Curvimami Member


  • ^^^Is this correct? Is this how you did it? Thats an amazing loss for 4 months, I must say. Congrats!! Here's to a healthier you :drinker:
  • Hey!!!! Always here!!!
  • NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! you cut it!!!!??? Well, I guess it was for the best.. No use in having long hair if its a fried No worries Love you're still beautiful and it will grow back in no time. XOXO :flowerforyou:
  • You look great!! Doesnt look like you are doing anything wrong. Your body seems to be pretty close to goal , and pretty fit as well, because of this it may take you a while to get those last few lbs off. If your body is still changing than you are still progressing.
  • Wow, 150 is fat for 5'6"!?? Hmmm what was I thinking, my goal weight is 155-160.smdh
  • Martin Friends Seinfeld The King of Queens A Different World/The Cosby Show
  • 0.65!!?? Lovely!!! Mine is .71. 32 inch waist 45.5 inch hips
  • My goal weight is 160, which is the same goal weight I had for last December based off my initial losses last year. I slowed down tremendously and hit a couple long plateaus and I am at 180 9 months later :ohwell: .
  • 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/01: 60min 8/03: 50min 8/04: 45min 8/06: 40min 8/07: 39min 8/09: 60min 8/11: 58min 8/12: 67min 8/13: 36min 8/14: 40min 8/15: 74min 8/19: 40min 8/20: 80min 8/21: 58min 8/22: 90min 8/23: 40min 8/24: 55min 8/26: 36min 8/27: 16min 8/28: 40min 8/29: 40min 8/31: 95min Time to date: 1169 min Total time left:…
  • 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/01: 60min 8/03: 50min 8/04: 45min 8/06: 40min 8/07: 39min 8/09: 60min 8/11: 58min 8/12: 67min 8/13: 36min 8/14: 40min 8/15: 74min 8/19: 40min 8/20: 80min 8/21: 58min 8/22: 90min 8/23: 40min 8/24: 55min 8/26: 36min 8/27: 16min 8/28: 40min Time to date: 1024 min Total time left: 416 min (6.9 hrs…
  • 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/01: 60min 8/03: 50min 8/04: 45min 8/06: 40min 8/07: 39min 8/09: 60min 8/11: 58min 8/12: 67min 8/13: 36min 8/14: 40min 8/15: 74min 8/19: 40min 8/20: 80min 8/21: 58min 8/22: 90min 8/23: 40min 8/24: 55min 8/26: 36min 8/27: 16min Time to date: 984 min Total time left: 456 min (7.6hrs remaining)
  • 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/01: 60min 8/03: 50min 8/04: 45min 8/06: 40min 8/07: 39min 8/09: 60min 8/11: 58min 8/12: 67min 8/13: 36min 8/14: 40min 8/15: 74min 8/19: 40min 8/20: 80min 8/21: 58min 8/22: 90min 8/23: 40min 8/24: 55min Time to date: 932 min Total time left: 508 min (8.4 hrs remaining)
  • 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/01: 60min 8/03: 50min 8/04: 45min 8/06: 40min 8/07: 39min 8/09: 60min 8/11: 58min 8/12: 67min 8/13: 36min 8/14: 40min 8/15: 74min 8/19: 40min 8/20: 80min 8/21: 58min 8/22: 90min Time to date: 837 min Total time left: 603 min
  • 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/01: 60min 8/03: 50min 8/04: 45min 8/06: 40min 8/07: 39min 8/09: 60min 8/11: 58min 8/12: 67min 8/13: 36min 8/14: 40min 8/15: 74min 8/19: 40min 8/20: 80min 8/21: 58min Time to date: 747 min Total time left: 693 min
  • Amazing!!! You are my inspiration!!! I was 212 last year when I started on MFP and making healthier choices. Congrats on everything!!! :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • ^^^ Exactly this!!!! You are doing something about your situation, dont let those negative insecure women take that from you. Now you have put on 10lbs after all that hard work you put in because THEY are mad??? Clearly they dont have the will power, but you do. Get back at it, take care of you. Giving up isnt going to…
  • 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/03: 50min 8/04: 45min 8/06: 40min 8/07: 39min 8/11: 58min 8/12: 27min 8/13: 36min 8/15: 50min Time to date: 345min Total time left: 1,095min
  • 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/03: 50min 8/04: 45min 8/06: 40min 8/07: 39min 8/11: 58min 8/12: 27min 8/13: 36min Time to date: 295 min Total time left: 1,145min
  • Great NSV!!! YOu've done a fantastic job!!
  • Congratulations on beginning the recovery process, you are quite brave :flowerforyou: Try to think positive thoughts while eating and remember that food (good/healthy food) will help with your quality of life and not take from it. Think of the nourishment the food brings to your body and your health and not of the…
  • Im in as well. This will be my 1st 24 hr Challenge. 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/03: 50min 8/04: 45min 8/06: 40min 8/07: 39min 8/11: 58min Time to date: 232 min Total time left: 1,208min
  • Just out of curiousity, how tall are you? I noticed you have a great shape already and that you are really pretty as well. Why are you trying to lose so much weight? Are you extremely short and/or in physical pain caused by weight?? Thought you should knowt that....Anyways good luck with all your goals!!! :drinker:
  • You are not alone!! I too am a sugar addict . Im not sure that there is any real substitute unless you like fruits and dark chocolate, perhaps angel food cake and frozen yogurt. I dont know :ohwell:
  • ^^^Love this one :love:
  • Im in as well. This will be my 1st 24 hr Challenge. 1,440 min =24 hrs. 8/3: 50min 8/4: 45min 8/6: 40min 8/7: 39min Time to date: 174 min Total time left: 1,266min
  • Indeed!!! The back fat has got to go ASAP!!
  • Nike+ App. Great for tracking runs. Keeps a total of all runs and total miles.
  • Interesting idea emirror, I mean she's gonna cut the relaxed ends off eventually anyways. I wonder if anyone has ever done that before. Side note; Emirror I still think your locs are just gorgeous!! :love:
  • Deep conditioning and twistouts may be good for you during the transition it will help with keeping the hair uniform until you are ready to cut off the rest of the relaxed ends. Emirror is so right about Curlynikki's site as well. Good luck! :wink: My hair starting breaking off as well and its growing all crazy and uneven…