

  • I sympathize and empathize. I am really bad at sticking to a regimen I hate! That seems normal!!! It took me two years of gentle dieting and Curves gym, to lose 20 lbs. Then I totally blew off dieting and exercising this winter. And gained 10 pounds. Maybe, it helps to know myself really deep down. To feel like I'm being…
  • Save money: Aldi has a "cheapo" version of Kashi cereal, Millville GoLean Crunch, that I love. I have 1/2 cup with 1cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (also from Aldi) for breakfast. (Small serving cuz I have 2 snacks and lunch also during the day)
  • Me too. I'm not sure yet what my breakthrough strategy is! I am considering: lower carbs. drink more water. exercise more. take a break (eat more, a la Curves diet plan) and then start over again. cut off an arm. J/K.
  • I agree. Calorically, It's not really a snack, but more like an entire meal. The fiber and protein would help keep you full, if used like a "meal replacement bar". They have vitamins & such too. Just drink a lot of water with it. They tend to sit in my stomach like a lump.
  • I think a cup of water is 8oz. That's how I track it.
  • Thanks, everyone, for giggling with me. However, there will be NO PICS. Sorry. :)
  • I have heard of this. It's a particular soup recipe that you make at home, from scratch, right? It goes around the internet and email where I work, some ladies here have done it. So it's mostly inert, veggie things like cabbage, that fills you up and gives you something 'safe' to be noshing on all day. Nothing wrong with…
  • Yes, also see Geneen Roth's book and writings (also available on Oprah's website).
  • Bumping. need to read this whole thread!
  • Have you read the book The End of Overeating? It describes what the sugary/fatty/salty foods do to your brain, creating cravings and chemical dependency similar to opiates. Kinda gives you pause...scary what we do to our brains without realizing it.
  • Eating Healthy is an interesting side-topic. I mean, if you at 1200 calories per day of snickers bars, or, 1200 calories per day of veggies/leanmeat/etc. would your body react differently? It would be interesting to perform this experiment. Another idea I had is something simple like ELIMINATING SUGAR.
  • Thanks for the link, that is a cool blog! And I've never heard of Operation Beautiful, it sounds like a blast!
  • LOL. flappy hanging... I have one too. It remains to be seen if it'll disappear, although it IS a tiny bit smaller after losing 8 lbs. So I still hold out hope. :)
  • Don't give up! It's taken me 3 MONTHS to lose 8 lbs! You're doing great. Just keep plugging away. Sometimes it takes a long time (usually!) , but the math doesn't lie. Just like saving or investing... before you know it, it will be a few months later and a few more pounds will be gone. And one day, surprise, those old…
  • For a change, make Earthy-Crunchy Hippie Oatmeal: toast regular rolled oats in saucepan (dry) until slightly brown. Add chopped nuts, cinnamon, dash salt, enough water to moisten. Don't cook till mush, but sort of 1/2 cooked.
  • LOL. What does an ab look like? I don't know if I'd know one if I saw it. That's GREAT!
  • So, it's interesting, that a large percentage of us are shooting for a weight goal that was last experienced at least 15 or 20 years ago... I guess what that means to me, is that we expect to achieve that change in 1 or 2 years, that took us 15 or 20 years to create. Kind of amazing, in many ways. To attempt, to achieve,…
  • I'm bringing a beautiful Fruit Salad! The main dish is ham and scalloped potatoes, so I thought fruit salad would be a refreshing side dish. Also there will be little kids there who will enjoy it, I think. I got some of those HUGE globe grapes, and kiwis, fresh pineapple, apples, and oranges. I might scatter some dried…
  • Rusks - what a fun idea. I haven't had one in ages. My Mom used to get them. I think she used to make "fancy breakfast" on them, like eggs benedict (instead of an english muffin). They're like a very dry crunchy circle of bread - they come in tubular bags like rice cakes, I think.
  • I believe it's by % of body weight lost. There's another contest which is to go by BMI number, but I chose the weight loss option.
  • Happy Hanukkah to you too! I always have latkes with applesauce. My Mom's recipe: cook apples (with skins on) & mash in the food mill. No added sugar or spices. Tastes wonderful! Oh, and she'd always throw in a plum or red grapes to make it pink. :smile:
  • THANK YOU! Those eating suggestions are great. Much better than eating a Snickers bar to make up the calorie deficit! I'm still experimenting with how to keep my metabolism going... it's tricky!
  • Seems like phase III of the Curves diet plan is a type of calorie shifting.
  • I've been trying to read about it on the internet. Part of the theory is to confuse your body about what calorie intake to expect. They suggest you do it on a schedule to make sure you aren't inadvertently doing it in a predictable (to your body) pattern. All I know is, I lost weight over Thanksgiving, and I think it's…
  • I like to drink hot or warm water, instead of cold. Cold water makes me feel sort of sick, too. But hot or warm water, makes me feel good and seems easier to drink.
  • ALDI also has a version of flatbreads - whole grain has 100 cal and lots of fiber, delicious and cheaper! Although last week I didn't see them in the store - I hope they are still carrying them!
  • I think you hit the nail right on the head, numerous times. I agree wholheartedly, and BRAVO! It's all about loving yourself!