


  • MissRemmers
    This is an awesome and inspirational post! Way to go girl!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    I just downloaded the C10K and we'll see. I can run a slow 5k, but I want to do more! This app ooks good though. Also remember you also need muscle to lose mix it up - lift and run - just not on the same day :) Good luck!!!
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    I have started running, I HATE IT, but I do it,,,makes me feel more accomplished. I run at a high school track which is much easier than the track at a local park that is concrete and has many ups and downs. I started (7/2) walking 2 - 2.5 miles monday through friday, then slowly adding in a jog (slow as in, the beginning I could only jog 1/2 a lap and then walk 1/2 lap),,,every 4 days I doubled what I was jogging. my initial goal was to be able to run 1 mile straight by the end of the summer. My accomplishment: I am upto 11 laps (2.75 miles) as of last wednesday, averageing 12.5 mins per mile.

    Now, for example, I can just pick up and run a mile without even thinking about it.....makes me feel incredible:happy:

    (oh, and I am an asthma patient, and I have been able to accomplish this without any inhalers) now thats feeling good.

    weight loss: 8 lbs for july

    good luck and slow and steady wins the race, your pace and small challenges so you dont get burned out.

    and dont forget your rest day!!
  • halejr23
    halejr23 Posts: 294
    Totally agree with the folks bringing up
    Follow the program - if you have to repeat a week do it and don't worry about. Take it slow and easy, concentrate on form and DO NOT worry about speed. Your body will adjust and, who knows, you may become addicted like a lot of us here on MFP.
  • hfzimmerman
    hfzimmerman Posts: 200 Member
    What is HIIT? In the past I'be walked a lot, done zumba, 30 day shred and started p90x but recently my doctor told me to hold up on p90x until I lose some weight/ get in better shape
  • icreate
    icreate Posts: 60
    great result :smile:
  • nayers86
    nayers86 Posts: 60
    Hi there! I used to weigh 226 lbs and set a goal for myself to 1) lose weight and 2) complete a 5k. I did both and in the process fell in love with running. I'm now down to 151 lbs and run 6 days a week and am currently training for a half marathon in October. Eating habits change with the type of running you do, but, set a date pick a race and sign up. The easiest goals to achieve are those that are set. Don't worry about weight while you're training, don't touch a scale nothing. Wait until after your race and see what you've accomplished. Weight will decrease, and, after finishing a road race you'll feel so beyond motivated any other goal you thought was unattainable is within your reach!
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    I started losing weight a little over 4 months ago now and every day of those 4 months I ran every morning, Still do (I haven't missed one day). I started off running 1 minute and walking 2, running 2 minutes walking one, running 3 minutes walking 1. I was going to slowly build myself up but one day I woke up and said "I'm going to run today and not stop till I have to and see how long I can run for". I now run 2 miles in 20 minutes. I am working my way up to going faster and longer so that I can run a half marathon and eventually a full marathon.

    you really should take a rest day every now and then. Your body needs them to recover and get stronger and better.

    I started running because I splurged on a treadmill $200 for a $1,200 TM at Sears Outlet :) and I was determined to actually use it. I started with intervals until I could run awhile and then transitioned outdoors. Now I only use the treadmill during really crappy weather and such. My body's gotten leaner and more toned and I just feel better. Eating healthy is still a struggle.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    For sure! I started almost 10 years ago and went from 160 lbs to 125 lbs. It's important to eat healthy or the extra effort starts to feel like a real drag.
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I found running to be the best exercise I ever decided to pursue. I was 190 when I started coming up on 5 years ago. I've found running stabilizes my mood (i'm prone to depression), lifts me up, motivates me to eat better food to better fuel my body. My resting heart rate is in the mid 40s, my bp is on the low end of normal and I'm now 158.5 lbs as of this morning. I've done 5ks and 10ks, but half-marathon is my favorite distance to train for and run. If you have an interest I say DO IT! As others have said, start slow, take your time progressing, follow the C25K program (or a similar slow-building one) and invest in a good pair of running shoes. I hope you develop the love for it that I have. Nothing has ever given me such a sense of accomplishment before.

    HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. Its great for burning massive amounts of calories and revving your metabolism.
  • MariahHubert
    MariahHubert Posts: 103 Member
    If you cannot run (I have a hard time because of my asthma) just fast walk. You need to walk fast enough to get your heart rate up.

    I would definitely recommend you download the C25K app!
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    I finished Couch 2 5K yesterday. I remember when it was difficult to run for 30 secs and now I can for 30 minutes straight. Today I have moved on to Bridge to 10K and it's going great so far. Get yourself a good pair of running shoes and hit the road. If you have no one to run with don't be sad. Turn the pain of loneliness to the glory of solitude.

    I also cut out processed foods and ate more vegetables and the weight has been steadily falling off.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I LOVE c25k. I would not recommend anything else to start a non-runner to becoming a runner. I just stared back (had the flu last year) and I jumped ahead pretty quickly, skipped week5-6 and I start week 7 tomorrow. I honestly love it. I was running at 5mph bc I thought if I didnt run at that, I wasnt running bc it felt to slow. But then I was dreading my 8 min run on Sunday (week 5 day 2) so I turned off the workout and had decided to walk. Well I dropped my speed to a 15.5 min/mile from a 12 min/mile and started to run, though I can walk it, bc its like it feels like you should run, but if you wanted to you could walk it- sort of thing. So as I was running I KNEW I could at least run 7 mins, so I decided to hit that, once I got past that "tired" first 5-6 min I just kept going, impressed with myself and how I wasnt getting so tired (like before). I got to 10 mins of running and felt empowered, decided to do more, then I noticed I had almost run a mile straight without walking, so that became my focus, once I hit that, I was almost at 20 mins striaght, so I changed my goal again.. then I had almost hit 1.5 miles.. By the time I started walking again I had run 25 mins straight, 1.5 miles and it felt AMAZING! so you see.. you just have to find your pace to really get going, and fall in love with it. Don't try going to fast, even "jog" at a slower pace no matter if its a little awkward at first. Give it a go.

    Now I'm not really focusing on the c25k training anymore, since I know I can do a min of 25 mins/ 1.5 miles every other day I am going to increase my distance by .5 miles.. Just pick what fits you best, some ppl workout based on time, some by distance. I burn an average of 400 calories working out for 30 mins, now that I do cardio for 60 mins I burn an average of 700. I weigh roughly 170 right now.

    Lost 7 pounds my first 2 weeks.

    hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • misao1994
    A couple months back I decided I was going to be a runner. I have never been a runner before. Running? What's that. I couldn't even run a 1/4 mile if it was to save my life. But I started a modified version of C25K and I LOVE IT. I ran my first mile about 3 weeks ago, but I restrained my groin because I tore it last September playing tennis. So, I took about 3 weeks off and now I'm re-building my cardio back up. I'm at about 10-11 minutes no stopping and I love it. I haven't reached the "runners high" that is so often talked about by athletes, but when I get home from accomplishing another minute of running, it's a high for me. Can't wait to get to my first 5k then 10k! Woo!
  • Just1Kiki
    Just1Kiki Posts: 16 Member
    I started C25K in October 09. I have since run two half marathons, innumerable 5ks, The Peachtree twice, Warrior Dash twice....the list goes on and on. I am currently training for a full marathon. Long story short, you can do it. Persevere. It is amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it. Don't quit. Start off S-L-O-W and then Slow Down even more. LOL. That was the best advice I got. Don't worry about speed. Just run (jog). Good luck. Friend me...I'll try to motivate you!!!

    Oh, forgot to mention, I've lost 40 pounds since then and look like a totally different person!!! Not to mention I feel phenomenal.

