I think that is great! I am a little bit older, and even though I have started to really get into exercising a lot more than I was, the weight is coming off VERY SLOWLY. I would be thrilled to death If I lost that much in a year. Good for you for not throwing in the towel after that long plateau. You look great!
Have you ever read the book The Beck Diet Solution? I have been on sooo many diets in my life, only to regain the weight when I was done. I am using this book right now. It is supposed to train your brain to think like a thin person. She lets you pick out whatever diet you want to use, but teaches you how to think about…
AMAZING! Congrats on all your hard work.
My starting weight is 189.0
I love pumpkin pie! This is low calorie and will satisfy my sweet tooth!
Hi! My name is Linda and I would love to join the 6-8 lb. loss group. Thanks for doing this!
Fantastic! What an accomplishment - you truly should be so proud of yourself! :smile:
I was wondering the same thing!
You look amazing! Congratulations!
I was just at a Pampered Chef party last week. (NO, I am not a rep!) They have a new product where you can make chips in the microwave that took no time at all and you could use whatever seasoning you wanted on them. They actually were pretty good. and much healthier than out of a bag. Maybe that would help with your…
Yes you can tell! Keep it up!:smile:
I just read your post. This could be my story as far as the weight loss/regain goes (along with millions of other people I suppose). I have always been a bit overweight, then obese. Five years ago I did a plan locally called MPS (metabolic profile system) where I lost over 40 lbs, but there was no support system when you…