

  • My Half is in October too buddy! And it's my first one too! I'm excited for you :)
  • There are TONS of resources online but the ones I point people to most often are the Couch to 5k programs and getting the right shoe. It sounds silly but it makes a huge difference. Go to a local running store, not just any sports store and have them fit you. You should try on many many pairs! Good luck!
  • THIS Hilarious! I call myself a runner, and I never bounce while waiting for traffic. I pause my Nike+ and scowl at my inability to "make the light" LOL
  • Sounds like you are quite slim at the moment so you might have to find peace with your shape. I'm 5'5 and only have a 29" inseam. My legs are short but strong. In the past I was always insecure about them but when i started running I started appreciating them a lot more. Just yesterday my coworker commented "Your calves…
  • Staying off the scale until Saturday morning. (That's my weigh day, and the one I've been recording on here) I have a hard time not over analyzing small changes. Switching things up by running 2 of my 5 five runs longer than I have been. Hydrating!!! (I think we all say this off and on, for me, sometimes I'm just running…
  • I love diet dr pepper. I don't log it, and I easily have one a day. I just don't see the point in regular full flavoured soda. EXCEPTION: Really good ginger ale or ginger beer as a treat, usually combined with whiskey. :)
  • Occasionally, but never more than doing my day early, the day of. If I know what I'm having for breakfast and taking to eat at lunch I will log it and then edit it if needed. Usually it just helps me know what I can have for dinner when I'm figuring out what to make.
  • I'm all over the place. Today I worked out from 4-6 pm but other days I get up early, or go on my lunch break. I really want to get in the habit of making mornings my time but it's so hard for me to fall asleep before 12-1am. I think sleep is extremely important though. I wouldn't cut my sleep down to anything below 6…
  • <3 it! I'm a huge XKCD fan!
  • I sweat like it's my job. I love it. It's getting worse (BETTER) the more consistently I train. I love the way it feels and looks. Just the other day after a run I was thinking "Damn, this is hot, why is no one around to see me lookin so hot n sweaty!" LOL Keep it up!
  • Working out 6 days again this week. Only made it to weight train once last week so I'm determined to get in two this week. Probably limit my alcohol a bit more than last weekend. I need to stick to 3 drinks, not 5! I have a really busy week at work so I'm not going to have as much free time as I'd like so I'm a bit nervous…
  • I'm sorry but I think this is ridiculous. Pregnancy is something you can control. Condoms, vasectomy, etc.
  • I love this quote I heard somewhere: "If you diet you look good in your clothes, if you exercise you look good naked" I've weighed less than I do right now and felt/looked worse. Working out is sooooooooooo important for me to feel good and to look great!
  • Our summers are mild here in Eastern Washington. Even on the hottest of days it still gets cool overnight/morning. I'm aiming for 20 miles a week on average, with a raise to 25 in August & September (Half coming up in Oct) So about 80-100 miles a month. Only got in 51 in May, pretty much missed a whole week. :P
  • Oh, and I meant to include that my first 5k was 30 mins almost on the dot. It's crazy how you can shave the number down bit by bit if you are consistently pushing yourself.
  • 28 and some change. I'm gearing up for my next one on July 4th. I'm aiming for 27 or sub 27 (wouldn't that be something!) I've never been fast, but I'm working on it! Good luck with your race!
  • Probably 2-3lbs for that whole 5 days. I try not to get on the scale and make sure to make every workout count. It helps my cramps/mood too! :) Drink a ton of water and avoid alcohol during that time too, I feel like I dehydrate faster or something.
  • 2.9 down. Feel pretty good. Probably won't have a big number to report next week as a result but I'll keep at it just as best as I can! Good job everyone!
  • I'm a sucker for my Nike+. I make a note on the race days. I also found a scrap book on sale at a craft store that contains clear sleeves that fit a race bib perfectly!
  • Doing good, feeling good. Having a "skinny day" at the moment. Makes up for the heavy legged fat day from a few days ago. Real challenge is going to be the weekend. Logging alcohol calories will NOT be fun. ;) Good luck everyone!
  • I'm going to try to make my muscles more of a priority. This means more stretching after runs, more lifting which I hate (goal is 2x a week) and getting my protein in everyday. Good luck everyone! Looking forward to Sunday weigh in!
  • This is awesome! I added my info and saw there was another person in my home town in the challenge! Super cool!
  • 5'5 138.5
  • I just started measuring my pasta. It's not a big deal because I was only eating about 1 1/2 servings w/o measuring before. Then I load it up with my sauce which is mostly veggies, tons of squash, mushrooms, onions and zucchini with the tomato sauce just there to fill it out a bit. I don't order pasta when I eat out…
  • LOL! I'm anti cleanse. I know people who are on yo-yo cleanse cycles. It's like they get addicted to the fast "results" then shoot back the other way and repeat. Can't be good for you.
  • It depends on the situation for me. Ideally I like to run with as little on me as possible. I hate bulky clothes, and would run naked if I could! If I'm running in my neighborhood I would usually just slip my key in a pocket and go. Unfortunately I have had to start thinking about safety. I woman in my neighborhood was…
  • Oh and right now I'm at 138.5 and I'm 5'5. :)
  • I always stop, but I'm a crazy person who jumps at the opportunity to talk to new people.
  • I love a good competition. I'm 1.5 lbs into my 10 lb weight loss goal. I just started last week though so I think I could still qualify for your competition? If you want to add me go ahead! Always looking for more motivated friends!
  • Cool visual for body fat percentage. I was tested last week (By Kneeki up there!) and was 28%. I definitely look the most similar to the picture of the girl that is supposedly at 25%. I think one thing that is a problem I see among my girlfriends is the "skinny fat" phenomenon. Being smaller girls (most of us are 5'3-5'6…