doesn't register spin/elliptical the way I thought it should. It is…
  • I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have some friends that are really supportive and those who think it's funny to eat junk with me around. I chose very wisely who i hang out with and when. I agree with the previous posters who said be honest. Believe me some people have laughed at me, like it's a joke when I tell them why I am…
  • I had the same problem and unfortunately surgery is what I did. There is no other way to fix split muscles, they literally become disconnected. :( Most importantly, DO NOT listen to anyone other than your doctor!!!!! Doing exercises randomly can make it worse and not only that you could end up with lower back and oblique…
  • Just wanted to share what I found. Day one of spin (50 minutes): Wore the armband as BM says to, on lower part of arm near elbow and plate even with watch. I logged a total of 4 minutes of vigorous, 2,000 steps, and something like 150 calories. Day two of spin: wore on lower leg, on calf.......logged 30 vigorous and 20…
  • Ensure you are getting enough sleep! Also, when stressed your body produces cortisol which can be a big deterrent to fat loss. So try a yoga class, meditation, or journal writing because all the worry about losing weight may be causing stress. I know you don't want to count calories but if you really want advice from all…
  • So maybe I am not the best person to give you advice but I will offer anyway. I did a Tough Mudder last year in April in 36 degree weather...with three of my girlfriends. I had not been working out and was even a smoker.....but I finished! Having did one without any exercise at all I would say cardio is great and like…
  • NRSPAM, I have found that the BM registers some forms of exercise better than others. I tend to agree about the low end of burned calories but I am ok with that for now. It is frustrating at times, for instance the elliptical....always gives me a low burn even when I know I gave it my best. I thought it had something to do…
  • NCMeg, I too use BodyMedia with a goal of 1,000 deficit, but often it leaves me scrambling to get in more calories at the end of the day because i am not sure how much I will burn. So having MFP give me a set number of just exercise calories kind of helps, BUT like I said as you go through the day it seems to give you more…
  • I am almost positive it uses the day before numbers! When I go in mid-day, or after a workout and open up the "BodyMedia calorie adjustment" it will often show the day before numbers, even showing a time that hasn't happened yet, like 6pm? If I then sync later in the day after dinner, it will be more accurate. It does…
  • Just want to clarify, not compression pants.....but an abdominal binder. It just goes around the abdomen, usually they are wide and wrap around and attach with velcro. Can be worn under clothing or directly on skin. Do a google search for "abdominal binder for hernia" and see what you come up with.
  • I would advise your hubby to get a compression abdominal binder. A hernia is a bulge of intestine through the abdominal wall....or umbilicus (belly button). Working out the stomach could make this worse or strangle the hernia which would mean emergency surgery! By wearing a binder he can support the stomach and hernia and…
  • Shin splints are my worst enemy. For me, any impact causes them and a few years ago when I was in my best shape ever I ended up with bilateral fractures in both tibias. I even ended up with ulcers in my stomach from taking so much ibuprofen! lol Now, I am a nurse, I know better but I ignored the pain....thought I was just…
  • Not sure how I missed the first round but I am sooooo happy I saw this one!!!! AMAZING! PHENOMENAL! OUTSTANDING! You are an inspiration, thank you so much for sharing. You totally need a blog by the way because I def cracked up reading your comments! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!:wink:
  • I agree with the previous posters, one day at a time. Treat everyday you avoid your triggers as a success! Have motivation handy....I have a motivation wall....I put up pictures/quotes/challenges for myself. Make your screen saver on your computer and your phone something that will remind you of why you started. We all…