running makes me tired in the pm... ???

Does anyone else have this problem or have any ideas as to why...

I usually do my cardio in the AM & love a good run in the am, wakes me right up.
but on cardio days if I get bass ackwards & run at lunch, i still feel great, until i get back to work - then i am completely dead...

My am workouts are on an empty stomach - just works for me
my afternoon workouts I've eaten throughout the day - and never feel this way after I strength train in the pm soo...

just curious...


  • jooonesy
    jooonesy Posts: 86 Member
    I think I understand what you mean. When I run in the morning, I feel energized for the rest of the day (unless I manage to run too much, like 7-8 miles), then I'm physically checked out at work. Sometimes I take spin during my lunch hour and I'm so sluggish for the rest of the day, but in my mind I'm so happy I did it.

    I usually run on Wednesday mornings but I missed yesterday so decided to run last night. While I ran further and longer, my body was so tired after 4 miles which isn't typical.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    ya. I wonder why that is, b/c in the middle of the day or evening, my body has had food & water to fuel me - yet it wears me completely out!

    It was hard to pick up a spoon to eat with yesterday! lol
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    Yep I get this too, if I do my exercise pretty early, come mid afternoon I'm like a zombie! I actually fell asleep for a while today because I did cardio early today!
  • fabfindz05
    fabfindz05 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm right there with you! I feel great after a run, but around 3 or 4, I'm drained. It could be because I'm not a morning person and I run at 5am, but I've made a point to be in bed by 9 the night before a run.
  • nayers86
    nayers86 Posts: 60
    I am usually an avid morning runner, however, due to scheduling or just plain tiredness 4:30 am does not always happen. The reason why you are probably feeling sluggish is first thing in the morning, you've got nothing in your stomach so you're body is not working to process anything--just burns off stored fat. After a day of eating/drinking, your body is working to break down those nutrients and also has been functioning for hours. Anything done in addition to that will cause you to feel more tired. Also what you're eating prior to running could attribute to that sluggish feeling. I sometimes feel that way in the evenings, but I'm usually all fired up and ready to do things anytime I finish a run.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    I am usually an avid morning runner, however, due to scheduling or just plain tiredness 4:30 am does not always happen. The reason why you are probably feeling sluggish is first thing in the morning, you've got nothing in your stomach so you're body is not working to process anything--just burns off stored fat. After a day of eating/drinking, your body is working to break down those nutrients and also has been functioning for hours. Anything done in addition to that will cause you to feel more tired. Also what you're eating prior to running could attribute to that sluggish feeling. I sometimes feel that way in the evenings, but I'm usually all fired up and ready to do things anytime I finish a run.

    Usually just my am snack w/in an hr of running in the afternoon. Which amounts to fruits or cottage cheese, something light. Then I down my protien afterwards. I thought this might be the case, but dismissed it b/c i don't feel this way the rest of the wk when i strength train at lunch.... course, i guess, it could be b/c strength training focuses on specific groups thus just those groups would be tired, where as running takes my whole body to do so itsa more overall exhausted feeling???