Separated abdominal muscles



  • leigh0416
    leigh0416 Posts: 29
    I did exercises called Tupplers a couple years ago because I had the belly split too. You can probably look them up online, google it and see if you can find the technique. It's not hard at all, but it's one of those things you have to stick with. Your belly will lift if you do them and your split will correct itself, there's really no need for a tummy tuck or surgery. I may not be a PT, but this is basically physical therapy for the belly. Instead of doing crunches and ab work with the workouts I was doing, I did tupplers instead, and also planks...worked like a charm!
  • imjusme
    imjusme Posts: 24 Member
    I had the same problem and unfortunately surgery is what I did. There is no other way to fix split muscles, they literally become disconnected. :( Most importantly, DO NOT listen to anyone other than your doctor!!!!! Doing exercises randomly can make it worse and not only that you could end up with lower back and oblique injuries because those other areas will compensate.
  • tammymusic1
    tammymusic1 Posts: 243 Member
    The word diastasis means separation. So a diastasis recti is a separation of the rectus abdominis or the outermost abdominal muscles. When the muscles separate, the connective tissue that joins them stretches sideways. The more it stretches sideways the thinner and weaker it becomes.
    Everyone is born with their muscles separated. Whether it closes depends on the amount of force or pressure on the connective tissue that joins the outermost muscles. If the muscles close, they are always at risk for separating again when there is this continuous force on the connective tissue. Force can be caused by:
    Weight gain in the abdominal area
    Growing uterus during pregnancy
    Doing abdominal exercises incorrectly

    The function of the outermost muscles are to support your back and your organs. When the muscles separate this support system is weakened causing low back pain and the "mummy tummy " or “guy gut.” The mummy tummy or guy gut is actually your protruding organs. They are protruding because they are now being supported by a thin (saran wrap-like) piece of connective tissue instead of your muscles if they were together. If there is trauma to the abdominal area and the connective tissue is torn away from the muscle, your organs will come through and a ventral hernia can develop. Surgery will be required. A large diastasis on a pregnant woman will cause the uterus to tilt forward putting the cervix out of alignment. This will make pushing the baby out vaginally much more difficult.
    Closing the diastasis will give you a flat belly, a smaller waist and relieve any back problems you are having. It will also make pushing in labor much more effective.

    Copied and pasted from here:

    omsh that is crazy I had not idea that is what it ment I always wondered why my tummy was flat after my first 3 but after my fourth I had this split and no matter how hard I have tried I have a gut
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Abdominal exercises won't help reduce, target, or change the size of your abdomen.

    Only reduced body fat will "fix" this condition. Haven't done an "abdominal" exercise in years.

    You will never experience this condition. new Borns and postpartum women get this. Reduced body fat is NOT the fix! She isn't trying to change the size of her abdomen, she is trying to fix a separated muscle. There are targeted exercises that can strengthen that muscle and pull it back together.

    That wasn't the way it was explained. OP indicated, Lost 25lbs, waist didn't change, what exercises can I do that are safe for me will change it.

    My apologies for having an opinion.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Hello! I've been working out regularly and tracking my calories for about a year now. I've lost about 25 lbs. total which is great though I still have a way to go. I was recently diagnosed with diastasis recti (separated abdominal muscles) that never healed after the birth of my second child. I've been told that traditional ab exercises like crunches, sit ups and planks can make my condition worse. My abs have always been a problem area and despite losing 25 lbs. my abs are the same size. Is anyone familiar with this condition or have an advice about exercise to target the abs that would be safe for me to do? I have spoken to my doctor and she gave me a sheet of three really mild exercise to try but they are not having an impact. Getting discouraged. Appreciate any input. Thanks!

    Yeah, here is some advice... LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR.

    Geez you have a separated abdomen, accept what you can't change and keep moving. If you want to see your abs loose more fat weight, they won't show anyhow unless your BF% is low enough.

    You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Probably should have kept your comment to yourself. Goes for the guy who posted above you as well. Google the condition if you would like to be educated about it.

    OP did a poor job of explaining what they are looking to do. OP stated lost 25 lbs, looking to make abs smaller. What safe exercises do this.

    Apologies for the opinion. Get over yourself.
  • fatolelatdy
    fatolelatdy Posts: 23 Member
    Abdominal exercises won't help reduce, target, or change the size of your abdomen.

    Only reduced body fat will "fix" this condition. Haven't done an "abdominal" exercise in years.

    You will never experience this condition. new Borns and postpartum women get this. Reduced body fat is NOT the fix! She isn't trying to change the size of her abdomen, she is trying to fix a separated muscle. There are targeted exercises that can strengthen that muscle and pull it back together.

    confused by your first statement. i am 57 yrs old female and after being diagnosed by a general dr and my obgyn having hernia, i got to the surgeon and was told i had stomach muscle separation. i am 30 yrs past postpartum. this condition can also occur in men.
  • angel7472
    angel7472 Posts: 317 Member

    Just so more examples of exercises that can be done to try and close the muscles. Hope it helps :)