What difference does it make? They asked for ideas, not an argument. I make rice, beans, chicken, fish, or some combination of those on Sunday with enough to eat for a few meals for a few days. Tuna, prepackaged salads, hard boiled eggs or egg sandwiches.
I am starting at 300 and would like to lose 100 pounds. I've done this so many times, I don't know how I got back here.
i monitor daily but I don't log minor day -to-day changes because when I lose it again it adds to my "total pounds lost" and makes me feel like a fraud because I lost the same 5 pounds 3 times
wedding dresses are typically made in european sizes, which run about two sizes smaller than American sizing. She probably ordered the wrong size. It looks great on you, but if you can't move around comfortably in it, I'd make her fix it.
strawberry, mango, celery, zucchini, squash, broccoli
if you were wearing the same clothes 30 lbs ago, the fabric would be stretched differently too because your body was different then. my advice would be to focus on building a wardrobe of clothes that look good and make you feel good. get rid of anything ill fitting or that makes you doubt how well you're doing.…
I'm having this problem too
I ate salad with my pasta and bread...and brownie with ice cream. does that count?
baked oatmeal and a banana
I have gotten really bad headaches without coffee but I started drinking less overall, maybe 10 Oz a day instead of 20-30, and put less cream/sugar in it to take away some of the calories. then I drank it every other day, now usually only on weekends.
I like them when I'm in a hurry but only drink them occasionally, and only the advanced nutrition ones, because the others have a ton of sugar. If you drink them too fast they make you very ill for several hours (use your imagination).
I had them this morning with milk, frozen blueberries and blackberries, and a couple chocolate chips. delicious.
exercise! I'm so bad at that.
are you still counting calories? using a food scale? and congratulations on your pregnancy!
do they fit differently? I've lost almost 30 lbs and haven't bought any new pants yet...but my old pants had gotten a bit tight and now they are a little too big...not quite a size yet though.
you don't have to eat that much but you're most likely not eating enough. try to eat at least the 1330
I like to keep the shakes on hand because they make for a quick breakfast or snack when I'm feeling particularly busy or lazy, same goes for the bars/snacks, but I can't imagine maintaining a diet that primarily consists of those things. no thanks! everything in moderation.
It made my heart rate jump through the roof. about 110 bpm at rest!
you look amazing! Awesome!
I lost almost 110 pounds, and then gained 40 back. I gotta get this right this time! Feel free to add me for support, and good luck to you!
DONE, killed it. Thanks for the challenge :)
If you're collapsing and still refuse to eat more, not wanting to go to the gym is probably the least of your worries. Seek professional help for that eating disorder.
No twin for me yet... 5'8 sw:285 cw:183 gw:170ish
i drink a glass of wine every once in a while. I usually cut it with sprite zero to lessen the sugar content and calories.
I really like the superfruit unity. Teavana always has a flavor or two you can sample when you visit there store, so I always try to make note of which ones I like. Most of them are really good, but a few are too terrible to spend all that money on without trying it first.
You look amazing! Truly inspirational....Great job!
I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder several years ago. I took Celexa for a while and I think that it helped with the anxiety but it had some side effects that I just couldn't deal with. I have found that working out daily or at least every other days helps me to control my anxiety without medication a lot.…
Twilight...I don't understand why this is all over the internet...
You look great! You have both done an amazing job. Congratulations!
Amazing transformation...Truly inspirational. You go girl!!