Here we go again!

nabali Posts: 6 Member
Hello there,
After reading a couple of posts I guess we are quite a few who have already tried the "that's it! Monday is the first day in my new healthy skinny life".. Then comes Monday and some diet wrecking coworker brings in pastries to the office, and you're back to square one!

I have been on so many diets that I stopped counting, but I did actually loose some weight (and kept it off!!) more than one year ago. The diet was as follows: dump your boyfriend of 4 years, become very sad, have no appetite, start smoking instead of eating, start drinking coffee instead of water.. I did this "crap diet" for 4 months and lost 13 kg (sorry, I'm a euro girl, don't know the US measures..). I'm not recommending this diet to anyone at all, but to be quite honest it's the only thing that ever worked for me.

After that I meet my husband and lost another 6 kgs before our wedding.. let's call this diet "panic,-i'm-wearing-a-tight-white-dress-and-everyone-will-stare-at-me" diet. This diet consisted of 3 intense month of: salad, fruits, cardio training everyday (really, every day). So, out on the other side of the wedding I just couldn't do it anymore. I went to the US, I had burgers, I had cheesecake, I had all the stuff that was oh so forbidden for so long. I was really craving all kinds of foods, so I regained all of those 6 kgs right back.

Since almost a year now I'm trying to get rid of the 6 kgs again because admittedly I was perfectly satisfied with my body (for the first time like EVER) at my wedding. I need to be back to 59 kg, which ladies and gentlemen, is my dream goal weight.

So, this is a request for friends, fellow dieters, motivation, support or just someone who can understand 9 pm cravings for chocolate and all you can have is an unsweetened cup of tea.

Hope to hear from you guys!


  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    I hear ya! I did the "divorce diet" too! lost an extra 10 after losing 40 over the course of 3 years. Not to mention the 180 I lost when I left the him! But a new love later and I've pretty much gained all by 20 back but I'm emotionally happier and back on track. I hope no one brings in those Boston Creme Munchkins from Dunkin Donuts. :)

    the 180 is a reference to him specificall. lol :)
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    LOL I love it. Alright Im in with ya. Today is Monday and the first day of my 4mth goal of loosing 38pds. Reasons? Ive got lots of them, wedding, work trip to Panama with all men co-workers, sick of being lazy blah blah blah.
    I have also tried every single diet and never make it. Actually I did once but I totally removed myself from society and was a hermit. Lost 30pds but slowly gained it all back plus an extra 8.
    Im currently going to do the Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno. Seems the sensible route.
  • nabali
    nabali Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys! So nice of you answering so fast! The hermit lifestyle I do know. I did it before the wedding, but it has a tendency of sucking all the "fun" out of your life when you always have to say "No" to everything! This time I might do the clean eating thing. It appeals to me (even though I'm not very good with high diet standards... read "Skinny *****" and watched a scary youtube clip on animal cruelty in the slaughterhouses, went anti meat, diary and wheat for a week.. but all of that is back in my diet now...)
  • translinda
    translinda Posts: 26 Member
    Have you ever read the book The Beck Diet Solution? I have been on sooo many diets in my life, only to regain the weight when I was done. I am using this book right now. It is supposed to train your brain to think like a thin person. She lets you pick out whatever diet you want to use, but teaches you how to think about food and be conscious of what you are eating through cognitive therapy. It actually is a book that you learn/practice something a day at a time for six weeks, and then for the rest of your life. Actually you don't even start a diet until 2 weeks in. I can't say it is a total success with me yet, but I really believe it is helping me. Just another option.