

  • Not sure what babydolls is?? But I am a paralegal
  • @Mavrick financial analyst...
  •'s always water :happy:
  • Love your hair color and the fact that you have Cole in your userID...thats my nickname!
  • Wasn't sure based on a bicep for a profile pic, then I saw you are a car guy and that mayyyy have won me over!
  • Happy Birthday to all you December babies!!! The best babies of all ;) I will be turning 26 on the 16th, and couldn't be happier to have another happy and healthy year. Enjoy all!
  • a very festive and joyful santa
  • In response to this post...when I first met my boyfriend he was not interested in seeing me seriousy because I was physically heavier than the kind of woman he is typically attracted to. We still hung out and spent time together and he saw that over the course of a couple of months, that I was dedicated to eating right and…
  • I myself am a runner as well, and I have ridiculous leg muscles...especially considering I am a girl (my 6 day a week gym gonig boyfriend is jealous of my calf muscles) So I can understand your desire to avoid leg workouts, however, running doesn't work the muscles and by strengthening them (NOT building them) you would be…
  • Exercise will definitely give you more opportunity and flexibility with your dinner selection. But, you may also want to evaluate what other high caloric meals you are eating throughout the day. Maybe a rehaul of your calorie allowance would provide you with a more substantial calorie balance by dinner time. It's all about…
  • Every individual person will react differently to birth control. While some may see little to no effect others may be impacted greatly. Most forms of birth control (pill, implanation, shot) are common causes of weight gain. I have experienced weight gain with most forms of birth control, except for the Nuva Ring. I spoke…
  • This is a funny story for a lot of our friends and family. I was working at the gym he had been working out at for 3-4 years. I saw him every Monday-Friday and thought he was so incredibly handsome, but I thought that he was entirely out of my league. One of his friends (Mike), who was also a co-worker and his workout…
  • Hi there! Sounds like you are on the right should definitely be listening to your body, but, don't be afraid to set goals for yourself too. This may encourage you to push yourself a bit more. Tell yourself today I'll run for "x" amount of minutes, or "x" distance. I still do this to myself even though I've been…
  • Hi there! Sounds like you are on the right should definitely be listening to your body, but, don't be afraid to set goals for yourself too. This may encourage you to push yourself a bit more. Tell yourself today I'll run for "x" amount of minutes, or "x" distance. I still do this to myself even though I've been…
  • I mix it with balsamic vinaigrette or sometimes pesto. Adds a little flavor and life to my tuna :)
  • When I stopped taking birth control the weight came off, but not immediately. It still takes work to lose the weight. Also, if you ever wanted to take birth control without the risk of weight gain, Nuva Ring is wonderful. I've been consistently losing weight even while being on it for 6+ months.
  • I am usually an avid morning runner, however, due to scheduling or just plain tiredness 4:30 am does not always happen. The reason why you are probably feeling sluggish is first thing in the morning, you've got nothing in your stomach so you're body is not working to process anything--just burns off stored fat. After a day…
  • It shouldn't be. I am so in love with my boyfriend who is 5'8'' to my 5'6''. He's everything I want in a man, his height is insignificant.
  • When I feel down, I go running or head to my pilates studio. Refocusing myself by getting active and getting the endorphins flowing always helps :smile:
  • Ignore everyone else and focus on you. Keep up the hardwork, it takes time to recognize the changes in your body. But be proud of your accomplishments, and never use someone else's body as the "norm".
  • Pilates will NOT shrink belly fat. A balanced, low fat, low calorie diet in combination with a very intesive cardio workouts will help you lose belly fat. I love Pilates and it is helping to tone and define my core, however, I also run 5-6 days a week and burn a TON of calories. You will never see the results of Pilates…
  • Cardio with any ankle injury is going to be painful. Not too long ago I had a grade III sprain in my right ankle and wasn't supposed to start running until June, well, believe me when I say I only made it about 3 weeks without running. I currently have tendonitits in that ankle. You may not like what I say, but please heed…
  • Sadly, this has happened to me and I firmly believe that this will and has happened to anyone who is putting in a strong effort to improve themselves. My mother was the worst offender. She would always tell me I couldn't stick to it, she would make my favorite comfort foods, and generally, whether she realized she was…
  • When I first started running, I lost weight. My muscle tone did change, but, not to the extent of a large gain of muscle or bulk. With running and food, it can be easy to gain weight. If you want specific advise reach out to me, I know it can be hard to balance running and weight loss but 10 lbs attributed to muscle gain…
  • Hi there! I used to weigh 226 lbs and set a goal for myself to 1) lose weight and 2) complete a 5k. I did both and in the process fell in love with running. I'm now down to 151 lbs and run 6 days a week and am currently training for a half marathon in October. Eating habits change with the type of running you do, but, set…
  • First off, do not be concerned. When I first started making diet changes and working out at 5'6'' 226 lbs, the weight came flying off and quickly. As your body adjusts to your changes you will probably slow down and plateau, a normal progression with weight loss. Just be careful if'/when you do decide to stop dieting. If…