    This is so inspirational! I just googled c25K and I'm starting tomorrow with my AM workout. I always get on the treadmill and do the interval button so just aimlessly walking on randomly changing inclines but with this program and groom myself into a runner. My boyfriend runs 3-4 miles a day and it would be awesome to be able to do it with him. I'm pumped!! I love's opened my eyes to sooo many great things :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Thanks for all the comments. I want to lose weight yes but even more than that I want to reshape my body, if I'm 257 pounds like I am now but I'm fit that's fine with me. I also want to improve my overall health. I have some heart problems so the more I can do to make my heart strong and healthy the better.

    A little OT but...... in light of your existing health problems have you discussed this with your doctor?

    I know most of them will encourage activities that lead to improved cardiovascular fitness but you may want some specific guidance from a health professional in setting up a program that suits your needs rather than using a generic training plan.
  • JessieTangerine
    JessieTangerine Posts: 91 Member
    I've had a lot of success with c25k, but not without a lot of dedication on my part. That being said its TOTALLY worth it!!!! Growing up, I was that kid who had to go to the bathroom to retch after running a slow mile in gym class. I have always wanted to run, but the combination of not being able to breathe and feeling physically ill made me shun the activity.

    C25K is great because it teaches you to go slow and build up to your goals. Gym class was bad because they expected you to already have the ability to run, which I obviously did not possess but c25k teaches you how to run. Now I can run 10miles without stopping or feeling sick. and am slowly upping my mileage so that in a couple years I can begin running in ultra marathons.

    I started running in the hopes of losing weight quicker and being able to go faster on my hikes but I have to admit that I actually lose weight more slowly while running. However, I eat a lot more healthy. Usually I am able to say no to a wine at dinner or desert for breakfast because I know that it will negatively affect my running later. Instead of running to lose weight, I eat healthy and lose weight to help my running and to me that is a success. It has also helped with my hiking and has been amazing at controlling my anxiety.

    *As a heads up, the day where you do 3 sets of a half mile is the most difficult week in the program. I tried the program 3 times before succeeding and each time I stopped on that exercise. If you feel yourself needing to repeat that day go on ahead, but I wouldn't do it more than a couple times. I guarantee the next day will be easier, just move on to that.
  • jennifleurb
    I started losing weight a little over 4 months ago now and every day of those 4 months I ran every morning, Still do (I haven't missed one day). I started off running 1 minute and walking 2, running 2 minutes walking one, running 3 minutes walking 1. I was going to slowly build myself up but one day I woke up and said "I'm going to run today and not stop till I have to and see how long I can run for". I now run 2 miles in 20 minutes. I am working my way up to going faster and longer so that I can run a half marathon and eventually a full marathon.

    With all that being said I have lost 45 lbs in the last 4 months!!! :happy:

    In the past few weeks I have added in strength by doing the 30 Day shred. I also eat extremely healthy and don't ever have "Cheat meals or days". I drink 10-14 cups of water a day and nothing else. Hope this helps :)

    Amazing! :) So motivating! Do you run on a treadmill or outside or both?
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Before I found MFP all I did was run....and I weigh pretty much what I weighed in high school.

    I ran track back then, but since I've run 5ks, 10ks, a half- and full-marathon. I'm currently training for another 8k and half-marathon. Outside of eating right, running is one of the best things you can do!

    I will say though that I've always been a pretty clean eater, so don't forget that aspect of it as well. However, since there is so much good food out there (!) you'll need to up your exercise to see results and running is one way to do it.

    Btw, I've never belonged to a gym and I've only run on a treadmill once or twice in my life ....I'm 45 5'11 167 lbs...I think I was 165 lbs in high school...I'll never give up running...!!!! It's my secret weapon :)

    Start out with C25K and after your first 5k keep making new can do it.
  • cupcakes_
    cupcakes_ Posts: 274 Member
    I do think C25K is a great start, however, I kinda just did my own thing. I walked for a bit, jogged, etc. and slowly built up to longer distances. Believe it or not, I've only been running maybe 4 months or so and now can run up to 6 mi. Trust me, I never in a million years thought I could do it. But....if I can anyone can. I also think it helped me through a weight loss plateau. I read a great quote that applies here: Your mind will give up before your legs do.

    You can do it :)
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